Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1262: Slowly Seduce Him, Not Afraid That You Won’T Be Tempted

Local time, around 14:30 pm.

Lu Yi officially met with Ryan Blunt and proposed an acquisition intention.

"Sorry, Mr. Lu, I have no intention of selling the company."

When Ryan Blunt heard that Lu Yi wanted to acquire his company, he refused without much thought.

To this.

Lu Yi smiled slightly and said: "I can understand why you are so resistant. You are afraid that I will be like those media giants like Vivendi, who do not really want to promote the development of the game industry, but crazily squeeze the value of game companies." After everything is gone, just make a profit and leave, right?"

Ryan Blunt silently stared at the young man in front of him who was too small for himself and did not answer. "One zero three" but silence is the answer.

For game industry practitioners who are bent on making games and making good games, capital like Vivendi is very repulsive.

But sometimes, you have to compromise because of money.

Because I have no money, I can’t make it in the gaming industry.

Take Take-Two's subsidiary Rockstar, for example, AAA-level masterpieces such as the "GTA" series often require tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars in development funds.

Once it fails in business and overturns, it will definitely bring down the parent company as well.

At worst, it may cause a capital chain crisis, or at worst, the company may directly go bankrupt.

To know.

Rockstar has more than one masterpiece.

For example, there are also game masterpieces such as "The Wilderness" series, "Rogue Hunter" series, and "Wangan Midnight Club".

It's just that the "GTA" series is Rockstar's most successful and most famous series of works.

These few years.

Rockstar and Take-Two are deeply involved in the hot coffee incident and cannot extricate themselves.

Although the incident was eventually settled, a heavy price was paid.

Take-Two is currently facing a cash flow crisis.

And often at times like this, in the face of capital pressure, seemingly powerful third-party game developers can't help but fight.

Game companies had to bring in capital to save their lives.

It would definitely be a nightmare to invite a plague god and industry destroyer like Vivendi into your home.

Well-known game developers like Blizzard were tortured to death by Vivendi and fell apart internally, let alone other game companies.

Faced with the olive branch offered by Future Group, Ryan Blunt really didn't dare to accept it.

Faced with Ryan Blunt's silence, Lu Yi was not discouraged at all.

He continued: "Mr. Blunt, there is no need for you to regard Future Group as Vivendi.

"Look at Blizzard, which was acquired by our Future Group, how is it doing now?"

"One of the principles I adhere to is to leave professional matters to professional people."

"Since acquiring Blizzard, Future Group has rarely intervened in Blizzard's operations, and we have given the Blizzard team full autonomy."

"Honestly, I am a hardcore gamer, and gaming is the ninth art. My love for this art is no less than yours, and I even know more about gaming than most of you senior practitioners in the gaming industry."

"Because I love games."

Lu Yi's words made Ryan Blunt a little stunned.

He thought carefully about Blizzard's development in the past two years, and it seemed that it was true.

Since Blizzard was sold to Future Group by Vivendi, Blizzard, which was abused by Vivendi before, has regained its vitality in the past two years.

See the looseness in Ryan Blunt's eyes.

Lu Yi struck the iron mark while it was hot: "Do you know why Take-Two is not as good as the predicament now?"

"The hot coffee incident caused by the subsidiary Rockstar is a very important reason, but it is only one of the reasons, not even the main reason."

"In my opinion, the management within Take-Two is very chaotic."

"Let's take a look, it has 2K-Games, Dassault-Systemes, Rockstar, Focus-Home-Interactive..."

"It's like a pot of mush, a mess..."

"If I were in charge of this company, I would immediately reorganize and integrate it, establish the 2K-Games brand, and then establish the 2K-Sports brand to focus on publishing sports and competitive games. NBA is very good."

"In addition, the 2K-play brand will be established to focus on publishing small games."

“To sum up, this is used to differentiate the games released by Take-Two’s own brand resources from Rockstar.

"I think you don't want players to only know Rockstar but not Take-Two!"

Lu Yi's words made Ryan Blunt change his color.

He felt wary.

Looking at the smiling Lu Yi, I felt like I was negotiating with a devil.

Isn't it a bit too presumptuous to threaten to carry out drastic reorganization and integration within Take-Two even before the acquisition?


Ryan 2.3 Blunt was wary, but he had to agree with what Lu Yi just said.

If the company is really reorganized and integrated, it will indeed be more beneficial to Take-Two's development.

Rockstar is undoubtedly the most dazzling presence of Take-Two at present.

Even if it was deeply involved in the scandal crisis of hot coffee in the past few years, its glory cannot be obscured.

But it is precisely because of this that Take-Two is confused.

There is quite a sense of success and failure.

Lu Yi picked up the coffee in front of him and took a sip.

He smiled and carefully watched the changes in Ryan Blunt's facial expression.

The bait has been thrown out, and you are not afraid that the other party will not be tempted or take the bait.

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