The cloud computing business is the focus and top priority of the future strategic development of the Future Group.

Since July 2005, Lu Yi announced its entry into cloud computing.

And at the end of 2005, it invested heavily and reached a cooperation agreement with IBM, which caused an uproar from countless people around the world, and countless people were negative.

If it had been anyone else, they would have retreated a long time ago amid the pessimism.

But Lu Yi, who knows the future development trend, is very clear about the future application prospects of cloud computing and big data, so he does not care about internal and external doubts and advances vigorously.

In the entire 10-year plan for cloud computing and big data, it is expected to invest up to 500 billion yuan.


The specific progress of the matter was left to Luqi to handle, and data centers began to be built around the world.

Currently, the three data centers currently under construction in China have been completed and are already in operation.

Among the nine foreign data centers, the five data centers in Osaka, Bolin, Frankfurt, Sydney and Strasbourg have also reached the final stage of their projects.

After all, it is not on our own territory, and there are many procedures that need to be solved. In addition, it is normal for foreign infrastructure to lag behind domestic construction progress.

Future Group has built data centers in Island Country, Hans Country, Gaul Country, and Kangaroo Country 413. It has not been obstructed by the authorities. On the contrary, Future Group is very welcome to build data centers.

Because Future Group builds data centers in the countries where they are located, this is an investment that can stimulate the local economy and provide jobs.

Only four data centers in North America have encountered difficulties from the North American government and have been unable to pass and remain in a stalemate.

The North American authorities were very tight-lipped about this in the past two years, but now, the tone has begun to loosen.

no way.

The outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis was a huge blow to the North American economy.

Although North America has tried its best to pass the crisis on to its allies such as Europe and island countries, it is impossible to pass it all on.

A large number of companies went bankrupt and workers lost their jobs, which caused great pressure and turmoil on society.

At this time, Songkou allows Future Group's four data centers to be implemented, which can also provide many local jobs and relieve employment pressure.

“In addition to stepping up the implementation of North American data centers, our main focus this year lies in the previous artificial intelligence development project [Azure] plan.

"Among the three artificial intelligence (ccaj) projects, two will be launched this year, voice, image recognition and virtual idol."

"The technical department must seize the time and strive to go online as soon as possible."

“As far as I know, there are already many technology companies that are rapidly entering the field of artificial intelligence.

“Companies such as Guge and Qiandu are also developing products such as image recognition and online translation.

In response to Lu Yi's words, everyone present nodded.

They have also heard that companies such as Guge and Qiandu are increasing investment in artificial intelligence.

At present, many companies around the world are anchored by Future Group.

In the future, no matter which direction the group invests in development, no matter whether the direction of entry currently has no prospects, it will first follow up and occupy a pit.

Just like the field of artificial intelligence.

Prior to this, although many companies were conducting research in this area, they invested very little.

After Future Group announced its entry into the field of artificial intelligence, a wave of artificial intelligence suddenly took off in the industry.

Companies that were originally conducting research in this area directly increased their investment after seeing the Future Group enter the market.

Originally, they could not see the prospects of this area and thought that investing in it would be a waste of money.

Even if it produces results, I am afraid it will take more than ten or twenty years to generate benefits.

after all.

The concept of artificial intelligence appeared and flourished as early as the 1950s and 1960s.

However, decades have passed, and the global development of artificial intelligence has been minimal, so that the public is generally not optimistic about it, and they dare not invest more for fear of wasting money.

Now that the Future Group has entered the market, it is like a catfish mixed in with the sardines, making these people unable to sit still and increasing their investment.

Companies that had not originally conducted research in this area have chosen to follow up after seeing the Future Group enter the market.

It can be said.

The Lu Yi effect is vividly reflected.

No wonder everyone is following the footsteps of Future Group.

It's entirely because Lu Yi has never made a mistake over the years. He is always ahead of the times and on the trend.

This also makes the outside world blindly believe that the field Lu Yi is interested in is definitely the next trend and must be followed up.

"In addition to continuing to promote the strategic development goals we set last year, we will also launch one or two new projects in the first half of this year."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lu Yi.

"The first one is to make a multi-person cloud video conferencing software."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Yi directly announced the first project.

"As you can see, the group's business is getting bigger and bigger. There are more than ten or twenty subsidiaries at home and abroad. Sometimes it is very inconvenient to hold high-level meetings. "It is necessary for the heads of overseas subsidiaries to put down their hands. Fly to Sioux City for work.

"So, I was thinking, can we develop a multi-person cloud video conferencing software? So that sometimes when urgent high-level meetings are held, we can directly conduct online video conferencing without the need for the person in charge of the overseas subsidiary to rush I was so busy that I came to Sioux City."

"Expanding from the situation of our Future Group to other large international groups, do they also have the same needs as us? Even if they are not multinational international companies, they are some large domestic companies with branches scattered across the country and meetings at the headquarters Isn’t it also very inconvenient?”

"So, the market in this area is still huge and it is worth exploring."

Lu Yi's words made everyone present fall into deep thought.

have to say.

It is indeed imperative to develop a multi-person cloud video conferencing software.

The more they get to this position, they are either in a meeting or on the way to a meeting.

With such a video conferencing software, a lot of troubles can be solved.

To this.

Lu Qi and others expressed their support.

There is no reason not to support it.

As Lu Yi said, not only Future Group needs such a multi-person video conferencing software, but other companies also need it. There is still a market for it and money can be made.

"Since everyone agrees, the project has been decided, codenamed [ZOOM]

In the area of ​​multi-person video conferencing software, Lu Yi does not plan to set up two business units or subsidiaries in Gunei and overseas. He only needs to establish one related subsidiary in China.

At that time, the products developed will be directly provided to the world.

Although there are some breakthroughs in this area, in Lu Yi's opinion, the breakthroughs are not very big. .

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