before coming.

Jobs still held on to some illusions.

I feel that Huaxing Optoelectronics’ so-called R-IPS screen is just blown out.


It is to alleviate the embarrassment of Blue Star Electronics having no screen available~.

after all.

in the LCD panel industry.

Relevant companies from cold countries, island countries, Europe, America, and the Treasure Island region are the bosses.

The LCD panel company in Longguo can only follow behind and eat dust.

Drink some of the leftover soup and water from their meal.

It is precisely this weakness that is captured.

It was only then that Jobs made such a sinister plan to block Blue Star Electronics.

He wants to use Samsung screens to break the backbone of Blue Star Electronics so as to avenge being ripped off.

Looking at the subsequent actions of Blue Star Electronics, they were all in line with his expectations.

But at this time.

Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.


He still doesn't believe that a Longguo company can develop an IPS screen that is comparable to amoled display effects.

But at this moment.

After on-site experience.

The illusion in Jobs's heart was completely shattered.

The display effect of the R-IPS screen surpasses LCD screens and other IPS screens, and is enough to compete with Sanxing's amoled screens.


The key is.

The R-IPS screen does not have the shortcomings of the amoled screen in terms of display details.

after all.

Amoled technology is an emerging technology.


That is why Sanxing Display has invested heavily in research and development in this area.

On the other hand, look at the IPS screen.

It is a screen with very mature technology.

In terms of technological breakthroughs, it is much smaller than amoled.

Although in terms of development prospects, Jobs is more optimistic about amoled screens.

But he knew it.

Until Sanxing solves the shortcomings of amoled screens.

Huaxing Optoelectronics’ R-IPS screen will be the best LCD screen, bar none!

He wanted to use the screen to jam Blue Star Electronics' neck and completely go bankrupt.

This made Jobs very angry!


Why is it that a Longguo company can surpass world-renowned LCD panel manufacturers such as Sharp, LG, and Philips to develop R-IPS screens?

This is unscientific!

Shouldn’t Longguo’s company have such strong scientific research capabilities?

Could it be that the patented technology of other companies was stolen?



That must be it!

Think of this.

A more sinister conspiracy emerged in Jobs' mind.

at this time.

A clerk came over.

He said enthusiastically: "Sir, welcome to Luoshanji Dingfeng Mobile Phone Direct Store. I am Lucy, the clerk. I am happy to serve you.

Lucy is a newly recruited blond girl in the store with a cheerful and enthusiastic personality.

She just saw Jobs, who was dressed a little strangely, walking into the store and playing with his Pinnacle mobile phone.

And she could tell that Jobs seemed a little dissatisfied with the Pinnacle mobile phone.

at this point.

You can see it from Jobs' actions.


Lucy thought it was because Steve Jobs encountered some difficulty while experiencing the third generation of top mobile phones.

In line with the service concept that the customer is God, Lucy came over and prepared to introduce the third-generation pinnacle mobile phone to Jobs.

"Sir, the mobile phone in your hand is the latest third-generation pinnacle mobile phone of Blue Star Electronics. The third-generation pinnacle mobile phone..."

Lucy first introduced the software and hardware of the third generation mobile phone.

at last.

Keep the topic focused on the screen.

"Sir, you may not know yet."

"The display on our third-generation pinnacle mobile phone is the latest R-IPS screen developed by Huaxing Optoelectronics Company."

“This screen is very advanced, and its display effect is comparable to the most advanced amoled screens, but in terms of details, it does not have the jagged feel of amoled screens.

"With Bluestar Electronics' unique Retina technology, the pixel density of this R-IPS screen can reach an astonishing 320pp..."

Lucy chatted.

All words that can be praised are used on the R-IPS screen.

She is also a peak fan herself.

In addition, the conditions at home are not bad, so I can buy a Peak mobile phone every year.

After graduating from college this year.

She did not accept the olive branch offered by the well-known large companies on Wall Street, but chose to work in a pinnacle mobile phone direct sales store.

in order.

It is the first time to have access to the latest pinnacle mobile phone of Blue Star Electronics.

Jobs felt even worse when he heard Lucy's endless compliments.

Lucy felt like a fly buzzing in her ear.

as a competitor.

Can he not know the parameters and performance of the third-generation pinnacle mobile phone?

Can he not know the pixels of R-IPS?

He was in a irritable mood and didn't want to listen to Lucy's chattering voice anymore.

Because these compliments were more like ruthless ridicule to him.


Jobs raised his head suddenly, with a gloomy look on his face, and blurted out vulgar language.

0...Please give me flowers.

Lucy was immediately startled.

Then he met Steve Jobs' eyes.


"I bought it!"

"Sir, you are... You are Steve Jobs!? Steve Jobs, the head of the fruit company?"

Not only was Lucy not angry, she actually exclaimed.

Steve Jobs was her idol.

She also has a special liking for the fruit company's products.

For example, Epad, Epad!

Lucy didn't expect that.

She would actually meet the famous Steve Jobs here!

Lucy's voice.

It also attracted the attention of other people around, and they all looked over.

Fruit Company is a well-known high-tech company in North America.

As the head of the fruit company, Steve Jobs is also a famous figure in North America.



"Oh, it's really Mr. Jobs!"

“Jobs actually came to the Dingfeng Mobile Direct Store!”

"The fruit company and the Sanxing Group of Han Dynasty jointly established the Turing brand, and now Steve Jobs appears here again. So, he is here to learn from his experience?"

"Quickly take a photo! This is Mr. Jobs! This time I finally met the real person."

"Hi, Mr. Jobs, you are my idol, can you take a photo with me?"


Many people gathered around, took out their Pinnacle phones, and took photos with Jobs.

When Jobs saw that he had been exposed, his face changed wildly, and without saying a word, he hurriedly ran out the door.

What a shame!

He, the head of a fruit company, appears in a Dingfeng mobile phone store. If this news gets out, what will everyone think of him?

no way.

Can only run away.

It's just that the figure from the back looks a bit embarrassed as if he was running away.

Everyone in the store.

Seeing Jobs running away without saying a word, everyone was stunned and confused.

What's happening?

Isn't it just a photo together?

Even if you don't agree, just say it.

What are you running for?

They are not man-eating monsters!

Everyone who couldn't figure it out immediately took out their pinnacle phones and logged into Twitter or to post.

He said that he met Steve Jobs, the head of the fruit company, who came to spy on military affairs at the Dingping Mobile Phone Store in Los Angeles. He had pictures and the truth.


The news that Jobs appeared at the Summit Mobile Store in Los Angeles spread all over the Internet, causing countless North American netizens to discuss it. .

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