Yin Zhiyao is very concerned about the research and development of advanced foreign lithography machines.

Because the etching machines produced by their company are supporting equipment for photolithography machines.

Naturally, it is necessary to keep up with the development of photolithography machines and provide corresponding technical supporting equipment.

In the current field of lithography machines.

Holland's ASML, and the island country's Nicon and Canon are the world's three largest lithography equipment production giants.

Before 2003.

In the global lithography machine market, Nicon and Canon are the absolute leaders.

Just by choosing the wrong route.

After ASML launched the immersion lithography machine, its market share was surpassed by its younger brother ASML.

Up to now.

ASML is already ahead of Nikang and Jianeng in terms of technology.

Although these two years.

Nikang is also moving closer to immersion in technology, and has also launched immersion lithography equipment.

Even Intel has brought Nikang to play with it, publicly announcing that it will exclusively use Nikang's lithography machines for the 32nm process.

But on ASML's side, it has already set its sights on EUV.

It is also the launch of EUV that ASML will completely leave behind Nikang [to dominate the field of lithography machines.

In the field of immersed DUV, Nicon and Jianeng can still choose again after taking the wrong path.

But in the EUV field, Nikang does not have this opportunity.

If you want to produce an EUV lithography machine, the most important thing that needs to be solved is how to reduce the light source with a wavelength of 193nm to 13.5nm.

to this end.

Cymer Light Source Company in North America, with the strong support of ASML, is frantically researching the high-power light sources required for EUV.

Although the research is very confidential, some gossip has spread.

Cymer Company, in this regard, has made considerable progress.

This means.

ASML's production of EUV lithography machines is just the last step.

As long as Cymer develops a high-power light source, ASML will be able to produce EUV, completely widening the gap between Nikang and Jianeng, making it impossible for them to catch up.

Cymer can supply ASML, but will it supply Nikang and Jianeng?


Because North America will not give island countries the opportunity to surrender and then choke North American semiconductors.

Early 2000.

Before Ni Kang and Jianeng made the wrong choice between dry and wet engraving.

In fact, it was earlier than 1997.

Under the intervention of the North American government, when Nikang was squeezed out by EUVLLC, it was already destined that the future lithography machine market would be dominated by ASML.

In order to try to break through 193nm, Intel preferred the radical EUV solution.

So as early as 1997, an alliance called EUVLLC was formed.

All the names in the league are like thunder.

In addition to Intel and the leading North American related departments.

There are also Motorola, AMD, IBM, and three major national laboratories affiliated to relevant departments: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Santia National Laboratory, and Lawrence Pokeli Laboratories.

These laboratories are the unsung heroes of North American technological development.

The research results cover various cutting-edge directions in physics, chemistry, manufacturing, and semiconductor industries, including nuclear weapons, supercomputers, national ignition devices, and even more than 20 newly discovered chemical elements.

Funds are in place, technology is on the market, and teams are gathering.

However, the North American photolithography companies SVG and Ultratech in the alliance were beaten to pieces by the island country's Nicon Company as early as the 1980s, and they could not hold up the wall at all.


Intel wants to bring Ni Kang and Asmai to join the team.

But here's the thing.

These two companies, one is from an island country and the other is from Holland [neither are local companies.


The North American government regards EUV technology as the core technology to promote the development of the domestic semiconductor industry, and does not really want foreign companies to participate in it.

What's more, in the 1980s, the island country dominated North America in the semiconductor field.

However, EUV lithography machines are almost approaching the limits of physics, materials science and precision manufacturing.

The light source power requirements are extremely high, the lens and reflector systems are also extremely precise, and require a vacuum environment. The yield rate of the supporting resists and protective films is not high.

Let alone the small island country and Helan.

Even if North America wants to break through this technology on its own, it is a fool's errand.

Naturally, North America will not give the island country the opportunity to surrender and then seize the throat of North American semiconductors.

In a report submitted to the top level, experts clearly pointed out that "Nikang may transfer technology back to the island country, thus completely eliminating the North American lithography machine industry."

Island countries are enemies.

But Holland still has a chance to transform into "America's good comrade".

at the same time.

To show sincerity.

ASML agreed to build a factory and a research and development center in North America to meet all domestic production capacity needs in the United States.

in addition.

It also ensures that 55% of parts are purchased from North American suppliers and undergo regular review.

on the basis of.

Relevant departments in North America have reached an agreement with ASML, allowing it to join EUVLLC to jointly participate in development and share research results.

In 6 years.

The R&D staff of EUVLL C have published hundreds of papers, thus advancing the research progress of UV technology.

Although Asmai, who is seeking peace by ceding territory, is only a small player, he still has a chance to get a share of the pie.

Sharing technology is only one aspect. The backdoor acquisition is actually a great gift from North America to ASML.

Year 2009.

North American company Cymer developed the high-power light source required for EUV and became ASML's supplier.

Four years later, ASML directly acquired Cynner at a high price of 2.5 billion yuan.

North America didn't even give Nikang a chance to enter the EUVLLC alliance.

After Cymer was acquired by ASML.

Will ASML provide Nikang with the most advanced light source technology, so that Nikang can catch up with itself in technology and compete with itself in the global market?

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