Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 636 Lu Qi: Are You Afraid That I Will Suddenly Run Away Too?

After Lin Qingya left the office.

Lu Yi sighed again.

He really didn't expect that Lin Qingya would resign.


Lin Qingya was resolute, so he could only agree.


Just like Lin Qingya said.

Today, the legal team of Future Group is extremely powerful.

This is also normal.

The group spends a lot of money to support this group of people, so naturally they are not just freeloaders.

Think about it.

Lu Yi called Lu Qi.

It didn't take long.

Lu Qi came to the office.

"Director Lu, you are looking for me."

"Lao Lu, sit down and say.

Lu Qi nodded and sat on the sofa.

Lu Yi said directly: "The company's personnel are about to undergo major changes.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Qi's eyes narrowed.

But he didn't speak, waiting for Lu Yi's next words.

"Just now Lin Qingya told me that she wanted to resign, and I have agreed.


These words immediately made Lu Qi's mind explode.

I was stunned.

He didn't have any auditory hallucinations, did he?

Lin Qingya wants to resign?


Lu Yi agreed!


Why did Lin Qingya suddenly resign?


Why doesn't Lu Yi keep Lin Qingya?

As the company's COO, although he is the second person in the group.

But because Lu Yi spends most of his energy on Blue Star Electronics.


Although he is COO, his actual power is no different from that of CED.

He knew very well the importance of Lin Qingya to the future group.

It is precisely because of Lin Qingya's presence that he helped Future Group build a luxurious legal team to protect the company and resolve all legal disputes.

Now Lin Qingya suddenly wants to resign.

Although it will not cause the group's legal team to fall apart.

However, the resignation of such a heavyweight will inevitably lead to constant discussion from the outside world and internal turmoil.

Future Group is no longer the small company it was a few years ago.

But a giant aircraft carrier!

Market value is hundreds of billions of gold!

Responsible for the facade of domestic Internet companies!

As the core executives of such a group, they control the direction of the group, and their every move will be interpreted by the outside world with a magnifying glass.

not to mention.

Now it is still a matter of the sudden resignation of the third person in the group.

He could even imagine it now.

Once the news comes out, it will immediately become headlines around the world.

He could even think of how to make some media headlines - Surprise! Lin Qingya, chief legal officer of Future Group, suddenly broke the news of her resignation!

For a while.

Only then did Lu Qi digest the shocking news.

He looked at Lu Yi and asked with a puzzled expression: "Director Lu, why does Mr. Lin suddenly want to resign? And why don't you retain her? She is the anchor of our group."

It is the group’s biggest protective umbrella~. "

Lu Yi said: "You think I didn't keep her! I almost knelt down to her and begged her not to leave. But she was determined! You have been working with her for three years, and you still don't know what kind of character she is. ?"

"Nine oxen can't get her back from something she's determined to do!"

"There is no other way, I can only promise her."

Lu Qi nodded.

Lin Qingya indeed has this character.

"Why did Mr. Lin suddenly resign?"

Lu Qi still couldn't understand Lin Qingya's move to resign.

"She said she wanted to change her lifestyle. Legal work was no longer interesting and she was going to venture into the venture capital world."

"Perhaps this is the legendary loneliness like avalanche!"

Lu Yi explained.


Lu Qi was confused by these words and rolled his eyes.

"Okay! This matter has been decided. I will inform you so that you can be mentally prepared."

"Lin Qingya has already chosen her successor, her assistant Wan Huayu."

"If Lin Qingya resigns, she will no longer be able to serve as a member of the group's board of directors. I think Wan Huayu will be the one to take over. What do you think?"

Lu Yi said.

Lu Qi thought for a while and said: "I know the Ten Thousand Flowers Language and I am very capable!"

"After Mr. Lin's personal training in the past two years, my ability has improved to a higher level."

"Lin Qingya resigned, and Wan Huayu came to take her place, which is no problem.

"As for letting Wan Huayu become a member of the board of directors, that's no problem."

Lu Yi nodded.


He sighed again, looked at Lu Qi, and said: "Lao Lu, although you joined our group three years ago, you are still considered an old employee. How are you, are you satisfied with your work?"

Lu Qi looked at Lu Yi in surprise, wondering why he asked this.

But he still nodded and said: "Satisfied! Of course I am satisfied! If you hadn't invited me to work at Future Group, Director Lu, I would be depressed now."

Lu Yixin said.

He won't be depressed.

Although you (Zhao Hao) are not happy at Yahu, according to the original development line, you should go to Microsoft as executive vice president this year.

Then in 1978, he jumped to Qiandu as president and chief operating officer.

"As long as you are satisfied!"

"Old Lu, you must never imitate Lin Qingya."

"The group needs you!"

"The group can't live without you!"

"You may not think that I am the boss of the group, but this year, I have not cared much about the group's affairs. You have been in charge.

"You are the soul of the group now, so don't have any thoughts of giving up.

Lu Yi said seriously.

This made Lu Qi dumbfounded.


You asked me if I was satisfied with what I was doing.

Are you afraid that I will imitate Lin Qingya and suddenly run away?

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