Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1259 You Lay Off Employees, I Will Take Over

The news that Oracle was going to carry out large-scale layoffs in Longguo District was confirmed, causing an uproar in the country.

No one expected it.

Ellison moves so quickly.

Last second.

He also said that Oracle would not train engineers for Longguo.

The next second.

Just as soon as the knife fell, there was a massive layoff in Longguo District.

"Allison's knife skills are very sharp."

"This is confirmed news."

"Oracle was directly squeezed out of the Dragon Kingdom market by Future Group."

"Oracle, which entered the Dragon Kingdom market in 1989 and has been dominating the Dragon Kingdom market, probably didn't expect that it would be defeated in the Dragon Kingdom market.

"Those who work at Oracle's Dragon Kingdom branch are out of luck."

“I don’t know what kind of compensation package Oracle will come up with.”

People in the country are talking about it.


Oracle Longguo Zhongdu Company held a meeting and officially announced the layoff plan for Longguo District.

The main layoffs this time are related personnel of Oracle Dragon Country Research and Development Center (CDC).

The cities where Oracle currently has R&D centers in Longguo include Zhongdu, Shanghai, Sioux City, Pengcheng, Bincheng, etc.


Xinlang Finance, Economic Observer, etc. have reported that the first batch of layoffs of 500 people has begun, and "one-on-one" interviews with the employees involved have begun.

But soon.

According to industry insiders, the number of layoffs this time is 900, of which more than 500 are from Zhongdu R&D Center. It is expected that there will be a second batch of 700 layoffs in July, and the total layoffs will reach 1,600.

There is a lot of excitement on the Internet.

"What a shame! I have been working at Oracle for three years. I still remember how happy I was when I graduated from college and signed with Oracle three years ago. Now, I have successfully obtained a diploma.

"Two years ago, I graduated from the university with a bachelor's degree, and two years later, I graduated from the Oracle Dragon National Capital Research Center."

"The compensation plan given by the company is that if the termination contract is signed before May 22, the compensation will be N (working years) + 6 (monthly salary). One month later, on June 7, the compensation will be N + 1. From now on there will only be N.

"I have been working at Oracle for 10 years, and I am about to turn 35. It is the time when I am under the most pressure. The car loan, house loan, and child care loan are weighing me down. Now, I am directly laid off. What should I do? "


In addition to many laid-off Oracle employees speaking out.

Many laid-off Oracle employees said with self-deprecation that they had graduated from Oracle.

There is even an old employee who has worked diligently at Oracle for 10 years. He cried online that he was unemployed in middle age and faced huge pressure to repay his loan. "The future is dark."

after all.

Programmers are an industry that thrives on youth.

The 35-year-old programmer really has no competitiveness.

Now I am unemployed and it is difficult to find a job.

Just when many laid-off Oracle employees posted online that they were confused about their future and now that they were laid off, they didn’t know where to go.

A recruitment information from Future Group instantly became a hot search topic.

Future Group welcomes employees from Oracle R&D Center to apply for jobs at Future Group.

"Sure enough, at the critical moment, we still have to look at the Future Group."

"This is a responsible big company."

"Laid-off Oracle employees don't need to panic, sign the separation agreement as soon as possible and go to the Future Group for an interview.

"Great, there is a way to survive. I hope the interview can be successful.

"Thank God, thank you Future Group for giving me the opportunity, I will come right away."

Future Group's recruitment news made laid-off Oracle employees happy.

If you can work in the Future Group, it will definitely be better than Oracle.


Major domestic news media organizations have carried out extensive reports.

The news spread abroad.

Larry Ellison came out to talk nonsense again.

he said.

You see, Oracle laid off its employees in Longguo District, and Future Group immediately accepted them all. Oracle has trained so many engineers for Longguo in vain. These are the employees who can make Future Group bigger and stronger.

Because America's technology company has trained too many outstanding engineers for Longguo, and then these engineers jumped to the Future Group to help the Future Group develop and grow.

Larry Ellison's words reached the country again.

It immediately aroused the ridicule of people across the country.

"No Bilian!"

"I really don't know how Larry Ellison said these words. He is so shameless."

"What he means is that the Future Group can become bigger and stronger because its employees are trained by America's technology giant company. Bah!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Obviously, I laid off the employees first. Are we going to let those employees who were laid off not look for jobs and just drink the wind from the northwest?"

Not to mention the melon-eaters in China who sneered at Larry Ellison’s remarks.

Even some sensible netizens in America found it incredible.

"Uh~ What kind of logic did Ellison use to say such a thing? Should the laid-off employees be told to stop working and let them drink from the northwest wind?"

"..." There is no doubt that Ellison's hostility to Future Group has reached the point of obsession. "

"Ellison is right. Our company in America has trained too many engineers for Long Country. Take a look. This is a living example."

"Damn it, it was obviously engineers trained by our company, but in the end they helped Longguo's companies develop and grow, and then overtook our technology companies.

"The government must restrict this. Our universities should reduce the number of international students from the Dragon Kingdom. Our government departments should restrict the people from the Dragon Kingdom from returning to China. They should not be allowed to bring the knowledge and technology they learned from us back to the Dragon Kingdom. .”

Oracle's massive layoffs in Dragon Kingdom are proceeding with great fanfare.

on the online platform.

Many laid-off Oracle employees posted photos of themselves signing termination agreements, joking about graduating from Oracle.

at the same time.

The Future Group is busy interviewing Oracle employees who have come to apply for jobs.

Many Oracle employees who got offers from Future Group excitedly posted their offers (Zhao's) online, expressing their excitement.

Under the post, many netizens expressed their blessings or envy.

after all.

Future Group is not so easy to advance now.

If you don't have any real skills, you may not be able to get in even if you have a backend in the Future Group.


A senior executive meeting is being held at the Future Group headquarters.

The person presiding over the meeting was Lu Qi.

"This is a piece of relevant content about the game industry that I had people compile."

"In the past year, the total market value of the world's leading game companies has increased by about 7%. I mainly analyzed the changes in the market value of the three major game companies from the first quarter of this year."

Lu Qi's voice resounded throughout the conference room.

In the financial report data center for the first quarter of this year, its gaming business segment performed very well.

This also gave Lu Qi and other high-level officials many ideas.

For example, acquiring more game companies. .

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