Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 621 Work, Work Is Gone! Windfall, Windfall Is Gone!

Agreement reached.

The company's management personnel have also been decided.

The next step is to build the company.

Let Jiang Shangzhou handle this matter.

Although Jiang Shangzhou is no longer a member of the government, his relationship with the Shanghai Municipal Government is still there.

It was very convenient to have him go through all the procedures.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange will never make things difficult here.

As for the company's location, it is most likely to be in Zhangjiang High-Tech Park.

This industrial park has long been planned as a chip industrial park.

Loongson International, Shanghai Microelectronics and Longwei Semiconductor are all here.

It would be best for Coastal Semiconductor to settle in Zhangjiang High-tech Park.

After the trip to Shanghai stock market, Lu Yi returned to Sioux City with his people.

Coastal Semiconductor is now established.

But it is still unknown when this tree will bear fruit.

But no matter what, this is a good start.

At least.

This is the hope for the rise of the domestic semiconductor industry.

Plant the sycamore tree and the phoenix will come to throw you.

Coastal Semiconductor Company is the sycamore tree planted by him.

The entire semiconductor industry covers a wide range of areas.

The establishment of Coastal Semiconductor has only initially opened up the upstream, midstream and downstream of the domestic semiconductor industry.

And this does not involve the upstream raw materials.

For example, photoresist, special gas and other materials.

China is also very backward in terms of materials.

But compared with breakthroughs in the research and development of photolithography machines, breakthroughs in materials are much easier.

Now the sycamore tree of Coastal Semiconductor has been planted.

As long as Coastal Semiconductor develops and grows, it can break the domestic road blockade.

Then companies related to domestic raw materials will inevitably see business opportunities in this.

There is no need for Lu Yi to personally go out to connect people. These companies will consciously improve research and development in this area in order to enter the coastal semiconductor supply chain.

This is Phoenix Zi Lai Tou!

Even if Lu Yi has the intention, he does not have the power to integrate the entire semiconductor industry chain.


That requires unified regulation by the state, which cannot be accomplished by oneself.


As long as relevant companies see that they can make more money.


These people will act independently without Lu Yi's push.

No one has trouble with money.

Especially if you participate in it, you can make a lot of money!

The current domestic related companies are not so active.

First, technological breakthroughs are indeed difficult.

Second, there is no stable partner.

It would be really uncomfortable if we invested huge sums of money in research and development, but found no partners and the products could not be sold.

time flies.

Coming to December 20th.

Sioux City, Dingfeng mobile phone direct store.


Many people come to the store to experience the top three generations of mobile phones.


Because of the fire at Sanxing Display, it was no longer possible to supply screens to Blue Star Electronics.

Many scalpers saw the opportunity to get rich overnight.


Long queues began to form in front of Dingfeng Mobile's major direct-operated stores around the world a month and a half in advance.

I want to take advantage of the low production of mobile phones at the peak of the third generation to make a fortune.

To this.

Even some people with serious jobs cannot resist the temptation.

I quit my job directly and changed my career to become a scalper.

I dreamed of buying a top mobile phone for more than 4,000 yuan, and selling it for another 3,000 to 5,000 yuan.


Right at the beginning of the month.

A piece of news from Huaxing Optoelectronics made these scalpers keep wailing.

Frankly speaking, they queued for half a month in vain.

The dream of getting rich overnight was shattered.

Huaxing Optoelectronics has developed an R-IPS screen and will supply it to Blue Star Electronics for use on its third-generation Pinnacle mobile phones.

this means.

Blue Star Electronics will have screens available.


Naturally, the total output of the third generation of peak mobile phones will not only be 500,000 units.

There is no such thing as the so-called rare thing.

This leads to.

These scalpers' dream of making a fortune by reselling the third-generation peak mobile phone at an additional price of 3,000 to 5,000 yuan was instantly shattered.

Even at the beginning, limited by the production capacity of R-IPS screens, the production of the third-generation peak mobile phones will be very tight, and they will face a situation of being out of stock.

But being out of stock doesn't mean it's always out of stock.

If there were really no screen available, there would only be 500,000 units of the three-generation pinnacle mobile phones.

These scalpers resold them for a price increase of three to five thousand, and there are really top fans who will pay for them.

after all!

Such a top-notch third-generation mobile phone is considered a masterpiece.

But now

Pinnacle mobile phones will have R-IPS screens available. Who would be so stupid as to spend an extra 30 to 50 yuan to buy one?

If you can't get it right away, you'll have to wait a month or two more.

A full-time scalper, although wailing.

But this kind of thing cannot be predicted.

can only say.

This time they couldn't make a fortune.

But some scalpers who got on the bus were really crying without tears.

I planned to take advantage of this opportunity and make a fortune.

I even quit my regular job because of this.

I waited in line for ten days and a half.

Now you tell me. Have you woken up from the dream (of having money)?

Fuck you!

Give me my job!

These half-way scalpers just want to kill them with a piece of tofu.

Work, work is gone.

Windfall, windfall flew away.

It's like lifting a stone to hit oneself in the foot, stealing the chicken but losing the rice, losing the wife and losing the army.

no way.

I could only hang my head, walk out of the queue, and prepare to find a construction site to move bricks.

Otherwise, what can we do?

If you don't move bricks, are you waiting to drink the northwest wind?

I still have a family to support!

To this.

Huaxing Optoelectronics, whose dream of getting rich overnight was shattered, is deeply resented by these half-way scalpers.

You said when did you make a technological breakthrough?

It just happens to be at this time!

As a result, my chance of getting rich was gone, and instead I lost money overnight!

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