Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 607 With Companies Like Blue Star Electronics Here, Why Worry About The Country Not Being Pr

Jiang Shangzhou also reacted at this time.


He was a little confused about the most core aspects of the information, such as design framework, circuit logic, etc.


32nm level, he still knows what this means!

this means.

If the information of Blue Star Electronics is correct, there are wafer factories that can produce it according to the above design.


Dragon Kingdom will have the most advanced, self-designed chip in the world!

This will break the foreign blockade in one fell swoop.

It makes Longguo, in the city industry.

Suddenly step into the most advanced technology field!

Think of this.

Jiang Shangzhou's heart started beating violently.

The cheeks that were originally very pale and bloodless also turned blood red at this moment.

His biggest goal in this life is to let Longguo's chip industry stand up and not be choked by foreign countries.

"Director Lu, is this... 32nm level CPU really designed by Blue Star Electronics?" Jiang Shangzhou asked 903 in disbelief.

It is really.

Too shocked.


Can Longguo's technology companies really catch up with chip giants like Intel?

It's not that the ambition of others destroys one's own prestige.

It is really.

He clearly knows that it is too difficult to catch up with North American companies in the chip industry.


Not much smaller than two bombs and one star!


Blue Star Electronics has come up with a 32nm chip design plan.

Make him feel like he is in a dream, dreaming.

Zhao Tang said a little arrogantly: "Of course it was designed by our Blue Star Electronics. Let alone 32nm, even 28nm is not difficult for us Blue Star Electronics."

These words.

Jiang Shangzhou and Zhang Rujin's eyes bulged.

What's the meaning?

Is this 32nm chip design the most advanced technology within Blue Star Electronics?

(agci) Bluestar Electronics can already design 28nm level chips?

real or fake?

Jiang Shangzhou trembled and said: "Director Lu..."

"Professor Jiang, didn't you say that you two are seniors I admire, just call me Xiao Lu," Lu Yi said.

Jiang Shangzhou said: "Xiao...forget it, I'll just call you Brother Lu!"

"Brother Lu, is what Mr. Zhao said true?"

"Can Blue Star Electronics already design 28nm-level chips?"

Lu Yi said calmly: "Almost! It is expected that the 28nm design plan will be available next year or the year after next at the latest."


Jiang Shangzhou and Zhang Rujin took a breath of cold air.


Blue Star Electronics has reached the final moment in the design of 28nm chips.



"If our Dragon Country has a few more technology companies like Blue Star Electronics, why worry about the country and the nation not being prosperous?"

Jiang Shangzhou couldn't help laughing.

He was so happy.

Although he is now suffering from lung cancer and has only a few years to live.

But before he dies, he can see that the chip industry that he worked so hard to promote will have major breakthroughs and break the foreign blockade. Even if he dies, there will be no regrets.

The shock and joy on Zhang Rujin's face could not be suppressed.

Clench your hands into fists.

Although he was born and raised in Baodao area.

Shao, a member of the older generation, is a native of the Dragon Kingdom, and this is in his heart.

if not.

He will not come to mainland China to found Loongson International and contribute to the domestic chip industry.

Lu Yi said: “This time I came to Shanghai to meet with two professors, hoping that Blue Star Electronics can cooperate with some semiconductor companies in Shanghai to overcome the problem of chip production.


"Blue Star Electronics' Kunlun chips are manufactured by Li Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the Baodao area."

"But this time Sanxing showed that it had cut off its confession, which sounded the alarm for me."

"Once one day Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. receives some instruction and stops providing us with Blue Star Electronics OEM chips, then Blue Star Electronics will be faced with a situation where no cores are available."

"after all."

"Sanxing has cut off the supply of screens to us, which will put Blue Star Electronics in trouble.

"But after all, there are LCD panel manufacturers such as LG, Soni, Songxia, and Philips around the world that can provide high-end displays."

"Even if the screens of these companies are not as good as Sanxing screens, they can still be used."

"But the chip is different."

“Once Semiconductor Manufacturing Company does not produce chips for us, and there is no other domestic company that can produce chips for us, then Blue Star Electronics will really face a situation where no chips are available.

"And this dilemma cannot be solved in a short time."

Hear the words.

Zhang Rujin and Jiang Shangzhou both nodded in agreement.

Although Lu Yi's words belittled Loongson International.

But it’s also practical.

Loongson International is indeed the most advanced wafer fab in the country, but compared with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., its technical strength is really far behind.

Blue Star Electronics' pinnacle mobile phone has a display problem and can be replaced with another screen.

But what if there is something wrong with the chip?

Should we let Loongson International OEM produce 65nm and 90nm-level Kunlun cores instead?

If this is really the case, will Blue Star Electronics still use the Peak brand?

Do you still want to develop in the high-end market?

For other mobile phone brands, their chips are 32nm or even 28nm.

As a result, it is said to be the most high-end mobile phone, but the chips are 65nm and 90nm.

Those competitors would probably laugh out of their dreams. .

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