The news that the official blog of Ready Player One was announced again spread immediately in the e-sports circle.

Because they immediately followed the official blog of Ready Player One and turned on the automatic reminder function so that they could receive the latest updates released by the organizing committee of Ready Player One as soon as possible.

There is a lot of news announced this time.

First, the 13 projects of the first Ready Player One Championship in 2008 were announced, as well as the corresponding prize pools for each project.

This made many e-sports people who were worried finally feel at ease.

Because Top Player only announced 4 projects before, and said that follow-up projects are still under negotiation.

If they didn't talk for a day, they would remain anxious in their hearts.

It would be crazy if the event that you are good at does not become the top player's event.

Looking at the prize pools of the four projects announced earlier, it is really drool-worthy.

Even if the prize pool of the following projects is not as large as that of "Counter-Strike", even if the prize pool is only 20,000 to 300,000 yuan, it is enough to make them flock to it.

Now that they see that the project they have been focusing on has entered the top player list, and the number of prize pools is not low, these professional e-sports players breathed a sigh of relief, and then the blood in their bodies boiled uncontrollably.

22 Of course.

Some are happy and some are disappointed.

Some professional players suddenly lost their hearts when they saw that their main project was not among the top players.

Because of this official blog announcement, all the events for next year’s first Ready Player One Tournament have been determined.

Not appearing on this list means that they have no chance to compete in the top player competition. They can only watch others ascend to the stage of the highest honor and win high prizes.

Many people immediately left messages on the Ready Player One official blog asking why a certain game was not included in the Ready Player One sequence, etc.

To this.

The people in charge of official blogs on the organizing committee also responded to these questions.

It is not that the number one player does not want certain games to enter the competition sequence, but that it has not reached an agreement with the developers of these games, no wonder them.

Faced with such an explanation, these e-commerce merchants can only vent their anger on the game developers.

after all.

The organizing committee has explained very clearly that this is entirely a problem for the game developers.

In addition to announcing the 13 competition events and corresponding prize pools, the e-sports club rules under the Top Player system were also announced.

Seeing these e-sports club rules, not only domestic e-sports clubs were in an uproar and excited about it, but also foreign e-sports clubs.

after all.

According to information disclosed by the organizing committee, the profits from the Ready Player One event, including event tickets, sponsorships, in-game props, etc., can only be added to the Ready Player One event system.

Both e-sports clubs and e-sports players can participate in the revenue sharing.

To put it simply, we are all in the same boat. If I have something to eat, everyone can have something to eat.

The higher the overall revenue of the event, the higher everyone’s share of revenue will be.

How can this not excite e-sports clubs and players?

To know.

At this stage, e-sports clubs do not make any money at all. The main income comes from brand sponsorship and event bonuses.

But in this era, there are no big brands to sponsor, and the prize money for the competition is even less.

It can be said that e-sports clubs are unable to make ends meet.

Without a big leg to lean on, the average e-sports club won't last long and will fall apart.

But it's fine now.

E-sports clubs have added new revenue channels, which can reduce the financial pressure faced by e-sports clubs.

In addition to the club's salary and tournament bonuses, the players can also get an extra income, so they naturally support it with both hands.

at the same time.

Everyone in the e-sports circle can see that the number one player established by the Future Group is definitely not a whim, but a real desire to promote the development of the e-sports industry and establish a more complete commercial operation model.

This is definitely not comparable to WCG events!

According to information released by the Ready Player One Organizing Committee, bidding for 16 seats is open for bidding for 16 seats in the four major divisions around the world, excluding the free-card division, for a total of 64 league seats.

E-sports clubs can only register in their respective districts and can only bid for seats in their respective districts.

The starting bidding price for league seats in each division is different.

The starting fee is RMB 5 million per year in Greater China, RMB 15 million per year in East Asia, and RMB 20 million per year in North America and Europe.

As long as it obtains the co-qualification of "Top Player", the club can play all competitions under the "Top Player" system without having to buy additional seats for these events.


When Lu Yi was discussing with the organizing committee, it can be said that the organizing committee was shocked by the price of alliance seats proposed by Lu Yi.

Nowadays, e-sports clubs do not make any money at all, and the organizing committee even asks club members to use money to buy seats. I am afraid they will not be willing to do so. It is very likely that the number one player will be killed because of this, and the event will become a well-received but not a popular event.

However, with Lu Yi’s insistence, the organizing committee members still passed the test.

It's normal for them to object, after all, their vision is limited.

As a reborn player, Lu Yi knows very well that not only will this not kill Ready Player One, but it will also help the development of Ready Player One.

To know.

In later LPL events, a league seat can be bid for 90 million yuan. This is still the starting price, and the real price must be hundreds of millions of yuan.

The 5 million, 15 million and 20 million that I have set now are nowhere to be seen!

If it weren't for the limitations of the times, Lu Yi would have dared to directly bid a starting bid of hundreds of millions.


Not just any e-sports club can obtain joint qualifications.

In order to ensure the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the league ecology, and also to ensure that those clubs that can enter the league from the new season are qualified to obtain league seats.


The organizing committee will evaluate the comprehensive qualifications of existing clubs to ensure that all league members can operate and develop healthily and continuously make progress together with the entire league.

The assessment will mainly be based on the following criteria:

1. The shareholders and structure of the club and its parent company - for example, whether the equity of the club and its parent company is clear, etc.

2. Club financial status - whether the club has sufficient investment, stable sources of funds, whether the past financial situation is relatively stable, and whether it has sufficient financial emergency capabilities, etc.

3. Club operations - the club’s brand influence and brand building capabilities, business management capabilities, and coordination with the overall operations of the league, etc.

4. Team management - competitive structure and capabilities, player training and training, past violation records, past team results, etc.

After a comprehensive evaluation based on the above criteria, existing clubs that meet the evaluation criteria and clubs that meet qualification admissions through seat bidding will receive the number one player professional apartment seat.

Clubs that fail to meet the standards will be temporarily unable to enter the league system.


This does not mean that you can never enter. The organizing committee will take corresponding measures to help clubs that do not meet the standards.

In the future, as the league develops, the league seats will continue to expand so that more clubs can join the league family and jointly promote the healthy development of the league.

After the review and admission work is completed, the organizing committee will announce the list of all professional league teams. .

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