Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1279 Gives Entrepreneurs A New Direction To Break Through

Whether it's shaking it or "checking people nearby".

These two application scenarios can be said to be refreshing and amazing ideas.

WeChat is actively and continuously creating topics and scenes for users to chat about, in order to maintain the popularity of the product and make users willing to stay.

For social products, if users cannot chat and their activity levels cannot increase, it is a failed product and will surely fail.

The two application scenarios of shaking and "checking nearby people" are undoubtedly functions that can make the product more active.

But at the same time.

This is also a double-edged sword.

Shake, you will find a stranger friend who matches you, but you have no idea what kind of person the other person is.

What if it’s a criminal selling contraband?

What if it’s a peripheral person who makes money by selling meat?


There is no way to monitor Future Group 28.


Some people with bad moral character will even use these two application scenarios to tease or date X.

Once a large-scale situation occurs.

Is WeChat a chat software or community software?

It's hard to tell.

Because the boundary between the two has become blurred due to certain user behaviors.


Only then would Rebus lament that "WeChat is running more and more in the direction of "Meeting X Artifact"."

But Rebus also knew it.

There are disadvantages and advantages to doing so.

You can win over users like crazy in a short period of time.

Currently, WeChat does not even have 100 million users in China.

I believe that after the version update, there will be explosive growth in users.

It wasn’t just Rebus who was there who was sighing.

Brother Ma from Goose Factory, Teacher Ma from Ali, and other big shots who watched the press conference were all filled with emotions.

Regardless of whether WeChat is shaking or "checking nearby people", it seems to be turning WeChat into a dating tool.

However, these two application scenarios demonstrate the innovation capabilities of Future Group.

This made people in the industry feel extremely shocked.

Future Group is already the super giant with the world's largest market value among listed Internet IT companies.

But this company's innovation capabilities are not exhausted at all.

Even if he reaches the top of the world, he is still in a period of rapid rise.

To know.

The Family Bucket series, which is a collection of social products under the Future Group, has made many publishers jealous and envious.

Every product in FamilyMart has penetrated into every aspect of users from all over the world.

These applications have been closely linked to users’ daily lives.

Even a little extreme.

If you don't use the Family Bucket application of Future Group for one minute, you will feel uncomfortable all over.

This time WeChat version 2.0, no matter how you look at it, gives people the feeling that it will be an instant hit.

This reminds people of the unparalleled and terrifying innovation ability of Future Group when it started.

Many software imitated Future Group's, including Goosechang, Sohu, and Wangyi, which were major domestic Internet companies at the time.


Future Group's products have been imitated, but never surpassed.

Future Group is developing better and better, but those imitated products have either disappeared or failed to make a splash.

at the same time.

Industry leaders once again recalled Lu Yi's prediction about web1.0 to web4.0 at the IT Leadership Summit.

At that time.

Still in the web2.0 era.

At that time.

Lu Yi emphasized the importance of geographical location in the future.


Lu Yi’s original idea is becoming a reality.

Geographical location information can trigger new application scenarios and provide a new window for the social field.

This also gave many industry professionals who watched the conference vague ideas in their minds.


You can start from the geographical location information and make a breakthrough in the social field.

To this.

Everyone had to be convinced.

Lu Yi is called the "son of the Internet" in the industry, and he is indeed worthy of his name.

I am afraid that if Lu Yi said that no one in the world knows the Internet better than me, no one would refute it.

A press conference.

The industry leaders who watched it were greatly inspired.

Some entrepreneurs who are interested in entering the social field originally don’t know which direction to break through.

But after watching this press conference, I felt like I was awakened and found a new direction to break through.

Maybe in the future, they may not be able to succeed.


There is definitely great potential in this direction.

As long as your own products can stand out among similar products, even if you cannot become a domestic social giant, you can definitely occupy a place in the social field.

Of course.

for these entrepreneurs.

The press conference of WeChat version update gave them the direction to start their business.

Then they have to race against time.


There are many smart people in this world and many people with keen sense of smell.

What you can think of, others can also think of.

Under the first-come-all principle, whoever can launch the product first will be able to gain a large number of users first.

The most powerful rival, WeChat, has already taken action.

If their products are launched too late, they may not even be able to drink a sip of soup.

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