Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 640 You Took Off Your Pants And You Just Want Me To See This?


Rice Technology Company Headquarters.

The people in the technical department were confused!

what's the situation?

The rush buying channel crashed as soon as it was opened?!

Not only did the backstage collapse!

Why, even my own server was burned down!

This made everyone in the technical department sweat profusely.

It’s over now!

After the technical director held a meeting yesterday, he gave them a fatal order. They must not make any mistakes today.

This morning, they also checked up and down several times.


Still collapsed!

The key is.

Even the server was burned down!

Ah, who's going to take the blame?


Rebus, who was originally waiting for good news, turned dark when he saw this situation.

Good guy!

He really wanted to say something nice!

Is this why the technical director patted his chest and assured him that nothing would go wrong?

06 "What's going on?"

With a livid face, Rebus looked at the technical director standing next to him.

At this time, the technical director was covered in cold sweat.

"Mr. Lei, should be that there was too much traffic in an instant, and our server couldn't bear it, causing it to crash." The technical director said while wiping cold sweat.

"I don't want to hear what it probably should be, give me an accurate answer!" Rebus said coldly.

The technical director nodded quickly and said: "Okay."


The technical director got the exact answer from the people working for him.

It's exactly what he said.

Because the traffic exploded in an instant, it directly caused the network to collapse and even caused the server to burn down.

Rebus looked at the technical director and scolded him with a livid face: "Is this what you said that nothing will go wrong?"

"Look at the good thing you did. As soon as the rush sale was launched, the network went down because the traffic was too high."

"Do you know that because of the negligence of your technical department, the reputation of our rice will give consumers a bad impression?"

The technical director kept nodding and cried: "Mr. Lei, I didn't expect that so many people would come in at the same time..."

"You didn't expect it, so what use do I need from you as a technical director?"

"What are you doing here? Why don't you hurry up and solve the problem!"

"three minutes!"

"If it can't be solved within three minutes, you can submit your resignation report to my office yourself!"

Rebus said coldly.

He was so angry.


Because rice was jointly suppressed by companies such as Sanxing and Soai, the second batch of panic buying that was supposed to start in October last year was delayed until this year.

This has already given users a very bad impression.

Although the ticket bounced at that time, it was because the rice company was suppressed.

But consumers will think that the company has no risk awareness.

Couldn't such a large company have anticipated possible situations in advance?


The second batch of M1 is online.


As soon as the rush sale time came, the page was immediately blocked.

If you were any long-awaited consumer, your mood would be very shattered.

What will this make consumers think?

If the ticket bounces the first time, forget it.

After all, it was an external reason and can be forgiven.

But now.

Can’t find an external reason!

It's your rice company's own internal server that crashed. How can you blame Sanxing and Soai?

Impression points will definitely be greatly reduced!

This shopping experience is so bad!

Rebus himself would be one of them.

I am afraid that at this time, I will also jump in and scold my mother, saying, "Rice is such a lousy company!"

The director of the technical department quickly took action.

Have no idea!

Rebus was really angry this time!

If they can't solve the problem within three minutes.

That really means you can only hand in the resignation report to Rebus’ office!

I think he is in his late thirties.

There are older people and younger people in the family.

If he loses his job worth tens of thousands of dollars a month, will his family follow him to drink the northwest wind?

Think of this.

The technical director roared directly at the people under him.

"What are you still doing?"

"Act quickly, change the server, and restore the network!"

"Don't you want to do it anymore?"

"Look at the work you are doing. I patted my chest and promised that there would be no problem. Is this how you promised?"

The technical director spat.

there is a problem.

Rebus troubled him.

Then he, the technical director, can only cause trouble for the people below!

Anyway, although he has to bear 770 of the blame, he can’t bear it all!

at the same time.

Just as Rebus thought.


Across the country, consumers are already in a fighting stance [preparing to rush to buy rice M.

The next second when I saw myself clicking the buy button, a crash page popped up.

It’s not just the page that crashes.

Their emotions also collapsed directly!

after all.

They also know that there are many people rushing to buy the rice M1 this time.

Because it can be seen on the website that the number of people who have made reservations to rush to buy has exceeded 3.5 million and is close to 4 million.

The number of rice M1 is only 50,000 units.

It can be said that there are more wolves and less meat.


In order to be able to successfully grab a Mi M1 that I have longed for.

Many people are well prepared.

If you have the conditions at home, just turn up the internet speed to the highest possible speed.

If you don’t have the conditions, just go to an Internet cafe with better quality and faster internet speed.


Take off your pants, give them a page crash, who can bear it!


Everyone was yelling and swearing!

What the hell.

All the expressions were wasted!

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