Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1241: Focusing On Arm And Confused Intel

"Director Lu, what do you think of Goose Factory's restart of QQ?" Lu Qi asked.

Lu Yi said with a smile: "We have to admit that although Brother Ma was beaten badly by us in the past few years, his business sense is still very keen."

Hear the words.

Lu Qi nodded.

He also recognized this.

Of course.

Not just Ponyboy.

Rebus is also a figure not to be underestimated.

“In the PC era, QQ is the undisputed dominant player in the domestic social field.

"We had a fight back then and ended up losing miserably, which led to the closure of QQ-."

"Brother Ma has sensed that the next trend is coming, and he is ready to restart QQ."

"However, after all, it is no longer the goose factory that once dominated domestic social circles."

Lu Yi said meaningfully.

this day.

Yang Fei and his party had stayed in Hans Country for half a year.

Finally returned to China.

It was different from the last time he briefly returned to China to put pressure on Infinelen.

This time.

Yang Fei and the others successfully completed the acquisition mission and returned.

The first time I returned to the company.

Yang Fei came to Lu Yi's office and reported to Lu Yi.

After the report.

Lu Yi greatly praised Yang Fei and his team.

It said that this time they used 1.4 billion meters of gold to successfully acquire Infineon's wireless business, which made great contributions to the company.

Of course.

Lu Yi didn't just stop at verbal praise.

Instead, he took out a bonus that would make people jealous.

Yang Fei, the leader, was directly rewarded 1 million by Lu Yi with a wave of his hand.

Then another 4 million was allocated and asked Yang Fei to distribute it to the people below.

This reward made Yang Fei smile from ear to ear and thanked Lu Yi repeatedly.

As an elite in the company, his annual salary is over one million, which is not low.


He was very excited to be awarded a year's salary.

Although he knew that Lu Yi was very generous to his employees, he would definitely give them material rewards.

But he didn't expect that Lu Yi would directly reward him 1 million.

If the other 4 million is divided, other personnel can also receive bonuses of hundreds of thousands.

"Yang Fei, the case of acquiring Infineon's wireless business has come to an end. Next, I have another task for you!" Lu Yi said.

Yang Fei's smile faded and he said seriously: "What mission?"

"Do you know ARM company?" Lu Yi asked.

Yang Fei nodded: "Of course. ARM is a joint venture of Fruit Company, Nokia, Acorn, VLSI, Technology and other companies. It is the world's leading semiconductor intellectual property provider and plays a core role in the development of digital electronic products.

"If I remember correctly, the Kunlun core of Pinnacle mobile phone owned by Blue Star Electronics uses the core architecture of ARM."

Lu Yi nodded and said: "Yes, therefore, ARM is very important to Blue Star Electronics."

Yang Fei wondered: "What Director Lu to acquire ARM?"

"I would like to acquire ARM, but that's not realistic." Lu Yi shook his head and smiled, "Not to mention whether ARM is willing to sell, but if there is some news that we want to acquire ARM, I'm afraid Europe and the United States will Jump out and oppose the obstruction at the first opportunity."

"ARM's wireless business is different from Infineon's. Europe and the United States never want us to get ARM's technical intellectual property rights.

"But in order to ensure that ARM will continue to supply us in the future, we can only prepare for a rainy day."

"If acquisition is not possible, see if it is possible to invest in ARM?"

"Now there is a thunderstorm crisis in the Eurozone, the European market is in turmoil, and a large number of investors have fled collectively. Companies like ARM that burn money will have a very difficult time in such a very bad environment. This gives gave us a chance.”

"As long as you can become a shareholder of ARM, you will have a certain say within ARM. At least you can protect Blue Star Electronics and provide a layer of insurance.

Yang Fei nodded to express his understanding.


He was really afraid that Lu Yi would really ask him to find a way to acquire ARM, because it was unrealistic.

Of course.

If a company from an island country or a cold country were to acquire ARM, the resistance would not be so great.

But if it is a Longguo company, and it is a Longguo company with strong strength.

Even if the Yingguo government doesn't stop it, America will jump out and object.

If you invest in ARM, there will be operability.

"No problem, I will ask my people to collect relevant information later..." Yang Fei said.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "Don't be so anxious. You have just returned to China. Let's rest for ten days and a half first and relax.

To this.

Yang Fei had no objection.

.........Please give me flowers...

After sending Yang Fei away.

Lu Yi went to Helios Semiconductor Company and handed over the relevant technologies brought back by Yang Fei and others to the people in the R&D department.

The original intention of the establishment of Helios was to solve Blue Star Electronics' worries about baseband chips.

The current environment does not allow Helios to independently develop technology step by step, so it can only choose to take the shortcut of mergers and acquisitions.

In this way, the foundation is established.

The engineers in the Helios R&D department can use this as a foundation to continue building houses.

Looking at the technical information that Lu Yi brought over, the staff in Yangshen's technical department were very excited.

Each one of them studied the technology inside carefully as if they had found a treasure.

In terms of baseband technology, Longguo is really lagging far behind.

the other side.

America from across the ocean.

Intel headquarters.

Huaide, the person in charge of Infineon's wireless business who was sent to Hans Country to acquire Infinelen, was scolded by Otellini.

At first.

Huaide swore to him on the phone that Infineleng had been completely controlled. It was the fish on the chopping board, and Xianter had the final say when to kill them.

He even said that the acquisition price could be further suppressed.

He, Ou Dening, also believed in Huaide's evil deeds.

What now?

Infineon directly sold its wireless business to Helios at a price of 1.4 billion meters.


"Huaide, you stupid pig, is this what you do?"

"Didn't you tell me that Collison and others have completely mastered Infineon? What's the result? Where is the Infineon wireless business I want?"

"You stupid pig, your stupidity will cause immeasurable losses to the company!"

Otellini was spitting and furious at Huaide.

He was so angry.

The cooked duck flew away!

Obviously, Intel has the absolute advantage in all aspects.

But by accident.

I was disturbed by Huaide, the Wolong.

Originally, the company acquired Infineon's wireless business to make up for the company's baseband shortcomings.

Seeing Gao Tong making money every year while lying down, they were envious and wanted it too.

Even if you can't make as much money as Gao Tong, you can still make less.


This idiot, Wilder, has made a mess of the company's strategy. .

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