[There are no high-end photolithography machines in mainland China, and the 28nm process technology is really a scam!] - MRT Daily

[The so-called 28nm process is actually another "Hanxin No. 1" incident in mainland China. 】——One Newspaper

[The bottom line has been exposed, Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, Loongson International, and Pangu Semiconductor have committed fraud, which is a shame to the business community!] - Lianhe Daily

[Does such a company still dare to cooperate? Blue Star Electronics was exposed for fraud, and the truth was exposed!] - Free Times

[Decrypting the 28nm process is actually Blue Star Electronics’ way of breaking through. 】——National Times

Fueled by the promotion of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Local mainstream newspapers frantically reported that several parties involved in Blue Star Electronics had committed fraud.

The National Times even went so far as to analyze the purpose and reasons behind Blue Star Electronics' fraud by solving crimes.

According to an analysis by the National Times.

The reason why Blue Star Electronics wanted to create a 28nm process fraud incident was to break the ban on itself by the wafer industry.

Because that's the only way.

Only then can the previously unbreakable industry blockade be loosened.


Blue Star Electronics can secretly collude with Intel, GlobalFoundries and other companies.

28 The National Times also stated confidently.

Originally, Intel, GlobalFoundries, UMC and other manufacturers were unwilling to block Blue Star Electronics before.

But unable to withstand the pressure from the big guys behind it, Blue Star Electronics had to be banned.

The local media, Wanwan, frantically reported on the fraud incident of Blue Star Electronics.

It also attracted major media outlets at home and abroad to report crazy signings.

[Another Hanxin fraud incident? Where should the future of Longguo Chip go?] - 21st Century Business Herald

[Pangu Semiconductor’s 28nm process fraud was exposed, which was actually Blue Star Electronics’ means to break the blockade. 】——Los Angeles Times

[The truth is revealed! What Loongson International obtained is actually 90nm process technology!] - Asahi Shimbun

[28nm process? Or another Hanxin incident?] - Eagle Country Guardian

With extensive coverage by major domestic and foreign media.

It also further escalated the "counterfeiting" incident.


Netizens who were still waiting and watching have taken a stand after being brainwashed by many reports.

"Shame! What a shame! Your face has been exposed internationally!"

"Hey, I'm blind too! I actually believed in Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory before..."

"In fact, when it was revealed that Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory would invest in Loongson International using the 28nm process, I began to doubt it. The domestic technical foundation in this area is so poor, how could it be possible to achieve bending in such a short period of time? Overtaking! Well, now it’s confirmed, it turned out to be another Hanxin No. 1 incident.”

"It's so sad! I never thought that a company like Blue Star Electronics would cheat one day!"

"The Hanxin No. 1 fraud incident made my country's chip semiconductor industry a joke in the industry, and even set back my chip semiconductor industry by five years. Now Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, Loongson International and Pangu Semiconductor Four companies have joined forces to create counterfeit goods. This...does my country's chip and semiconductor industry still have a future?"

"The National Dragon Page severely punishes this false behavior!"

"Blue Star Electronics, Loongson International, Damnima, pay the money! Just because of your fraud, I was directly trapped in a high position, Damn it!"

"I said! Can everyone be more sensible? This seems to be another way to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to discredit Blue Star Electronics. We must believe in Blue Star Electronics and Loongson International!

"That's right! We are all adults and we must make our own judgments. Don't be fooled by some people. We should continue to believe in and support Blue Star Electronics and them!"

"Haha, I'm afraid you two are not the saboteurs invited by Blue Star Electronics and Loongson International."

“You’ve already been exposed, why are you pretending to be innocent? Can’t you stand up like a man and admit that you were wrong?”

The fishing boats on the Internet are very unfriendly to Blue Star Electronics, Long International, etc.

Even if there are a small number of people who believe in the voices of Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, and Loongson International, they are all drowned out by the voices of opposition.

[The head of international lithography machine giant ASML said that ASML has not sold advanced lithography machines to mainland manufacturers such as Loongson International. 】——The Wall Street Times

[Wen Kening, the head of ASML, stated that ASML will continue to follow America’s orders and will not sell high-end lithography machines to mainland customers in Longguo. 】——Fox News

[Jianeng President Xiao Xiu Zeshu said that there are no plans to export 28hm-class advanced lithography machines to Longguo mainland manufacturers. ——Asahi Shimbun

[Chairman Nikang said in an interview recently that Nikang’s 28nm lithography machines will not be exported to Longguo mainland in the next few years. 】——Yomiuri Shimbun

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.


The heads of the three photolithography giant companies, ASML, Canon and Nikang, all jumped out and said that they did not export China's advanced photolithography machines to Longguo Mainland.

As the news was reported.

It is undoubtedly confirmed that there are no advanced photolithography machines available in the mainland.


It is impossible to develop a 28nm process technology.

This time.

Netizens who originally had any illusions about Blue Star Electronics, Loongson International, and Flower Factory were completely shattered.

The mocking abuses poured into four companies including Blue Star Electronics.

"Fuck! You lied to me about your feelings, damn, I smashed my cell phone today, and I will be a loser for the rest of my life!"

"I can accept that Longguo lags behind others in the field of chips and semiconductors, but I cannot accept this kind of deception!"

"Strongly request the relevant departments of the government to investigate the four companies Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, Loongson International and Pangu Semiconductor to see how many of them are fake!"

"I strongly suspect that Blue Star Electronics's shipment data are all fake!"

"Hey, I didn't expect that Blue Star Electronics, Flower Factory, etc., which are known as representatives of domestic technology companies, would actually do this kind of fraud. Is there really any hope for our country in the high-tech field?"

"There is no need to be so pessimistic! Counterfeiting is also committed by a small number of companies such as Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory. 097 I believe that most companies will not do this. Many companies are currently working hard to solve the problem in obscurity. We must have confidence in the future of the country. .”

"That's right! We can't lose confidence in our country's scientific and technological development just because of these few pieces of mouse droppings!"

For a while.

Four companies, Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, Loongson International, and Pangu Semiconductor, have suffered a setback in terms of reputation and have become the rats that everyone wants to beat.


Enterprises such as Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are what everyone calls conscientious enterprises, representatives of domestic high-tech enterprises, and a postcard of the country.


Countless netizens were overwhelmed with anger and disappointment.

Comparing enterprises such as Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory to rat droppings.

Anyway, all kinds of unpleasant words should be directed at Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

For ordinary melon-eating people.

Their ability to discern information is limited.

I saw that on the Internet, overwhelming media were reporting on the fraud of Blue Star Electronics and others, and they were very serious about it.

Even later, lithography machine giants such as ASML, Nikang, and Canon came forward and stated that they did not export advanced lithography machines to Longguo Continent.

This immediately convinced hundreds of millions of melon-eating people that Blue Star Electronics and the others were indeed committing fraud.

They had high expectations for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory before.

So now.

That's how deep their disappointment was.

It is understandable to get carried away and curse Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

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