Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1210 The Final Comments Of The Official Media Are At The Forefront Of The Storm

"Well, now the Internet is criticizing our company miserably, saying that our Blue Star Electronics is a liar company, and that our employees are all big liars. I am speechless. What does it have to do with us little minions?"

"Yeah! I'm so scolded that I don't dare go online anymore."

"Do you think... is it really fake?"

"Maybe... I don't know. No one from above has come forward to say anything."

"I'm afraid Director Lu's reputation is completely ruined now."

"I can understand, after all, the situation the company is facing is difficult. If we don't find a way to break the situation, we will all be laid off next year, but I didn't expect the lie to be exposed so quickly.

"Now those angry netizens on the Internet directly compare Director Lu to Chen Jin No. 2, alas..."

"We are really in big trouble now. Everyone, it's better to consider your options as soon as possible."

Blue Star Electronics Headquarters.

People are panicked because no one at home has the time to go to work.

People gathered together in twos and threes and discussed.

You can hear it in the words.

They themselves began to waver.


Some people even said that they were already looking for a way out.


In the eyes of these people.

Blue Star Electronics’ fraud was exposed.

Once the accumulated chips are used up.

Next year will be the fate of Blue Star Electronics.

Can't get through.

083 I'm afraid we don't have to wait until next year, we will start laying off employees and reducing expenditures this year.

In the opinion of most Blue Star Electronics employees.

Blue Star Electronics is about to enter the cold winter.

Faced with unfriendly fishing boats.

Everyone is looking forward to several parties from Blue Star Electronics coming forward to respond to the doubts.


Neither Blue Star Electronics, Flower Factory, nor Loongson International responded immediately.

As the three major lithography machine giants ASML, Nicon and Canon jumped out and said that they had not exported advanced lithography machines to mainland manufacturers in Longguo.

this day.

The entire domestic fishing reel circle was completely detonated.

Major websites, major media headlines, entertainment information, major social platforms, etc.

Crazy coverage.

Directly refreshed the screen.

[The three major lithography machine giants ASML, Nicon and Canon deny exporting advanced lithography equipment to Loongson International. 】

[Advocating for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.’s crackdown on counterfeiting, ASML, Canon, and Nikang testified, but no one from Blue Star Electronics came forward to respond to the doubts. 】

[It’s real! The Loongson International 28nm process incident is another ‘Hanxin No. 1’ incident in the development of Longguo’s chip semiconductor industry. 】

[A well-known person in the industry broke the news that Lu Yi, Ren Zhengfei, and Zhang Rujin are currently negotiating urgently to solve the problem. 】


(ciei) One piece of news and one report after another.

I would like to explain one thing to the vast number of melon-eating netizens - the fraud is real.

The reason why Blue Star Electronics and Huachang did not respond to the question immediately.

This is because several parties are aware of the difficulty and seriousness of the situation and are discussing solutions internally.

This also made the majority of netizens very angry.

Are you still discussing a solution?

any solution?

Is there a way to shift blame?

The majority of netizens are extremely angry about this.

Whether it is Blue Star Electronics or Flower Factory, they are enterprises that represent domestic conscience and are representatives of Longguo's high technology.

Now the scandal of technical fraud has been revealed.

As a result, the person in charge did not immediately stand up to respond to everyone's doubts and publicly apologize to the outside world.

Instead, like an ostrich, they bury their heads in the sand, close the door, and discuss ways to shirk the blame.

Everyone felt that they were in love with the wrong person.

Countless netizens asked relevant departments to intervene.


Things are going crazy.


The official media have also left.

A large number of official media such as Zige, Youth Daily, Economic News, Science and Technology News, Labor People's Daily, etc. "have commented one after another.

He expressed that Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory must actively and positively respond to the doubts of the broad masses of the people, and cannot be cowardly, let alone pass the blame without responsibility.

A mature and responsible company should have the courage to admit its mistakes when faced with doubts from the outside world.

"Any socially responsible company, in my opinion, is a counterfeiting company!"

"Before, I have always taught my son to learn from Lu Yi, but now, I educate my son not to learn from Lu Yi. He is a coward and has no responsibility as a man."

"Seeing him building a tall building, watching him entertaining guests, watching his building collapse."

"Why can't our country produce world-class companies like Microsoft, IBM, Wal-Mart, etc.? Even star companies such as Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory will make fake products and deceive the people. I understand."

"In the past, there was the Lianxiang Group who betrayed the country in pursuit of glory, and later there were Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory's technology fraud. Our country's corporate reputation is really bad internationally."

"The fraud of Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory has a far-reaching impact. Especially for those companies in the Dragon Kingdom that are going to be listed in America, it is a disaster. Because the relevant departments on America's side, Will they doubt whether the listed companies in our country have the possibility of fraud? Those investors will also doubt whether the company's data has been falsified? Once the seeds of suspicion are planted, it is difficult to explain clearly, so how can they raise funds? Develop and grow?”


Curses abounded.

Many people went to the official V of Blue Star Electronics and Huachang to leave angry messages.


There is technology, but the technology is not as good as humans, so people won’t react in such a big way.

But it is your fault that you lied and deceived the feelings of the broad masses of the people.

Of course.

Netizens who spray blue star electronic flower spray factory undoubtedly have a feeling of hating that iron cannot become steel.

As the saying goes, there is nothing more profound than love and hatred.


At any time, there will be those who stand at the forefront of the limelight and show off their intelligence.

"Hey, didn't you say that your technology is world-leading? Haha, it turned out to be a false lead, so funny!"

"I've finally learned a trick. Don't worry if you don't have this skill. You can fake it."

"There was a lot of fuss before, and I thought there was really 28nm process technology. But now the truth has been exposed, the original shape has been revealed, and it has been sprayed into shit, tsk tsk."

"I asked you to dance, now you are happy, haha, my old story has been exposed, just wait to die!"

"Hahaha, it's so happy, it's so happy. It's so exciting to see that the old stories of Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, and Loongson International have been exposed."

If it were the past.

In the face of these outrageous remarks.

The vast majority of netizens who have a pattern will definitely make these Internet tribesmen cry for their fathers and mothers.

but now.

No one has the time to pay attention to these Internet squatters.

Because they are also complaining and scolding.

How can I have the extra mood to pay attention to these young people?


BYAT headquarters.

Wang Chuanfu looked at BYAT's stock price chart.

He was also very anxious.

It was previously revealed that Loongson International obtained the 28nm process, which directly turned the tide.

BYAT's stock price, which had been falling continuously, suddenly stopped falling and rebounded, rising violently.

As a result, I haven't been happy for a few days.

Several companies, including Blue Star Electronics, Huachang and Loongson International, are about to be smashed by netizens.


BYAT's stock price began to plummet again.

It had risen before, but now it has fallen in a more violent way.

This caused Biati heavy losses.


I saw one after another heavyweight media criticizing Blue Star Electronics.

As for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, no one responded.

Even Wang Chuanfu felt unsure.

They all believed that this fraud would be irrefutable.


Blue Star Electronics is finished.

And along with it, their BYD OEM business was also destroyed. .

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