Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 647 It Turns Out That Everyone Is Just Trying To Make A Fortune In Silence

"According to estimates by some well-known analysts on Wall Street, the current global cloud computing market size is approximately tens of billions of dollars.

"The Future Group, which is recognized by the industry as the leader in cloud computing services, has not disclosed its relevant financial information since entering the field of cloud computing services, but its investment has been increasing."

"Some analysts estimate that Future Group's market share in the field of cloud computing accounts for about two-thirds of the global market size."

Speaking of this, Ye Peng glanced at Li Yanhong and added: "I went to investigate and found that companies such as Guge, Amazon, and Microsoft that carry out cloud computing business have not disclosed financial information about cloud computing, but. …….”

After hearing the word "but", Li Yanhong looked up and looked at Ye Peng with a dull expression, waiting for his next words.


"These companies are surprisingly consistent in continuously expanding their investment and scale in cloud computing services."

"Especially since the second half of last year, investment intensity has increased exponentially."

These words completely shattered Li Yanhong's last illusion.

He looked a little lost and muttered to himself: "How could this happen..."

Saying these five words is full of embarrassment.

This shocking news reminded Li Yanhong of what he said at the IT Summit symposium in 2007.


He said that he wanted to pour cold water on cloud computing to cool down the temperature.

Frankly speaking, I am not optimistic about cloud computing.

It is even ridiculed that the Future Group, which vigorously promotes cloud computing, will become a martyr.

Even when Lu Yi named them Qiandu, he was even more dismissive.


Because of Lu Yi's roll call, Qiandu suffered a public criticism, saying that Qiandu was a piece of mud that could not hold up the wall.

This made him very angry at the time.

Why do I think Qiandu is a piece of shit when we don’t develop cloud computing business?

Why is it that Lu Yi is optimistic about cloud computing, so I, Qiandu, have to follow the Future Group and develop related businesses?

Li Yanhong, who was proud and arrogant, was very unhappy at the time.

(aged) If it weren't for the huge gap between his own physical strength and that of the Future Group, he would have started a fight directly.

But two or three years passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Yanhong never expected that the basin of cold water would turn around and hit his face directly.

Future Group did not become a martyr by investing heavily in cloud computing.

on the contrary.

Because the cloud computing business was launched early, the investment scale is large.

Future Group has directly become the industry leader in the field of cloud computing.

Occupies two-thirds of the market share.

According to the current market size of tens of billions of meters of gold, that is more than 6 billion meters of revenue.

That’s more than Qiandu’s current market capitalization.

last year.

Qiandu's stock price is due to the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis.

From the highest price of 397.70 meters of gold at the beginning of the year, it fell directly to the closing price of 130.55 meters of gold at the end of the year, a plunge of 67%.

The market value has also dropped from the highest of 11.6 billion meters of gold in January to the current 4.2 billion meters of gold!

It can be described as terrible!

the other side.

The same news was also sent to Teacher Ma's desk.

Teacher Ma also did not expect that in just two or three years, cloud computing would show broad prospects.

Recalling his remarks at the IT summit that year, Teacher Ma felt a little red on his face.

In just two years, there has been news from Saifushi that the revenue of the business segment has reached 1 billion meters.


Salesforce is not yet the number one player in the field of cloud computing, and can only be regarded as a second-tier player.

Because in front of Saifushi, there is Future Group and Amazon.

None of these top players disclosed specific cloud computing financial information, as if they had reached a tacit consensus.

I originally thought it was because the investment in cloud computing was large and the return was small.

That's why we didn't disclose this bad debt, in order to make the financial results look better.

But look at it now.

It is obviously the rhythm of making a fortune in silence.

Quietly, grab market share!

If it hadn't been for the voluntary disclosure of financial report data by Saifushi this time, I'm afraid the whole world would still be kept in the dark!

And according to the data.

In the second half of 2008, the global economy was in recession.

North American IT giants such as Guge, Microsoft, and IBM are quietly increasing their investment in cloud computing.

The average investment has basically increased by more than 35%.

In this bad economic environment, if cloud computing has no development prospects, will these IT giants invest in such a large scale?

I am afraid that I chose to invest a small amount to follow and occupy a pit.

The result is when I look back two years later.

Good guy.

It turns out that the field of cloud computing is really as promising as Lu Yi advocated.

So none of them could sit still.

Crazy increase investment to seize market share.

Although they occupied the pit.

However, because the previous investment scale was small, the market share was relatively small.

The real number one player is Future Group.

Next up is the Amazon.

It is definitely unrealistic for them to catch up with Future Group in a short period of time.

But by increasing investment, there is still a chance to catch up with Amazon.

Although Amazon was the first company to propose cloud computing services.

But after all, Amazon is too small, so the funds invested are limited.

Even though it was the first to take advantage of the situation, after the Future Group also entered the market, it increased its investment, but it was not too large, and it was not as exaggerated as the Future Group.


Future Group accounts for two-thirds of the current market.

Then the remaining one-third will be shared by companies such as Amazon, Seifushi, GuGe, and Microsoft.

And one third of this.

The Amazon can probably get another third!

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