Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 658: Brother Ma’S Ambition Is To Be The Biggest Cloud In The Country

Brother Xiao Ma spoke again and said calmly: "Two years ago, the goose factory fell into the biggest crisis in its history.

"At that time, the entire company almost went bankrupt."

"At that most difficult time, everyone here did not choose to abandon the Goose Factory, but chose to stay and vowed to reverse the difficult situation of the Goose Factory."

"I think everyone should have the same standard answer to the question I just asked!"

Everyone held their heads high and their chests slightly high, with a burning light in their eyes.


If you don’t have the same answer in your heart.

So when they were in the most difficult time in the Goose Factory, they packed up and left together with the large troops.

"Okay, let me ask you a question now.

"That is, between live broadcast and cloud computing, which one can bring our Goose Factory back to the top?"

No one said anything, but they actually had the answer in their hearts.

Is there any need to say that?

Of course it’s cloud computing!

after all.

This is a huge market worth hundreds of billions or even trillions of gold.

Can the market size of online live broadcasts reach such a high level?

"I think everyone should have an answer in mind."

“That’s cloud computing!”

"Some people may feel that the current publicity of cloud computing by the outside world is a bit excessive."

"But what I want to say is that it is absolutely certain that cloud computing will become the mainstream in the future."

Brother Xiao Ma's words made Chen Yidan's face change slightly.

Because Xiao Ma's attitude is already obvious.


Brother Ma prefers Zhang Zhidong.


He also admitted it in his heart.

If Goose Factory wants to return to its peak, or even surpass its previous peak, it is unrealistic to rely on online live broadcasts.

He could still see this clearly.

Don't look at the fact that Penguin Live is developing very well now, with many users, and it can bring a lot of profits to the company every day.

But there is actually a hidden secret in it.

And once this mine detonates, it is likely that Goose Factory will once again fall into public criticism.

The current overlord of online live streaming is undoubtedly Dousha Live, a subsidiary of Future Group.

The content section of Dousha Live is also the richest among all domestic live broadcast platforms.

But there is only one content that Dousha Live does not have.

That’s what Penguin Live is currently broadcasting.

Because this is a borderline shot.

Once the policies are tightened, Penguin Live is likely to overturn due to the content of the live broadcast.

Because the beautiful anchors of Penguin Live will often perform some performance actions in accordance with the requirements of users in their daily live broadcast content.

And when faced with the request of the sponsor’s father, these anchors will not refuse.

Because only by agreeing to the benefactor's father's request, the benefactor's father will give them lots of rewards and gifts, and their income will be greater.

Who can have trouble with money?


Some female anchors are eager to have TG come to please the funder’s father, and they just ask the funder’s father to reward them more.

On the Goose Factory audit side, they turned a blind eye to these minor edging behaviors.

Because everyone in the goose factory knows it well.

Why are these users willing to stay on the Penguin Live platform to watch the live broadcast, and why are they crazy about giving various small gifts to the host?

If they increase their review efforts, the live broadcast content will become bland.

That will inevitably lead to a massive loss of users.

after all.

Everyone is really here to see the beauty.

What they are watching is a stimulus, a stimulating content that makes them stay and not leave.

If all the beautiful anchors under Goose Factory are well-dressed and behave well, what's the point of watching this live broadcast?

What users and readers like is the kind of temptation that is half-hidden with the pipa in hand, and you want to resist but welcome it.

Because there is room for imagination!

But in the end.

This is brushing aside the edges.

It has not attracted the attention of the above.

The social reaction was not too strong either.

But once it attracts the attention of the superiors, they will be beaten down with a stick.

There is absolutely no way to escape Goose Factory's side-stepping behavior.

And this is also the reason why Dousha Live, a subsidiary of Future Group, has not opened up this sector.

Even though this content section is very profitable.

But it is not practical.


If the reputation of the entire Future Group collapses just to make such a small amount of money, then it will be a small gain but a big loss.

But Goose Factory can't help it.

At first, we were too poor to take the blame, and we were on the verge of bankruptcy.

0......Please give me flowers......

After finally grabbing a life-saving straw, I naturally leaned on it hard.

But people like Xiao Ma also know it very well.

The knife above will come sooner or later.

I just don’t know when it will be.

"I know."

“Many people are opposed to entering cloud computing because they are worried that cloud computing requires too much money and will bring down the company.

“But as Zhidong said just now, we don’t want to achieve it overnight.

"You can definitely start with a small data center and build it bit by bit."

"Rome was not built in a day."

"Moreover! Everyone needs to understand that our live broadcast of good looks, which is the main focus of Penguin Live, is actually a side effect of the national policy. The future is not bright, and it is easy to be labeled as a pervert."


"Even if we turn to other live content, our opponents have already taken root in these content sections for a long time. How can we shake them and compete with them for the user market?"

"Some people may say that the same goes for cloud computing. Companies such as Future Group, Huachang, and Gu Ge are already one step ahead of us."

"But everyone, you must know that the cloud computing market will be a super market worth hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars in the future. This is something that cannot be compared to online live broadcasts."

"The most important thing is that companies like Future Group that have launched cloud computing business are just one step ahead of us."

“Although the trend of cloud computing is here, it is still in its most preliminary stage, the pattern has not yet been finalized, and the market cake has not been divided yet.

"And in my plan, in the future our Goose Factory will be the biggest cloud in the country, the official minister floating throughout the Dragon Kingdom!"


Brother Xiao Ma's last words directly caused the hearts of everyone present to beat violently, and everyone looked shocked.

Be the biggest cloud in the country?

Brother Ma's too big!

Not to mention the petal cloud in the flower factory.

If you want to be the largest cloud in China, you must surpass Future Cloud of Future Group.

Can Goose Factory do it?

I haven’t tried it, so who knows!

After Xiao Ma's words shocked everyone, boundless passion emerged from deep in their hearts.

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