WeChat’s new function of shaking and checking nearby people is completely popular.


It also makes entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the social field extremely excited.

This is a track that can break through.

It is not said that it can become a social giant, but at least it can occupy a place in the social field.


NetEase Headquarters.

Tang Yan joined Wangyi in 2003 and is currently the deputy editor-in-chief of the website, in charge of the news, finance, entertainment, sports and other content information centers.


Tang Yan received the news that the company intended to make him the editor-in-chief of the website.

This is definitely a promotion.


After Tang Yan heard the news, he was not as happy as he imagined.


After watching the WeChat version update conference and learning about the current popularity of WeChat.

He had a new idea.

He is not a person willing to settle down.

Although he was promoted from deputy editor-in-chief to editor-in-chief, it was a high promotion.

Within Wangyi Company, he is also considered one of the top executives.


To put it bluntly, he is just a high-level wage earner working for others.

Tang Yan kept asking himself in his heart.

Are you willing to work for others for the rest of your life?


It is unwilling!

And now.

WeChat has created a new social model based on LBS.

Tang Yan conducted careful research and felt that this model had great potential.

This made him feel restless.


After working as a laborer for so many years, it’s time to go it alone!

Wouldn’t it be better to start your own business and be your own boss?

After working hard at Wangyi for so many years, I have made connections, gained insights, and now I also have ideas.

Tang Yan felt that it was time for him to start a business.

If it's too late, maybe I can just watch others speeding along the cold road of LBS.

Tsk tsk tsk!

In the office.

Tang Yan stood in front of the window and smoked several cigarettes in a row.

He looked out the window at the busy traffic and feasting.

There was some struggle in my mind.

It’s good to start a business and be your own boss.

But starting a business is risky.

In case it fails...

After struggling with my thoughts all night.

Tang Yan's eyes were solemn and he made up his mind.

For his dream, he decided to fight for it.

Even if you fail in the end, you will not regret it!

He returned to his seat and began to write his resignation report.

The resignation letter was soon written.

With his resignation letter in hand, Yan knocked on the door of Ji Yong, the president of Wangyi Portal.


Li Yong's voice sounded.

Tang Yan walked in with his resignation letter.

"It's Old Tang, what's the matter?"

Li Yong saw Tang Yan walking in, smiled and asked Tang Yan to sit down, and asked his secretary to make Tang Yan a cup of tea.

"Mr. Li, I'm here..."

When the words came to his lips, Tang Yan was trembling and unable to speak.

But eventually.

He was still concerned and said: "I'm here to resign!"

As soon as these words came out.

The office suddenly fell silent.

The secretary who came in with tea shook his hands, wondering whether he had heard something he shouldn't have heard.

Li Yong looked at Tang Yan in disbelief and said, "Old Tang, what did you say?"

"Mr. Li, I'm here to resign. This is my resignation letter!"

Tang Yan took a deep breath and repeated, "Hand over your resignation letter.

Li Yong did not pick up Tang Yan's resignation letter. He stared at Tang Yan for a long time and said, "Old Tang, have you become confused after working overtime?"

"No!" Tang Yan shook his head, "I thought about it all night last night and made the final decision this morning to resign!"


Li Yong didn't know what to say when he heard this.

"Do you know that the company will soon ask you to take over my position as editor-in-chief? What do you think of resigning at this time!"

"I don't accept your resignation. If you take your resignation letter back, I will treat you as if you never came to my office today!"

………Please give me flowers…

"You're tired, go back and have a good rest for a few days!"


No matter how Li Yong tried to persuade him, he was determined to resign.

Even if Ding Sanshi, the CEO of Internet Billion, came to persuade him, he would not do it.

no way.

Wangyi had no choice but to agree to Tang Yan's resignation.

Immediately after leaving the company.

Tang Yan took out his phone and called his friend Wang.

"Lao Wang, I have resigned and am planning to start my own business. Would you like to come over and help me?"

"Old Tang, are you sure?"

"Definitely and definitely!"

"Okay, wait for me!"

After hanging up the phone.

Tang Yan called his friend Zhang Xiaosong again.

Same content, same answer.


Lei Xiaoliang and Wang Chunlai also received invitation calls from Tang.

Both of them agreed to join the team without much hesitation.

Two days later.

Tang Yan and his group gathered in Zhongdu.

It didn't take long.

A company named Momo was established in Zhongdu,

When Tang Yan and his group established Momo Company.

Wang Yu and Pan Ying, a couple who had returned from overseas for three years, also had new ideas after watching the live broadcast of the version update conference on WeChat.

These two people are old entrepreneurs.

In the past few years, we have been making social products for young people.

The P1 fashion community founded by the two in 2007 was once an important brand leading the fashion culture of young people in Longguo.

After watching the WeChat press conference and understanding the LBS social model in detail, Wang Yu and Pan Ying had a new entrepreneurial direction.


This direction will be the key to their success in the social field.


A company called Tantan was established.

It aims to create a high-quality social and friendship platform for young people to achieve romantic and interesting encounters between people. .

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