Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 416 Far-Reaching Influence, The Entanglement Of Domestic And Foreign Mobile Phone Companies

Dongguan City.

Oupao Technology Headquarters.

There is an executive meeting taking place at the moment.

Oupao Technology was established in 2001 and develops and produces Blu-ray products, focusing on MP3 and MP4.

In 2005, Oupao Technology launched the first MP3 player - Oupao X3 and Oupao X9, which was said to be the most beautiful at the time. It was hailed as "a real success for domestic MP3 players. She was the first one that was not inferior to others." A landmark classic for any product from a major international manufacturer.

In 2006, Oupao launched its first MP4 - Oupao A3.

Compared with Sassafras, who foresaw the boom and decline of the MP3 market in advance, and began to transform the company last year to transform and develop in the direction of mobile phone manufacturing, Oupao Technology is still running wildly on the MP3 and MP4 tracks.

For example, this year, Oupao Technology is preparing to launch a new flagship MP3 product - Oupao V3.


At the beginning of the year, the decline of the MP3 market was revealed, and Oupao Technology's business was greatly affected.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss whether to continue to work steadily on the road of MP3 and MP4, or to establish a mobile phone division and transform into mobile phone manufacturing.

22 They know that Charming Technology has begun to abandon the MP3 business and transform into smartphone manufacturing.

As competitors, Oupao Technology is very concerned about Charming Technology.

When they learned that Charming Technology had given up its MP3 business and transformed, everyone at Oupao Technology was surprised.

They had no idea that Sassafras would undergo transformation.

You should know that Charming Technology's MP3s have a very high reputation both at home and abroad, much higher than that of Oupao Technology.

Even if the MP3 market is not doing well this year and performance will be affected, the biggest impact will be on the small and unknown MP3 companies.

As long as it survives this difficult journey and survives the fittest, Charming Technology will definitely be able to carve its way into the MP3 market.


Charming Technology actually gave up on this path!

Originally, Oupao was very happy to see the transformation of Charming Technology, because Oupao would lose an important competitor in the MP3 market.


After seeing the data that Pinnacle mobile phone sales exceeded one million in half a month, everyone at Oupao Technology couldn't laugh.

Sales exceeded one million in half a month, with sales exceeding 6 billion yuan.

What is this concept?

The entire Oupao Technology does not have 6 billion yuan.

That is to say.

Blue Star Electronics can buy three or five Oupao Technologies with half a month's sales revenue.

Charming Technology is transforming into smartphone manufacturing and will produce smartphones similar to Pinnacle phones in the future.

The cake in the mobile phone market is very big.

In the past, established international mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia, Motorola, Sony, Sanxing and Dongmenzi dominated the mobile phone market. However, with the blockbuster success of Blue Star Electronics, the pattern of these ten sectors has been broken.

Long-established manufacturers such as Nokia and Motorola will face strong challenges from the upstart Blue Star Electronics.

Old manufacturers such as Nokia and Motorola represent the old school.

Blue Star Electronics is an innovative company.

Now, the reformists clearly have the upper hand.

Do other mobile phone companies that have been suppressed by established manufacturers such as Nokia have any ideas?

Do companies like Sassafras that are transforming themselves into smartphones have any ideas?

When the forces come together, Blue Star Electronics is not alone in facing the old guard.

Blue Star Electronics has snatched a large piece of cake from the mouths of conservatives like Nokia, proving to the world that only the innovative ones will be the mainstream in the future.

Blue Star Electronics' smartphones can only define what a smartphone is.

Pinnacle mobile phones are representatives of high-end smartphones, but what about mid- to low-end smartphones?

The market share of this segment is far larger than that of the high-end market.

There is currently no company in the mid- to low-end market, so it is a good time to expand its territory.

Whoever seizes the opportunity to seize the mid- to low-end market will definitely make a lot of money.

after all.

The price of pinnacle mobile phones is really fast, and only a few can afford it.

Although most people really want a top-notch mobile phone, they still have to do what they can.

They also hope that there will be a new smartphone on the market with performance that is not much different from that of the top mobile phones, but at a cheaper price.

If Charming Technology transforms and seizes the mid- to low-end market, it will definitely be a very successful transformation.

Although Oupao Technology lacks the strong rival of Charming Technology in the MP3 market, the MP3 market is declining and may even be launched on the historical stage in the future. After all, one mobile phone is enough, so why buy another MP3.


Nowadays, Oupao Technology is struggling with whether to transform like Charming Technology.

If the sales of Pinnacle mobile phones were not so terrible, they would not be so entangled, but the sales exceeded one million in half a month, and the sales exceeded 6 billion yuan. How many MP3s and MP4s does Oupao Technology have to sell to sell 6 billion yuan?


"Originally, the company planned to launch its first feature phone next year to enter the mobile phone market."

“But everyone has seen the booming sales of Dingfeng phones, and we are told that the mainstream in the future will be smartphones like Dingfeng phones.

"So, we can stop selling feature phones and launch smartphones directly."

"I have a hunch that if we don't seize this opportunity as early as possible, it will be over if we try to enter again in the future.

The company’s CEO and founder, Chen Mingyong, said conclusively.


Zhongdu, Tianyu headquarters.

In the conference room, the atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

Last year, Tianyu Mobile Xia Liang made history.

The company also turned a profit in one fell swoop, selling nearly 8 million Tianyu mobile phones throughout the year.

Originally, the company was preparing to make persistent efforts and create greater glory this year.


The booming sales of Dingfeng mobile phones poured cold water on them.

Sales exceeded one million in half a month, which simply made their eyes pop out.

Originally, like established international manufacturers such as Nokia, they looked down on Pinnacle phones and thought that Pinnacle phones were niche 773 products that were both popular and underwhelming, but reality slapped them hard in the face.

The domestic mobile phone market is so big.

Now that the pinnacle mobile phone has emerged, it has become a lot more powerful, which has affected the sales of all mobile phone manufacturers.

Although the impact is not as big as overseas markets, the impact is real.

The reason why the domestic impact is relatively small is because the consumption level of domestic people is not as good as that of developed foreign countries.

Once the national consumption level rises, it will be self-evident for people to choose what kind of mobile phone.

Now Tianyu may be able to live very well, and may even hit the top ten in the domestic market this year, but what about three to five years later, when the national consumption level has improved?

The booming sales of Pinnacle mobile phones have not only affected domestic mobile phone companies, but also foreign countries.

Bangzi country, Sanxing.

After seeing the sales data of Dingfeng mobile phones for half a month, the senior management of Sanxing Electronics held several meetings in a row to discuss whether to get into Android's car.

Although Sanxing mobile phones are an internationally renowned brand, compared with established giants such as Nokia, Motorola, Palm, and Sony, they are far behind, and their market share is only

The reason why Sanxing mobile phones have become the top ten in terms of market share is entirely based on volume.

For example, last year, Sanxing released as many as 80 mobile phone models, with one model launched every four to five days on average.

But even if new products are launched so frequently, the increase in Samsung's market share is still minimal. .

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