Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 662 Wisdomstack Open Source Project And Online Cloud Translation

Lu Yi thinks that Lu Qi’s idea is really wonderful!

Once the Future Group plays like this.

Then other new players entering the game in the future will become members of the "Future Smart Cloud" series.


The longer time goes by, the more dependent it will be on the technology of the Future Group.

The more dependent the members are, the more difficult it will be to shake the group's position in the field of cloud computing in the future.

By the time.

If any younger brother is disobedient, or even wants to rebel, he will be very relaxed when he does it.

Although Lu Yi is very disgusted with things like European and American people's necks.

But the other way around.

It's really fun to get stuck in someone else's neck!

If you are unhappy.

Europe and the United States will never do this often!

According to Lu Qi's idea.

Once implemented.

So the future.

In the future, the Group's wisdom cloud will become the largest cloud floating above the world!

Regardless of the current situation, future cloud occupies more than 60% of the global market size.

However, as the trend breaks out, the influx of new players will inevitably eat into the future cloud market share.

Even in the future.

140Maybe the cloud will be replaced in the future.

But if we build an open source cloud platform, we welcome new players from all over the world to join.

With the technical support of Future Group, everyone can play cloud computing together.

How wonderful.

Even if the market share of cloud will still be eroded in the future.

But it does not matter!

The dominance of cloud in the future will be firm and unshakable.

Because the underlying technologies used by other clouds that are encroaching on Future Cloud's market share are technologies provided on the open source platform of Future Group.

"Lao Lu, your idea is wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

"In this way, our wisdom cloud's position in the market will be unbreakable."

Lu Yi said excitedly.

Lu Qi continued: "In my vision, our open source projects are global-oriented, so that private clouds around the world will immediately become richer."

"Currently, our Future Group's smart cloud occupies more than 60% of the global market share, which shows the outside world how cloud computing should be done."

"In this way, our open source projects can quickly expand around the world."

"As our open source projects gradually mature, domestic and foreign Internet companies will gradually have their own private clouds in the near future."

"If some enterprises have better technology, they can optimize it based on our open source projects and launch their own public cloud platforms."

Although in this way, each platform has many differences. "

“But the inside, or the underlying framework, must have been developed from our open source version.

"I believe that in the near future, the world will definitely have thicker layers."

“Many of these clouds are equivalent to the descendants of our future wisdom cloud, and our wisdom cloud will always become the largest cloud in the world.

Lu Yi nodded in agreement and said: "In this case, Lao Lu, come up with a specific plan and let everyone discuss it at the meeting."

"No problem." Lu Qi nodded.

Obtained Lu Yi's approval.

Lu Qi also felt refreshed.

What he fears most is a conceptual conflict with his immediate boss.

Especially Lu Yi, a legendary boss who is known as the son of the Internet and has never made a wrong step since his debut.

But now it seems that this concern can be ignored.

His work has been a pleasure since joining Future Group.

Not only did Lu Yi completely delegate power to him, but he was also in tune with him in terms of concept.

He is very glad that he chose to leave Yahu and come to Future Group.

Here, Lu Yi provided him with a broad platform to display his talents.

Lu Qi's execution ability is very strong.

On the third day after talking with Lu Yi, he came up with a specific planning plan.


"This is about the WisdomStack open source project..."

at an internal meeting.

Lu Qi gave a detailed explanation.

And everyone who attended the meeting was not a decent person.

It's all clear.

What does this open source project mean for the future of smart cloud?


At the meeting, no one objected and everyone agreed.

at the same time.

Everyone was shocked by Lu Qi's idea.

"Ok, deal!"

"This project, Old Road, is still yours to take care of!"

At the meeting, Lu Yi finally made the final decision.

“In the first half of this year, we have two important projects to launch.

"One is the open source project WisdomStack that was just decided."

"Another one is the online cloud translation project, one of the three artificial intelligence projects established in 2007.

Lu Yi said.

Three major artificial intelligence projects, virtual idol, speech and image recognition and online cloud translation.

In 2008.

The two projects of virtual idol and voice and image recognition have been launched successively.


There is only one online cloud translation left, which is also the project that invests the most resources.

"How about this."

"The WisdomStack project was not released around the first quarter of this year.

"Online cloud translation will be officially launched before the first half of the year.".

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