Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 628 The Strategic Focus Shifts From Overseas To Domestic

Year 2008.

This is an extraordinary year for both Dragon Kingdom and the world.

For the Dragon Kingdom.

This year has brought joy and sorrow.


At the beginning of the year, most areas in the south suffered from rare rain, snow and freezing disasters, causing heavy losses.

In May, another major Wenchuan earthquake occurred.

69,227 people were killed, 374,643 people were injured, and 17,923 people were missing.

The whole country is sad!

And the joy is.

It was also in this year that our country realized its century-old Olympic dream.

On August 8, Dragon Kingdom’s first Summer Olympics was held in Zhongdu.

With 51 Olympic gold medals, he topped the gold medal list, the most in history.


The Shenzhou 7 manned spacecraft was launched, and astronaut Zhai Zigang went out of the cabin for the first time to conduct extravehicular activities.

And for the world.

The biggest event this year is the financial crisis.

Although in February 2007, the North American subprime mortgage crisis broke out.

Many institutions predict that the North American subprime mortgage crisis will spread to the world, thus forming a global financial crisis.

In mid-September, Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy.

This subprime shock wave originating from North America eventually evolved into a global financial crisis, severely impacting the world economy.

In this situation.

The economic situation of countries such as Sheila and Bingdao is not optimistic, and there are signs of bankruptcy.

this year.

It has been a difficult year for companies around the world.

Especially for the major commercial banks, it is even more miserable.

UBS, Huifeng, Deutsche Bank, etc., a large number of well-known domestic and foreign banks and investment banks, suffered heavy losses.

Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Merrill Lynch, three of the top five Wall Street investment banks in North America, went bankrupt and were acquired.

Even the major domestic banks have been affected by the subprime mortgage crisis.

Although the losses are not as big as those of banks such as UBS and Huifeng, they are not small.

And in the technology industry.

In the first half of this year, the stock prices of technology companies were relatively resilient.

The decline was relatively slow in the first half of the year, but in the second half of the year.

Especially after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, it was a bit of a fall.

Microsoft, the number one technology stock, has a market capitalization of 320 billion yuan from its highest last year.

After one year, the market value was cut in half, falling to 175 meters.

Companies such as Guge, IBM, Intel, and Jiaguwen are all similar.

But Lu Yi knows.

For now.

Technology companies have basically hit rock bottom.

Because of the present.

The subprime mortgage crisis has entered a stage of stabilization and recovery.


Countries have introduced many comprehensive economic stimulus plans.

Like North America.

The Federal Reserve has launched four rounds of quantitative easing policies, purchasing large amounts of asset-backed securities and selling Treasury bonds to inject liquidity into the market.

And at home.

In the second half of this year, due to the sharp decline in domestic exports, double-digit growth at the beginning of the year quickly fell back to negative growth.

in November.

The country has introduced a series of fiscal and monetary policies to respond to the global financial crisis and stabilize the economy.

The total scale of these policies is about 4 trillion RMB, referred to as the "four trillion" investment plan.

The four trillion fiscal stimulus covers a wide range of industries and uses.


About 37% of the funds (about 1.5 trillion) were used to build infrastructure (railways, public aircraft, etc.) and urban power grids.

About 25% of the funds (about 1 trillion) were used for post-disaster reconstruction in earthquake-stricken areas.

The remaining funds will be used for affordable housing, independent innovation and rural water, electricity, gas houses, etc.

The general environment is quietly reversing.

Lu Yi takes one step and sees three steps.

After the financial crisis.

over the next ten years.

The Dragon Kingdom will be given the wings to take off [starting a decade of rapid development beyond the pursuit of industry.


The economic aggregate of Longguo ranks third in the world.

Ranking in front of the Dragon Kingdom are North America and island countries.

Precisely because the Dragon Kingdom has begun a stage of rapid rise, North America's attention will also shift from the Middle East to the Asia-Pacific region.

To be precise.

It is against the Dragon Kingdom that the ferocity will become stronger every year.

As the saying goes, the first bird is shot.

0......Please give me flowers,

Two Internet technology giant groups founded by Lu Yi.

To put it bluntly, these are the two postcards that Longguo is good at in the Internet and high-tech fields. They are harvesting traffic and profits around the world and continue to expand.

No need to think.

No need to have any illusions.

Once North America finds that it can no longer afford to play, it will show its true nature.

By the time.

North America will definitely take action against Future Group and Blue Star Electronics!

This is for sure!

From the beginning, Lu Yi knew that this day would come, sooner or later.


He would not choose to sit still and wait for death.

In the days to come, overseas markets will definitely face many problems.

But the good thing is.

After the financial crisis, the consumption potential of the Greater China market began to explode.

The potential of a supermarket with a population of 1.3 billion is shocking to the world.

The signs of an outbreak have begun to emerge this year.

On July 24 this year.

The Longguo Internet Network Information Center released the "22nd Statistical Report on the Development of the Longguo Internet Network".

The report shows.

As of the end of June 2008, the number of Internet users in Longguo reached 253 million, surpassing North America by a large margin for the first time and ranking first in the world.

Of course.

Although the number of Internet users in Longguo is currently the first in the world.


The Internet penetration rate is only 19.1%, which is still lower than the global average of 21.1%.

The market here has yet to be developed!

The Internet is on the fast track of rapid prosperity and development in this ancient country.

Then there is no doubt about it.

In the case where overseas markets may be blocked.

Lu Yi naturally wants to gradually shift the focus of strategic layout from overseas to domestic in the next step.


In the past, overseas markets accounted for 80% of the focus.

So next.

Lu Yi hopes to achieve a balance between the domestic market and the overseas market, each accounting for about 50%.

Even more domestically.

The fundamental purpose of the shift in strategic focus is to improve one's own ability to resist attack!

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