Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 642: Being Grabbed The Headlines Again, Rebus Was Furious


on Weibo.

There have been a lot of topics about rice companies burning down their servers due to too many people rushing to buy them.



In a very short period of time, this topic became one of the top three hotly searched topics on Weibo.

And soon reached the first position.


As the largest real-time messaging platform in China, the dissemination and fermentation of information is very fast.

As rice rushed to the hot search list, it fermented quickly.

It immediately attracted thousands of melon-eaters to order in.

To this.

Everyone was talking about it.

Many melon-eating people have never paid attention to or even heard of the rice company.


Got it all.

They didn't expect it.

Rice mobile phones are so popular with consumers.

As soon as the rush-purchase channel was opened, the server burned down due to the influx of user traffic.

How big is this flow!

And with so many people rushing to buy rice phones, it is obvious that everyone recognizes rice phones.

This immediately attracted the curiosity of these people.

What kind of phone is the rice phone? How can it attract so many people to buy it?

As soon as the rush purchase channel was opened, the backend crashed instantly.


243Many people search for relevant information.


This information has formed a new hot topic.

That leads to.

Among the top ten hotly searched topics on Weibo, at least four or five are related to rice.

The public relations director of the rice company looked at the situation on Weibo and was very satisfied with it.

Then he carried the computer to Rebus's office and made a report.

Rebus was scrolling through Weibo, watching so many people discussing the rice phone.


The focus of everyone's discussion is not that the page crashed, but that they are very satisfied with the popularity of rice phones.

"very good!"

"You did very well!"

"Please pay more attention. We will keep our popularity on the Weibo hot search list for at least a day or two!"

Rebus said with a smile.

The technical department is unreliable.

The public relations department is pretty awesome.

What I ordered was completed in more than an hour.

This hot search can bring countless potential users to Rice.

More importantly.

He turned a bad thing into a good thing and made rice phones famous!

This effect is awesome!


Just when Rebus was very satisfied with his decision.

the other side.

A document released by Future Group and signed by Lu Yi from the President's Office directly landed at the top of Weibo's hot search list, knocking out Rice.

This document is about Lin Qingya's resignation.

As soon as the document was released, it shocked countless people.

Many people were immediately confused.

what's the situation?

The No. 3 figure in the Future Group actually resigned on his own initiative!

Ah this...


The melon-eaters were also dumbfounded.

Lin Qingya resigns?


Who is Lin Qingya?

Oh, it turns out she is the chief legal officer of Future Group!



Weibo immediately exploded.

"Holy shit! Damn it! Damn it! Something big has happened to Future Group! Lin Qingya, chief legal officer of the group, has resigned!"

"Is today April Fool's Day?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, today's New Year's Day is really lively! First, there were too many people rushing to buy the rice technology, so the website crashed and became a hot search. Now the No. 3 person in the Future Group has resigned, and he has directly put rice on the hot search. Go down."

"Lin Qingya, female, 28 years old, chief legal officer of Future Group, currently holds 0.4% of the shares of Future Group, worth 400 million meters of gold! She is so beautiful and beautiful!"

"Did something big happen within the Future Group? Number 3 actually resigned on his own initiative!" (agec)

"Trouble! As soon as this news comes out, the U.S. stock market opens in the evening, and the stock price of Future Group will inevitably fall because of this. I just bought a share of Future Group stock yesterday! I lose money when I buy it, and I rise when I sell it. The main force is keeping an eye on my account. Are you operating? Dog head.jpg"

"Does anyone know the inside information? Why did Lin Qingya resign?"


The melon-eating people in China are very happy.

Because first there was the rice melon, and then there was the future group’s big melon, both cooked and sweet.

As the news of Lin Qingya's resignation continues to ferment.

It is on the top ten hot searches on Weibo, and related topics directly dominate the list.

For example:

#林青雅 resigned#


#futuregroupprotective umbrella#


#something happened to the future group#


Either a direct topic or an indirect topic.

Originally, there were four or five hotly searched topics about rice companies in the top ten.

But as Lin Qingya’s melons became a hot search topic, rice was immediately squeezed out.


The reputation of Rice Company is far inferior to that of Future Group.

Lin Qingya's resignation made everyone speculate whether there was something wrong within the Future Group.

Because Lin Qingya, as the No. 3 person in the Future Group, suddenly broke the news of her resignation.

This is no different than a meteorite falling directly.

Future Group is not a small company.

It’s a giant with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars!

As the core executive of such a giant company, Lin Qingya's every move will inevitably arouse constant discussion and speculation from the outside world.

And the other side.

Rebus kept swiping, watching his hot search ranking drop rapidly, and the popularity continued to decrease.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

Why did the heat suddenly go down?


He saw it.

Lin Qingya's melons directly replaced the rice company's melons and became the new favorite of domestic melon eaters.

For a while.

Rebus was speechless!

Are you so unlucky?

When the Mi M1 launch conference was launched, it was snatched away from the limelight and headlines by Future Group's acquisition of Marvel.


Finally, thanks to the crash of our own server, we were able to make headlines.


Not even half an hour after I was happy, I was intercepted by Future Group again!

Is Future Group its nemesis?

Seeing that the popularity of their home was decreasing, people who ate melons all went to Lin Qingya's place to eat melons.

Rebus's nose was so angry that he was crooked!

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