While copycat websites such as Echang, Wangyi, and Sohu are seizing the opportunity to plagiarize, the new office address of Future Technology has also been selected.

Spark Building.

One of the most high-end office CBD buildings in Sioux City.

Located in the city center, it is surrounded by various supporting facilities such as medical care, transportation, shopping malls and supermarkets.

Lu Yi directly rented an entire floor, an area of ​​2,000 square meters.

The company relocation took three days.

Everyone was very happy to move to Xinghuo Building to work.

The office environment here is much better than before, and I feel more comfortable.

Moreover, the company is also equipped with dedicated gyms, lounges, etc.

"Haha, the boss is indeed a good boss in the world. He is even equipped with a gym and a lounge."

"Xinghuo Building is one of the best CBD buildings in Sioux City. When you go to and from work here, you feel like a successful white-collar person."

"The view on the 18th floor is really good. You can take in the entire Sioux City at a glance."


One to two hundred people were talking a lot, becoming familiar with the current office environment.

They walked around the hall curiously, and some came to the window to look far away, with a good view of the entire Sioux City.

The company's core senior executives, those O's, now have separate offices.

Now Future Technology truly looks like a regular Internet star company!

at the same time.

Employees from other companies in Spark Building were also curious and talking when they saw Future Technology settling in.

"What kind of company is the new company?"

"future technology."

"Future technology? Is it famous?"

"You don't even know about future technology?! This is the most popular Internet company in China recently. Its Xiaonei network has swept through major universities across the country in just three months and is extremely popular. Moreover, in the recent A round of financing , received a financing amount of 20 million yuan, and the company’s valuation is 200 million yuan, maybe it will be another goose factory in the future.”

"Hiss~ The company is valued at 200 million meters of gold. Isn't that equivalent to 1.6 billion yuan! Wow, compared to others, our company is simply a small company. The key is that Future Technology has only been established for three months. It's too Incredible!”

"I know that Xiaonei.com is one of the most popular social networking sites nowadays. But unfortunately, Xiaonei.com is only open to college students. We can only browse as tourists. I heard that Xiaonei.com has launched many popular features. , such as the like function, message board, etc.”


Time passed quietly and came to July.

Throughout June, Future Technology was very busy.

First, in early June, Future Technology launched Series A financing.

This was followed by the graduation defense of Lu Yi and several other core executives of the company.

After completing the defense, taking graduation photos, and having a break-up meal, Lu Yi returned to the company and plunged into the technology development department to develop system functions for the school beauty selection event.

This is a big achievement, no less than the difficulty of developing a product.

The entire development team has nearly 80 people working on the problem collectively, equivalent to one-third of the entire company, and Lu Yi is the leader of this group of people.

The general framework was set and controlled by Lu Yi. It was not until late June that Lu Yi felt a little more relaxed after everything was sorted out.

He is now the boss of the entire company and the brains of the company. He has many things to deal with. Naturally, he cannot devote all his time and energy to technology development.

He only needs to pick up a head and sort out the skeleton, and his hands will complete the rest.

Otherwise, if the entire company has hundreds of technical staff and needs Lu Yi to teach them step by step, then why would these people be hired?


With anything, the beginning is the hardest.

Even if Lu Yi took the lead personally, it took more than half a month to sort it out.

As for the daily operation and maintenance of the school network, Lu Yi has given full authority to Liu Hong.

Because Liu Hong is now the company's chief operating officer, this is his job.

And Liu Hong lived up to his trust.

In terms of operations, he is indeed a talent.

Even in the face of the encirclement and interception of three companies: Goosechang, Wangyi, and Sohu, the user growth of Xiaonei Network doubled throughout June.

Now the number of users has exceeded the 20 million mark, which can be said to be unprecedented.

As for the Tieba project, it was entirely led by the military, and Lu Yi did not interfere too much.

However, Yu Jun will take the initiative to report the progress of Tieba at regular high-level meetings every week.

Tieba has now begun internal testing.

As long as it passes the internal test, it can be directly promoted to the market.

Return to your office.

Lu Yi turned on the computer, received an email from George Edward across the ocean, and browsed it roughly.

[mr.chairman (Mr. Chairman):

Within a month, I had initially established the North American branch and recruited much-needed talents from Google, Microsoft and other companies.

Now the entire team of the North American branch has rapidly expanded to 50 people, and has already promoted face online in Ivy League universities such as Harvard, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Yale.

As soon as it went online, the face site was favored and recognized by students from major universities. In just three days, the number of registered users has exceeded 50,000, the number of active users has stabilized at around 40,000, and the number of daily visits to the website has reached 500,000+.

And as the face monument fermented, students from other colleges and universities in the United States that had not yet gone online sent me petition emails.

The next main task of the North American branch is to launch Face in all universities in the United States and strive to have the number of Face users exceed the 1 million mark throughout July. Our team is very confident about this.

Here, dear Mr. Chairman, I would like to make a suggestion: Can face be opened to all people in North America? 】

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