October 20th.

Greece sent a distress email to the EU headquarters, hoping that the EU could lend a helping hand to Greece.

December 8th.

Greece, which has been waiting for a month and a half, has not yet received aid from the EU.

What awaits is the downgrade of Greece's credit rating by Fitch, one of the three major credit rating agencies.

Fitch also downgraded the credit ratings of five banks in Greece.

Fitch said the downgrade decision reflects concerns about Greece's medium-term public finances. Coupled with the poor credibility of Greece's financial institutions and negative policy factors, it is difficult to determine whether Greece can achieve a balanced and sustainable economic recovery. .


What the EU doesn't know is that.

Ignoring Xiwa's cry for help made him a piece of fish on the chopping board.

Those wielding the butcher's knife are not only the three major rating agencies, but also short sellers on the other side of the Atlantic.

Suo Ross teamed up with John Paulson to recreate the 2008 Sky God's arrival in Europa.

Goldman Sachs has also begun launching a plan that has been in the works for ten years.

The short sellers from the Atlantic are ready to hunt for the euro!

The news of the Greek wax explosion caused huge waves in Europe and the United States.


This huge wave was transmitted to the Dragon Kingdom.

Almost immediately.

Major domestic newspapers, media and social platforms have all quoted and reprinted relevant reports from Europe and the United States.

Some media even used extremely exaggerated headlines to hint to the masses that a greater financial crisis is coming.

All of a sudden.

Domestic fishing boats are in an uproar.

Originally, everyone was still angry that Shanghai Microelectronics and Coastal Semiconductor were violently sanctioned, and denounced America's banditry.

The major media also spared no effort to condemn America's officialdom.

But at this moment.

The voices denouncing the sanctions imposed by the American government on Longguo's high-tech companies disappeared.

Instead, there was news that a bigger global financial crisis was coming.

"What's going on? If Bingdao goes bankrupt, Xiwa will also go bankrupt?"

"Barbie is Qing! The financial turmoil caused by the subprime mortgage crisis has just passed, and the results now tell me that thunder is about to explode in Europe, and a more terrifying financial turmoil is about to set off. Damn, are you going to let people live?!! "

"As soon as the news came out, the global stock market plummeted, and everyone's risk aversion sentiment increased significantly. Those who have not yet withdrawn from the stock market should sell quickly. If it is too late, there will be no pants left.

"Don't panic, everyone. This is a common method used by Western media to exaggerate facts and cause panic, thereby causing the stock market to plummet, so as to buy high-quality domestic assets at the bottom."

"It's over! In November, the debt crisis broke out in the United States, and in December, Greece was about to go bankrupt due to its debt crisis. Those who haven't run away now can only be called warriors."

"Let's do it! The financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis has caused a large number of foreign trade companies in the southeast coast to close down. Domestic products cannot be sold, and factories have closed down. Now that the storm has passed, the factories can start operating, and here comes again? Ma Dan, I'd better go back to my hometown and farm!"

"Don't panic, everyone. It's Europe and the United States that should panic. Our financial markets are under control."

Domestic melon-eating netizens are discussing it a lot.

Everyone expressed strong concerns.


Although the financial crisis of 2008 has passed, it still leaves people with lingering fears.

If there is another bigger global financial crisis [it really needs Barbie Q.

Sioux City.

In Lu Yi's villa.

Lu Yi and Lin Qingya were also reading news on the Internet.

Naturally, they were extremely concerned about the news about Xiwa's thunder.

"As you predicted before, Xiwa really exploded, and Europe is on fire right now." Lu Yi said with a smile.

earlier this year.

Lin Qingya once predicted that Xiwa and Bingdao might suffer sovereign bankruptcy.

At that time, many people expressed doubts.

But Bing went bankrupt, and now Xiwa is in trouble again, which completely failed Lin Qingya's prediction at that time.

"Now that the Greek crisis is on the table, do you think the EU will be forced to provide assistance to Greece?" Lin Qingya asked.

"As early as the establishment of the European Union, the Treaty of Maastricht was signed, and EU member states need to be responsible for their own economies."

“Since October, when Greece first sent a distress message to the EU, the EU has always adhered to the principle of ‘no rescue’ and ignored Greece’s cry for help.

"Moreover, President Hans Rimerkel is a firm supporter of the no-rescue principle.

Lu Yi said.

Lin Qingya said: "Do you think the EU will still stand by and watch?"

"It can only be said that the EU will stand by and watch at the current stage, but it is not certain whether it will continue to watch in the future." Lu Yi said.

Lin Qingya nodded and asked, "What should we do now?"


Lu Yi's eyes suddenly became sharp and he said: "Greek is a mine that Goldman Sachs planted for Europe in 10 years. Now the mine is about to explode. The short sellers on Wall Street have been sharpening their knives to cut off the EU." The next big piece of meat is coming. How can we miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

Money, no one can have too much money.


Whether it is Future Group or Blue Star Electronics, they all need money in the process of development and growth.

In particular, chip semiconductor companies such as Coast Semiconductor and Helios Semiconductor need more money.

All this needs to be taken from his small coffers.


"Leave this matter to me."

“I don’t know how much money I can harvest from Europe this time.”

Lin Qingya said, her eyes flashing sharply.




The news of Xiwa's thunder is still fermenting.

It caused widespread panic around the world.

In the capital market, the risk aversion sentiment of countless investors has soared.

Major global stock market indexes such as the Dow, Nasdaq, and Big A have either plummeted or continued to fall in recent days.


Investors are very worried about the explosion of Greek wax.

If Greece breaks out and drags Europe down, then global finance will really be ruined.

at this time.

Who dares to see too much?

Basically they are all bearish!

Big A is not allowed to short-sell, so there is no other way. Everyone can only withdraw money from the stock market and wait and see.

December 11th.

Greek Prime Minister Pampadreou held a press conference and disclosed that the national debt has reached 300 billion euros, a record high.


Pampadreou's purpose is to once again send a message to the EU - we really can't afford so much money, come and save us.

As soon as the news came out.

The market is more panicked.

This is not over yet.

December 12th.

A report that Greece is about to default on its debt is circulating in the market.

Rumors that Xiwa is about to explode have enveloped the entire capital market.

Who wrote this report?

Goldman Sachs!

For a while.

The market is more panicked.

Countless investors accelerated their flight from riskier assets, and the stock market plummeted further.

Remarks that he hopes to become the next Lehman are spreading wildly in the market. .

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