Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1287: Promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.: We Can Only Hope That America Will Ta

Benwan stock market.


The trend in the morning session was pretty good, all the way up.

But the situation suddenly changed in the afternoon session, and the stock suddenly jumped into the water.

The reason lies in the announcements issued by Shanghai Microelectronics and Loongson International.

As soon as the announcement came out.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the mainstay of the stock market, was heavily weighted, and its stock price plummeted instantly.

Shanghai Microelectronics officially delivered photolithography machines to Loongson International.

This is definitely a big negative for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Loongson International and Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are competitors.

Now, in terms of Loongson International Capital, two giants, Blue Star Electronics and Huachang, have injected capital, thus solving the financial problem and having money to expand the production line.

In terms of technical equipment, Loongson International obtained the 28nm process technology and the 28nm lithography machine.

all of a sudden.

Technically, they have caught up with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

It has lost two major customers, Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, and now faces the risk of losing other major customers to Loongson International.


Promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is no longer popular among investors.

A large number of investors sold their holdings of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s shares, while not many investors bought them.

It is natural for the stock price to fall.

Lift up the Semiconductor Manufacturing Company headquarters.

After Zhang Zhongmou learned the news, he also convened an emergency executive meeting as soon as possible.

"The news just came from the mainland that Shanghai Microelectronics officially delivered 28nm lithography machines to Loongson International. This will seriously threaten our interests in promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd."

"The stock market has taken the lead in reacting. As soon as the news came out, the company's stock price plummeted 8 points. Investors voted with their feet, selling their stocks crazily and looking down on the company's future development."

"Faced with this situation, please tell me what to do?"

Zhang Zhongmou looked around at the crowd, his voice extremely heavy.

What they never expected was.

The original decision would have had such severe consequences now.

If Bluestar Electronics and Huachang invested in Loongson International, they would have turned a blind eye and pretended not to have seen it.

That would never be the case now.

I thought that with the technology in hand, I could easily control Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

But the current situation makes them understand.

They underestimated Blue Star Electronics and overestimated their own strength.

After Zhang Zhongmou finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence.

what to do?

They don't know either.

In this situation, they have no means of countermeasures.

All the cards that should be played have been played.

Even Wang Zha has been thrown out.

But what’s the result?

Instead of blowing Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory to pieces, they shot themselves in the foot.

This is the situation now.

They can only watch as Loongson International obtains advanced photolithography machines and manufactures chips for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, unable to do anything.

This makes them feel very uncomfortable and aggrieved.

But full of powerlessness.

They even felt a little scared inside.

Because Loongson International has advanced lithography machines and advanced process technology, it has posed a serious threat to their related businesses of Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.


They believe that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is the leader in the foundry field and has the strongest technical strength.

Chip manufacturers such as Qualcomm, AMD, and Micron can only choose to provide OEM services to Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

But it's different now.

Loongson International's technical strength is no weaker than that of Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

Even in the most advanced chip manufacturing process, they surpassed Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

There is an opponent.

So now it is no longer up to Semiconductor to take advantage of chip manufacturers such as Qualcomm, AMD, and Micron.

The situation has been reversed.

Manufacturers such as Micron choose Loongson

This is the most deadly.

There was silence in the conference room.


After a while.

Liu Deyin broke the silence.

"The current situation is indeed very pessimistic for us to support Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd."

"The future development of Loongson International will no longer be troubled by lithography equipment. It is like being given a pair of wings. It will surely take off and become our biggest competitor to Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

…………please give me flowers……

"For a number of chip manufacturers such as Qualcomm, AMD and Micron, the most advanced chips could only be manufactured by us before. Now that there are other options, the bargaining power has returned to the hands of these chip manufacturers."

"If nothing else happens, chip companies such as Gaotong and Micron will definitely use this as a threat and ask us to lower the unit price of foundry.

Liu Deyin's words made everyone in the audience nod in agreement.

This will indeed cause a series of chain reactions for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


at this time.

Liu Deyin changed the subject.

This turn also caused everyone's eyes to focus on him, waiting for his next words.

Liu Deyin paused, as if he was organizing his words.

"However, I firmly believe that America's government will never just watch the mainland break America's technological hegemony."

"Mainland's manufacturing industry is transforming to mid-to-high-end and is undergoing industrial upgrading.

"Chips are the top priority in mainland China's industrial upgrading and are related to national defense and national security."

"Why did America's government frantically suppress mainland chip and semiconductor companies and prevent mainland chip manufacturers from obtaining advanced photolithography equipment?"

"The purpose is to prevent the mainland's industrial upgrading, prevent the mainland's rise, and trap the mainland in low-end industries forever."

"Now that the mainland has broken through the lithography equipment barrier, it has brought a spring breeze to the mainland's chip industry. The mainland government will also vigorously support the development of the domestic chip and semiconductor industry."

"But America's government will never sit back and watch the mainland's chip industry grow bigger and stronger, and will definitely find ways to stop it."

"Although China has made breakthroughs in lithography equipment, the chip semiconductor industry is a very complex industrial chain, and materials, software and other aspects are also key.

Liu Deyin's words suddenly brightened the eyes of everyone present. .

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