Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1248 The Development Of Domestic Lithography Machines Requires The Country To Concentrate It

"What a huge battle!"

"This shows that the country attaches great importance to the chip semiconductor industry."

"Hurry up and take photos, this is definitely super big news."

"Needless to say, it will definitely be on the seven o'clock news."

The media reporters at the scene were taking photos of the scene and talking constantly.

There is nothing unusual about leaders from above going to companies to conduct research.

The great man once said.

No investigation, no right to speak.


The leaders of Longguo like to go down to the grassroots to conduct research and listen to the voices of the grassroots.

But this time the leaders went to Loongson International for investigation and research. It was really luxurious.

A deputy general manager led the team, followed by the first and second leaders of multiple departments, and Chief Han Shi accompanied him personally.

Such research specifications are definitely beyond the standards.

This is the shocking part.

Zhang Rujin led a group of senior officials and hurried forward to greet him.

"Leader Wang, Leader Han, and all leaders, welcome to Loongson International for investigation and inspection.

Zhang Rujin expressed his welcome repeatedly.

A group of people exchanged pleasantries at the gate, and the accompanying reporters took photos.

Zhang Rujin invited these leaders into the headquarters building.

"Mr. Zhang, the purpose of our coming to Loongson International today is to take a look at the domestic lithography machine on site. Are there any inconveniences?" asked the deputy general manager.

Zhang Rujin said quickly: "It's no problem at all. Why don't all the leaders go to the VIP room to take a rest first, and I'll let them get ready."

Vice President Wang waved his hand and said, "No, let's go over and take a look now."

"Okay." Zhang Rujin nodded.


He took Vice President Wang, Han Shichang and his team to the fab workshop.

After a series of changes to dust-free clothes, entering the air shower system, and removing static electricity.

"Dear leaders, this is the 28nm domestic lithography machine."

"Currently, hundreds of top engineers from Shanghai Microelectronics, Coastal Semiconductor and Loongson International are doing the final parameter adjustment work. Once the specific parameters are determined, mass production can be finalized.

Zhang Rujin pointed at the behemoth in front of him and introduced it to Vice President Wang and others, his words full of pride.

The eyes of Vice President Wang and others also kept falling on the domestic lithography machine, and they nodded from time to time.

"Mr. Zhang, how is the yield rate of chips produced by the current machine?" Vice President Wang asked.

Zhang Rujin replied: "In the past few months, after adjustments, the yield rate of the chips produced has been greatly improved. The yield rate of 32nm chips has reached more than 87%, and the yield rate of 28nm chips is lower, but There is also more than 65%. I believe that after final adjustments and finalization of the product, the chip yield can be increased to more than 95%."

After hearing this, Vice President Wang nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, great. As the chip yield rate increases, the price of a single chip can be reduced, and domestic chips will have a certain degree of competitiveness."


Vice President Wang and others learned about the steady-state micro-focusing light source device in detail.

An expert from Coastal Semiconductor gave an in-depth explanation to Vice President Wang Li and others.

"So, the light source problem of domestic lithography machines has been completely solved?"

After listening to the explanation.

Vice President Wang and others' hearts skipped a beat.

Because it is understood according to what is said.

The theoretical limit of the steady-state micro-focusing light source device can reach below the nm level.

As long as the steady-state micro-focused light source is continuously upgraded, the wavelength can be continuously shortened, thereby creating more advanced lithography machines.

To know.

A very important point that hinders the development of lithography machine technology is the light source.

In the 1990s, the light source wavelength of lithography machines was stuck at 193nm, which became a difficulty facing the entire industry.

When carving something, the pattern must be fine and the tip of the knife must be sharp, but how to "sharpen" the 193nm light wave further?


Most of the semiconductor industry is involved in order to shorten the wavelength of the light source further.


The stagnant lithography machine technology can continue to move forward because the problem of light sources has been solved.

It was the immersive lithography solution proposed by the geek Hayashi Honma that successfully broke through this problem.


After entering the millennium.

Lithography machine technology has developed rapidly again because the light source problem has been solved.

And domestic lithography machines.

Since the strategic route of buying and renting was chosen in the 1980s and 1990s, the gap has completely widened since the turn of the millennium.

If you want to catch up, the first problem facing domestic lithography machines is the light source.

The domestic light source is not to mention the 193nm ArF light source.

It is difficult to produce 248nm KrF light sources, and they must be purchased from light source manufacturers in island countries.

If you want to buy 193nm ArF or ArFi light sources, they don’t sell them.

This severely restricts the development of domestic lithography machines.

Why was it that in 2007, Shanghai Microelectronics had already developed a 90nm domestic lithography machine, but it could only sit in the warehouse gathering dust and was unable to achieve finalized mass production?

Because the light source mounted on it comes from a light source company in the island country, they will no longer sell light source devices to Shanghai Microelectronics.

Without the light source of the island country, the domestic light source is too backward.

For Shanghai Microelectronics, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

Without the support of subsequent light sources, how can Shanghai Microelectronics carry out finalized mass production?

but now.

The steady-state micro-focusing light source device developed by Coast Semiconductor Company perfectly solves the problem of light sources.

Light source is no longer an obstacle restricting the development of domestic lithography machines.

As long as other subsystems can be upgraded together in terms of technology.

So the theoretical domestic photolithography machines with processes below the nm level do not exist in the theoretical 650.

This is also the reason why Vice President Wang Li and others praised it repeatedly after learning about the steady-state micro-focusing light source device.

"Leader, the light source problem has indeed been completely solved for domestic lithography machines."

"As long as other subsystems of the lithography machine can be continuously upgraded technically, the performance of the domestic lithography machine will continue to develop forward."

"In the future, we are fully capable and technologically capable of producing domestic lithography machines below the nm level.

The expert from Coastal Semiconductor said confidently.

Vice President Wang nodded to express his understanding.

He was thinking in his mind.

After returning home, he will write a relevant research report.

Lithography machines cannot be mastered by just one or a few companies. The country needs to give full play to the advantages of the system and concentrate on five major aspects.

Now the light source problem is solved.

However, there are still many problems that domestic lithography machines have to face.

Like alignment system, grating system, objective lens system, etc.

For these subsystems, domestic technology is still very backward.

It’s impossible. The technologies for these subsystems will have to be solved by Coast Semiconductor and Shanghai Microelectronics on their own, right?

This is unrealistic.

It is still necessary for the state to use administrative means to gather a group of related supporting companies, centered on Coastal Semiconductor and Shanghai Microelectronics, to tackle other technical problems.

Only in this way.

Only domestic lithography machine technology can develop rapidly and quickly catch up with ASML. .

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