"In terms of user experience, real-time translation software must be fool-proof. The simpler, the better. Don't make it too complicated and directly discourage users."

Lu Yi said methodically: "For example, if I don't understand German and I open a German webpage and I am dumbfounded on the spot and can't understand it, what should I do?"

"When a user enters a web page that he cannot understand at all, he only needs to run our translation service, and the text information on the page can be automatically translated into his native language or the language specified by the user, so that he can It’s clear at a glance.”

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Yu Jun said: "The biggest contradiction will be the software compatibility issue."


Lu Yi smiled and nodded: "But it is not difficult to solve this problem. We can solve this problem through the relevant technical support of cloud computing services." Zero Qiqi

"We will not modify the original web page, otherwise the page may directly crash."

"But we can parse it and run it in the cloud."

Yu Jun's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "This is a good idea. It can be regarded as another development and application of cloud computing services."

Someone looked at Lu Yi in amazement and said: "Boss, I'm afraid you didn't come up with this idea, right? When the co-authors laid out cloud computing last year, they had it!"

Those who were able to attend this meeting were all engineers or experts with certain development technical capabilities, and they quickly realized the core and key role that big data and cloud computing services would play in it.

in other words.

Translation software can be packaged in cloud computing services for sale, which can be divided into two sectors: enterprise-level services and personal services.

Enterprise-level services, such as websites like Future Group, with their social attributes and transnational characteristics, are in great need of this kind of service support.

“So next, we need to recruit professionals including linguists, engineers, analysts, statistics, etc. from all over the world.

"We also need to recruit a linguistic archaeological team and send a large number of research teams to go deep into various parts of the world to collect information on various cultures, customs, slang and other information. Museums, libraries, etc. must collect all the information that can be collected, some of which are not open to the public. You also have to try to convince the other party, or even give a sum of money to cooperate or whatever."

Lu Yi said with a smile.

Lu Qi said: "This will be a vast super data project, and a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources will be invested."

Lu Yi nodded and said: "It will require at least several thousand people and tens of billions of investment, maybe more, but no matter how large the investment is, it will still be worth it.

No one objected to this.

Yu Jun said: "Director Lu, we can all understand real-time translation and image recognition, but the third scenario application you mentioned - virtual idol, this is a bit puzzling to me.

When the others heard what Yu Jun said, they all nodded.

Artificial intelligence is applied to virtual idols, this...

Seeing everyone's looks, Lu Yi smiled and then spread out a drawing he brought.

"This is an avatar that I asked the art department to draw according to my requirements."

As the paper was spread out, a cartoon girl appeared in everyone's sight.

"This is a virtual idol, or a virtual singer, with a gentle, cute, delicate and cute personality.

Virtual Diva?

Yu Jun, Lu Qi and others looked at the cartoon image and looked at each other.

But I have to say that this virtual singer is indeed very kawaii.

With gray hair, green eyes, jasper in her hair, and a dragon knot hanging from her waist, if you are an otaku, you will fall in love with her right away.

"I wonder if you know the virtual singer 'Hatsune Miku'?" Lu Yi asked.

Hatsune Miku?

Everyone looked at each other.

Could it be that the name of this cartoon character is Hatsune Miku?

"Boss, you are saying that just two days ago on August 31, the sound source library developed by CryptonFutureMedia based on Yamaha's Vocaloid series speech synthesis program, the sound source data was sampled from the island country's virtual singer Hatsune, who is the island country's voice actor Fujita Saki. The future?"

Just when everyone was looking at each other, a slightly excited voice sounded.

Everyone looked around and looked surprised.

I didn’t expect that anyone actually knew about Hatsune Miku.


This cartoon character drawn by Lu Yi, oh no, is a virtual singer, not Hatsune Miku.

The concept of virtual singers was not first proposed by Lu Yi, but has been proposed by others a long time ago, and there are already a whole range of virtual singers!

The person who spoke suddenly turned red under the gaze of everyone, and then silently lowered his head...

You don’t think he is an otaku, right?

Lu Yi smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's the Hatsune Mishi from the island country."

"Although the virtual singer cannot bring considerable profits to the company in the short term, and may even be dispensable in ten years, it represents one of the trends in the future.

"Once the true virtual reality society arrives, people can have a truly immersive interactive experience with virtual characters, which will cause earth-shaking changes in the entire society."

"At that time, it means that games, entertainment, etc. can travel between virtual and reality with the help of high-tech equipment. By then, profits and other benefits will roll in."

"The virtual idol has the same smile as a real person, but has a beautiful figure that surpasses humans. It can sing and dance as much as a real person, and can easily reach high pitches and speech speeds that humans cannot achieve."

"Can you imagine that virtual idols can also hold concerts and can sing and dance on stage for five or six hours without getting tired?"

"We often say that technology creates the future, and this sentence cannot be more appropriate to describe virtual idols."

Everyone looked surprised, and at the same time they were thinking in their minds, will virtual idols really be popular with the public, and can they really hold concerts like real celebrities?

If it can be done, well, it doesn't seem impossible.

Yu Jun is very sensitive to technology and immediately said: "Director Lu, do you want to create the top speech synthesis technology based on artificial intelligence 1.8? One text information expression, one voice expression carefully, and even image expression, just three Great application!”

Lu Yi smiled and nodded: "That's right! Intelligent speech synthesis technology, imaging technology, virtual engine, artificial intelligence, to create a virtual idol that can be popular all over the world, the behind-the-scenes team needs a huge music creation team in addition to a team of engineers.

“Virtual idols have a huge advantage that real people cannot match, that is, they can easily master various languages ​​​​around the world, so harvesting fans from all over the world can be said to be easy.

Liu Hong asked: "So, what is the name of the virtual singer we created?"


Everyone looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi said three words calmly: "Luo Tianyi!".

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