these two days.

There are some uneasy feelings within the Future Group.

Because a piece of news came from nowhere that the group’s chief legal officer, Lin Qingya, was about to leave the company.

This piece of gossip immediately fooled everyone!

That's Lin Qingya!

The number 3 figure in the group!

Director Lu’s right-hand man!

He personally built the group's undefeated team, known as the Dragon Kingdom's Bi Ke Winning Legal Department.

It is such a high-ranking core executive, and now there is news that he is resigning~?

What the hell is going on?

Who dares to arrange for Big Boss Bi of the group to risk his life?

Do you still want to hang out in the group?

Lounge, pantry, fitness room, vent room, etc.

A place within the Future Group for employees to rest and vent.


Many employees took advantage of their breaks to discuss the matter.

"That...the news that Mr. Lin is resigning is true or false?"

"I don't know!"

"I don't know which guy who is not afraid of death spread the news, but he actually arranged it all on Mr. Lin."

"Do you think this news is true?"

"No way! Our group has countless job seekers trying to get in. Just talk about this financial crisis. Major companies have laid off employees and cut wages. Looking at our group, there are no layoffs and no salary cuts. , on the contrary, the recruitment was expanded. As the chief legal officer of the group, Mr. Lin is the group’s No. 3 person, a person with high authority, “He will resign only after he becomes the boss!”

"But...why haven't Mr. Lin or other senior officials come forward to refute the rumors?"

"Yes! Now this matter has gone viral internally, and everyone is talking about it. Many people think that there is something wrong within the group? Or that Mr. Lin and Director Lu are at odds or something." 1

"Hey, we are all little guys. These things are just for conversation after dinner. It's better not to worry about these things and just work with peace of mind."

"If Mr. Lin really resigns, I don't know who will take her place!"

"It can't be us anyway."

"Competent people are so willful! They have reached the position of No. 3 in the group, and they still want to resign! If it were me, I would die in that position!"

"Isn't that right? There is no comparison between people! Look at our Chairman Lu, he is young and started from scratch. He is only 27 years old this year and already has a net worth of hundreds of billions. He is a real diamond king!"

"Oh, you girl is so excited! Don't even think about it! Don't even think about it, are you as good as Mr. Lin or Mr. Lan? Are you as beautiful as them?"

"So what? I'm not allowed to fantasize about it! Even if I can't become the main palace, it's not bad to be a mistress!"

"You want to be beautiful! Forget about the mistress, I think the fourth and fifth mistresses don't even have your share!"

"It's okay to be a little nine or ten. As long as Director Lu likes me, I'm willing to be a little one hundred!"



In the conference room.

Rebus was in a meeting with his people.

"Tomorrow is January 1, 2009, which is also the day when our second batch of rice M1 goes on sale."

"So far, the number of reservations has exceeded 3.5 million."

"In other words, only one of the 70 people can grab our rice M1."

"The technical department must be prepared tomorrow and don't let anything slip at the critical moment!"

The director of the technical department nodded solemnly and said: "Mr. Lei, please rest assured, our technical department guarantees that there will be no mistakes.

"very good."

Rebus nodded.

0…Please give me flowers…

Then he glanced at everyone present and said: "Some time ago, manufacturers such as Sanxing and Soai saw that our rice M1 was selling well, which may have threatened them, so they joined forces to suppress us."

"What does this mean?"

"It shows that although our rice technology is only a newly established company, both in terms of foundation and capital, it is still very weak, but!"

"We have already shown our potential to threaten established manufacturers such as Sanxing and Soai!"

"We should be proud because this is a company we built together!"



“The suppression by Sanxing and others has hindered our development and delayed the release of our second batch of rice M1.

"But this is just a stumbling block that our rice company has encountered on the road to growing into an aircraft carrier!"

"Sanxing's suppression cannot kill our rice company, and will only make us stronger!"

"As a saying goes, those who cannot kill us or crush us will eventually make us stronger!"

"Everyone, please work with me to turn Rice Company into an aircraft carrier in the field of smartphones."

"Our goal is to challenge Sanxing and Suoyi and kill them!"

Rebus' words were impassioned and exciting.

Although everyone here is quite old.

But after what Rebus said, the blood in everyone's bodies was aroused to boiling hot.

It feels like going back to my youth, when I was full of passion.

See everyone's reaction.

Rebus nodded without trace, very satisfied with his inspiring speech.

This is the right state!

If the top brass like them can't fight, how can the people below them fight?

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