Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1289 Benefit Yourself At The Expense Of Others, Let The Son Of The Island Country Take Actio

[Associated Press News: It is reported that Shanghai Microelectronics officially delivered 28nm lithography machines to Loongson International!]

[Wall Street Times: Shanghai microelectronics lithography machine has been finalized and mass-produced and delivered to Loongson International. 】

[New York Daily: Sanctions invalid? Shanghai Microelectronics delivers lithography machines to Loongson International. 】

[Fox News: Should the American government take further measures to prevent the rise of Longguo’s chip semiconductor industry?]

[Guardian: Dragon Kingdom will break America’s technological hegemony. 】

[Reuters: According to Qualcomm insiders, Qualcomm may transfer some chip orders to Loongson International. 】

The news that Shanghai Microelectronics officially delivered a 28nm lithography machine to Loongson International has a far-reaching impact.

It not only caused huge waves in the country.

Fishing boat craze has also started in European and American countries.

Especially 28 those Western countries that are hostile to the Dragon Kingdom and do not want the Dragon Kingdom to rise.

Taking this opportunity, he even promoted the threat theory of Dragon Kingdom.

It means that the Dragon Kingdom will break America's technological hegemony and threaten America's position as world hegemon.

Call on America's government to take a tougher stance against the Dragon Kingdom.


The world's king of shit-trouble, Dai Ying, is not too big a deal to just watch the fun.

On the fishing boat, it was crazy and destroyed.

It is widely reported that Dragon Kingdom will take the lead in breaking through in the field of technology, shaking America's status.

America domestic.

on Reddit, Twitter, and face social media platforms.

Dozens of millions of American netizens also launched a heated discussion on this.

"Xie Te! The government must adopt more radical sanctions and must not allow the Dragon Kingdom to rise!"

"That's right! Dragon Kingdom is only qualified to take over our backward production capacity. Blue Star is our great America who has the final say!"

"Everyone should be more sensible and look at this issue calmly."

"I think we should cooperate with Longguo so that we can maintain a long-term development relationship."

"Fake! Those of you upstairs, you must have been bribed by the Dragon Kingdom."

"The rapid development of the Dragon Kingdom has seriously threatened America. The people of the Dragon Kingdom have taken away our jobs, and the Dragon Kingdom must be severely punished."

"Now it's technology, will it be finance and military later? America can become the overlord of Blue Star by relying on the three major hegemonies of technology, finance and military. America's hegemony will never tolerate provocation from the Dragon Kingdom, and sanctions must be upgraded. !”

"Wake up, Dragon Country is not a small African country. Sanctioning Dragon Country will only hurt both of us. We need high-quality and low-priced products from Dragon Country!"

"That's right! Longguo's manufacturing is already world-renowned. Our lives are inseparable from Longguo's products. Once Longguo is decoupled, our prices will inevitably rise sharply, and we will be faced with the situation of being unable to afford things.


America's netizens were so quarrelsome and torn.

Extreme netizens said that sanctions against the Dragon Kingdom must be intensified because the Dragon Kingdom has begun to threaten America's status.

Sober and rational netizens said that both Longguo and America are global powers and should cooperate with each other instead of opposing each other.

If the Dragon Kingdom and America decouple, it will cause problems in the global supply chain, and America will fall into huge inflation.

The Dragon Kingdom needs America's high-tech technology, and America needs a large number of high-quality and low-priced products made by the Dragon Kingdom.

A win-win situation can only be achieved through cooperation between both parties.

It’s not just America’s melon-eating netizens who are quarreling online.

America's palace was also divided into two factions.

One group believes that sanctions against Longguo chip companies should be intensified.

Chip semiconductor manufacturers such as Loongson International, Shanghai Microelectronics, Coastal Semiconductor, and Pangu Semiconductor have threatened America's dominance in the chip semiconductor field.

America must take action to interrupt the rise of Longguo's chip semiconductor industry.

In the field of semiconductor equipment, there is no way to tie Longguo's neck.

But when it comes to semiconductor materials and industrial software, they can still choke the Dragon Kingdom and make it uncomfortable.

Without the support of photoresist and EDA, the rise of Longguo's semiconductor industry would be a joke.

Another group thinks.

If the sanctions against Longguo chip and semiconductor manufacturers are escalated, it will inevitably trigger counterattacks from the Longguo government.

The Long Kingdom Government will also inevitably increase its support in the field of chip semiconductors.

When Longguo companies have made breakthroughs in photoresist, EDA and other difficulties, will Ah-083 America's chips still be popular in Longguo?

Escalating sanctions will only worsen the relationship between the two countries and affect the interests of American chip companies.

Longguo is the largest overseas market for American chip manufacturers.

Losing this market will cause the revenue of American chip manufacturers to plummet.

This in turn will affect the investment of American chip manufacturers in research and development.

The public on both sides is right and the mother-in-law is right, but no one can convince the other.

But in the end.

The two groups still reached an agreement.

On the premise of not harming the interests of American chip companies, sanctions on Longguo chip manufacturers can be increased.

That is.

Cut off the supply of photoresist.

From the overall business perspective, the global photoresist market is highly concentrated, with Daomei controlling the vast majority of the market share.

The four companies of the island country, JSR, Tokyo Onka, Shin-Etsu Chemical and Fujifilm, occupy more than 70% of the global market share, and their monopoly position is stable.

Without photoresist, even if Longguo has advanced photolithography machines, it will not be able to produce chips. .

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