Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 484 The Only Survivor Of The Mechanical Keyboard Manufacturer

The e-sports circle in this era is in its infancy, and the circle can be said to be a mess.

Without a strong pusher to provide standardized and commercial promotion, this field has been in a state of barbaric and disorderly development for a long time.

In this case, various things happen.


The concepts between e-sports and online games are very vague, and games are closely related to Internet cafes.

As for entertainment venues such as Internet cafes, let alone black Internet cafes, even if they are regular Internet cafes with certificates, most of them are actually not very standardized.

Especially the non-mainstream fashion these days.

Young men and women, with colorfully dyed hair and impeccably dressed clothes, frequently go in and out of major Internet cafes.

It is often a place where young people who are not legitimately unemployed like to wait for a long time.

You are young, you are full of energy, you have nothing to do, you are very angry, you are like a dynamite keg, you can ignite it at a moment's notice, how can you not cause trouble?

When there is trouble, Tian is heavy.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange for the mainstream public to have a good impression of Internet cafes.

It is precisely under this situation that the term "Beat Generation 1900" appears in society.

Coupled with the impact of the Blue Speed ​​Internet Cafe incident a few years ago, in this harsh environment, it would be crazy if e-sports can come to the forefront and be recognized by the mainstream.

Even now that Lu Yi has entered the market in large quantities with funds and personally stood up to change society's view of e-sports, it is not an easy task.

I don’t know how many people not only don’t understand, but also put the big label of destroying the flowers of the motherland on his head, saying that he is rich and unkind and is poaching the country.


There is a long way to go to reverse the public's negative view of e-sports.

It takes time to standardize the entire industry and let the outside world see a different e-sports.

"If we take drastic measures, we can bring about great changes in chaos. We must take drastic measures to bring the entire industry back to its roots."

"To reverse the trend of the entire industry, we must first get rid of the evil trend."

"Don't be afraid of offending people you can't afford to offend. If anything happens, the group company will take care of it for you."

Lu Yi said decisively.

He didn't want to invest so much, only to ruin the whole pot of soup because of a few mouse droppings, causing his tens of billions of investments to be wasted.

Liu Wei was worried that he would offend others in the process, but he, Lu Yi, was not afraid.

At his current level, there are really not many people Lu Yi can afford to offend.

These few are definitely not the rat turds in the e-sports industry.

Liu Wei nodded in agreement.

Now that Lu Yi's words have undoubtedly given him a shot in the arm.

These days, the most difficult thing for him to deal with is some mouse droppings.

He worked hard at the front to promote the standardization and commercialization of the e-sports industry, but someone behind him happened to hold him back, and the person holding back his energy was so powerful that he did not dare to act rashly.

When playing games in domestic divisions, the organizers can be said to be nervous.

Especially when playing in the Zhongdu Division, you have to be even more cautious.

Some players or teams cannot be offended even by the organizer.

Because in a place like Zhongdu, who knows if they are the children of some rich family or the children of high-ranking cadres with a great background?

If the kick hits the iron plate, the game will not go on.

After all, there is a saying that goes well, you don’t know that you are a junior official until you are in middle school, and you don’t know that you have little money until you get to Yangcheng.

In Zhongdu, the city that is the economic and cultural center of the Dragon Kingdom, a brick can knock down a large number of department heads.


Most of the time, the organizer is like a grandson, a bunch of empty ones.

Now that Lu Yi personally gave him Shang Fang's sword, he has nothing to worry about.

How many people dare to say that their background is tougher than that of Future Group?

Although Future Group is a private enterprise, there are also state-owned assets behind Future Group.

With Shang Fang's sword in hand, Liu Wei would have great confidence to do things in the future.

As long as you follow the procedures, you will be strong-willed.

No matter which rich second generation you are, if your family is rich, can Lu Yi still be rich?

"How about the business now?"

Afterwards, Lu Yi asked about the investment situation.

“At present, after internal research, it has been established that the main profit methods are tickets, event peripherals and sponsors.

"Ready Player One has been doing well in attracting investment recently and has already attracted many sponsors."

With that said, Liu Wei handed Lu Yi a document.

"The two largest sponsorships are from Sanxing Group, which provided a batch of monitors and sponsorship worth 5 million meters to sponsor the first Ready Player One event next year."

"The second one is the Cherry Company from Hans Country, which sponsored us a batch of mechanical keyboards and also provided a sponsorship fee of 6 million meters.

Speaking of this, Liu Wei's tone was somewhat proud.

When you have done something and achieved results, you should naturally say it.

If you don’t tell me, how will the leader know?

Moreover, this is the industry where the Top Player Division is most impressive.

These two sponsorship fees alone are as high as 11 million meters, equivalent to 81 million yuan, which is definitely not low.

Sanxing Group Lu Yi is certainly no stranger.

It is also natural for the other party to provide a monitor.

After all, the monitor is considered one of Sanxing's flagship products.

The display supplier of Pinnacle mobile phones is Sanxing.


Sanxing Group also saw the coming of the number one player.

…Please give me flowers…

Although it has previously strongly supported WCG, for Sanxing Group, it is not contradictory to sponsor the number one player.

For enterprises, whoever can bring them greater returns will be supported.

Nowadays, in the field of e-sports, with the future group's large-scale investment, it has created a new e-sports brand and pushed the e-sports industry to a more standardized market-oriented and commercial operation.

It is almost certain that Ready Player One, a new event brand, will replace WCG in the future.

Haven't you seen that the current global e-sports players are all looking at the number one player?

WCG events have become a has-been bride.

As for the cherry company, Lu Yi is also familiar with it.

Because the mechanical keyboard produced by this company in its previous life was world-famous and a must-have product for e-sports.

With the arrival of the personal computer wave in the 1970s, Cherry introduced a keyboard production line in 1967 and built the world's first keyboard factory, ZF Electronics.


Keyboard manufacturers at the same time included KeyTronic, IBM (the computer we talked about at that time was basically equal to IBM, and fruits were only in the 1980s), Cherry, etc.

Keyboards in the 1970s were bulky and large, and essentially the switches were too large.

In the early 1980s, after fierce competition among keyboard switch manufacturers, Cherry and Alps were the main ones left.

Alps' market share gradually shrank due to unsatisfactory feel, and it eventually withdrew from the keyboard switch market.

From the early 1970s to the 1990s, people at that time could only choose keyboards with mechanical switches, and only keyboards with mechanical switches could be chosen.

The advantages are long life and first-class feel, but the disadvantage is that it is expensive.

In the 1990s, the integrated circuit and electronic industries experienced explosive development. Especially after the turn of the millennium, personal computers became popular at a rapid pace, and their prices became unaffordable. Every home could have a desktop computer.

At this time, the membrane keyboard appeared.

The membrane keyboard replaces the multiple previous cumbersome mechanical switches with a silicone membrane, and generates digital signals by directly touching the PCB board through a silicone bowl and a metal bowl.

At that time, membrane keyboards were low in price, easy to assemble, and easy to process. Especially domestic membrane keyboards could even cost 20 yuan.

From the beginning to the end, the feel of the membrane keyboard is not as good as that of the mechanical keyboard, but it cannot withstand the cheap price.

After all, in those days, price was the last word.


Membrane keyboards occupy this market, while mechanical keyboards rely on the industrial market to survive and are dying.

By around 2005, mechanical keyboards basically lost the keyboard market.

Currently, the only manufacturer that still produces mechanical keyboards is Cherry. .

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