Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 645: The Main Dog Is Watching My Account And Operating It!

after closing.

Countless leeks in North America were dumbfounded when they looked at Future Group's time-sharing trend chart today.

Because of the news of Lin Qingya's resignation last night, Future Group's stock price jumped 4.8% lower.


Half an hour later, it dropped to 10 points.

This kind of short-selling intensity frightened all the leeks and threw away their chips desperately.


There are also bold retail investors who take on these chips here and want to bet on a rebound.

after all.

The US stock market is a T+0 system.

Buy on the same day and sell on the same day.


At this position, there are many leeks who want to buy the bottom and try to rebound. The takeover is very strong, and the long-short game is quite intense.

It wasn't until midday that the winner was decided.

The bears have the upper hand.


At the position of -10 points, it has been shaking all morning.

Under the violent attack of short sellers, the stock price plunged 90 degrees again to 15% in 06.

This time.

Leek is really scared.

Even those bold bargain-hunting leeks can no longer hold on at this time.

Damn it!

They just want to bet on an intraday rebound and earn some food money.


They were all buried on the mountainside.

In this panic.

The leeks that were bargain-hunting in the morning ended up tearing up and leaving the market in the afternoon.

no way.

Look at this trend.

15 points does not seem to be the bottom.

If I don't run, I'm afraid I will lose more.


The bulls in the morning turned into bears and fled directly.


Future Group’s share price fell to 20%.

And this time.

The main institutions that were originally short sellers saw that the situation was about the same and began to shift from short positions to long positions.

Future Group's share price began to stop falling, and slowly rose in shock.

But this time.

How can there be any brave leek to buy the bottom?

I took a gamble this morning and had my house ransacked.


This stop of falling and rising is definitely a trick by short sellers to lure them in, and they want to trick them into killing again.

They don't fall twice in the same place.


Out of sight, out of mind, look at other stocks.


When the market closed, they opened the time-sharing chart of Future Group, and when they saw the deep V, they were so angry that they almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Damn it!

If I buy, you will fall.

If I sell it to you, it will go up!

Are you keeping an eye on my account?

The leeks were so shocked that they looked at the time-sharing chart of the day and kept cursing.

I originally thought it was just a small rebound to lure bulls.


It really made Future Group’s stock price rise to V!

Think about yourself.

Buying the bottom on the mountainside, cutting meat in the basement... It's full of tears to talk about it!

They really wanted to call Fo Bole and tell him that they were being targeted~

For a while.

on relevant platforms.

All of them are posts criticizing Future Group and its main force.

at this time.

They have all reacted.

The main organization caught their leeks mentality and took advantage of Lin Qingya's resignation to cut off their leeks.

There is no problem at all within the Future Group.

The Future Group announcement said that Lin Qingya's resignation was due to personal reasons. I'm afraid it was really because of personal reasons!

Ah this...

Future Group doesn’t play by the rules!

In the U.S. stock market, countless North American leeks were harvested by Wall Street institutions, but Lu Yi did not pay attention.

As the group president office issued his signature document, the news of Lin Qingya's resignation was officially announced to the public, which directly aroused heated discussion among the people.

On the Weibo hot search list, most of the topics in the top ten or even the top twenty are related to it.

Some celebrities wanted to take advantage of the New Year's Day to show their faces, and posted hot searches on Weibo, etc. All of them cried and fainted in the toilet.

in previous years.

On New Year's Day, they just wish everyone a Happy New Year, and it becomes a hot search on Weibo and attracts heated discussions among countless netizens.

But this year.

The topic of wishing everyone a new year was directly pushed out of the list of thirty or forty people, and the popularity was pitifully low.


What else could they say?

Although they are celebrities and big names.

But compared to Lin Qingya, their wrists were still too small.

The employees of Future Group were all shocked from ear to ear when they looked at the news headlines on the Internet.


680 before that.

There are rumors within the company that Lin Qingya is about to leave her job.

This is what they talked about during the break.

But in fact, many people think that this should be a rumor.

after all.

Lin Qingya does a good job in the group, earning an annual salary of tens of millions every year. She is a high-ranking person. I am afraid that no one would give up everything they have and resign.

In that case, you are stupid!

But they didn't expect it.

The President's Office took advantage of New Year's Day to confirm this matter in the form of a document.

It turns's true!

Sure enough, there is no smoke without smoke!

at the same time.

They were very confused.

What did Lin Qingya think and why did she want to resign?

Could it be that you think your salary is too high and your food is too full?

When I think about myself, as a P4 or P5 level employee, I have to try my best to do a good job and work in the Future Group for the rest of my life.

Look at Lin Qingya again.

They have already reached the position of No. 3 in the group, but they are still restless and want to resign.

Why is the gap between people so big?

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