Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 667 Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

Island country, east longitude.

Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is an old supplier of semiconductor raw materials in the island country.

In the 1970s and 1980s, even in the early 1990s.

Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is one of the most important semiconductor raw material supply companies in the island country.

At that time, companies purchasing goods from Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. included Foxconn, Sony and other companies.

at that age.

Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. also took advantage of the island country's economic leap and made a lot of money.

At that time, Qingtian Okamasa, the founder of Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd., had the ambition to become the world's largest supplier of semiconductor materials.


It is also determined to develop its own semiconductor terminal products.


In the late 1980s.

Maozi fell into collapse.

The North American economic crisis has seen fiscal deficits hit record levels.

In Europe, the unemployment rate is high due to the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the economic cycle.

The Dragon Kingdom has just opened its doors to embrace the world and entered a period of shock. 913

On the other hand, in the island country, various industries have achieved great success on a global scale.

A large amount of hot money has poured into the island countries, and the total market value of the island countries' securities markets is already greater than that of North America and the Eagle Country combined.

At this time, people in the island country thought that the island country had become the best country in the world.

The island nation has more high-speed rail lines than any other country.

Island countries account for almost half of the list of the world's longest tunnels and bridges.

The national and national self-confidence of the islanders directly exploded at that time.

in this case.

Qingtian Okamasa, who had a large amount of cash, could not resist the temptation of high returns in the land market and financial market bubbles. He established a securities department within Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and invested a large amount of funds in land and financial derivatives for speculation.

He wanted to take this opportunity to make a fortune so that he could have more funds to develop Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and realize his ambitions.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

North America has requested trade negotiations with island countries because of its huge trade deficit (agcj).

So there was a Plaza Accord.

The island country abandoned Pele and linked it to Mijin, which led to the appreciation of Pele.

at the same time.

Products from island countries can no longer compete with North America in price wars and lose their advantage.


The Bank of Japan cut interest rates and released funds to protect the economy, but it inadvertently continued to inflate the bubble.


Claiming to be able to buy the entire island country in North America, the economic bubble was directly burst and the economy declined rapidly.

So there was what later generations called the lost thirty years of the island nation.

in this process.

The semiconductor industry of the island country has also suffered a devastating blow.

The island nation’s semiconductor market share plummeted.

The upstream and downstream industrial chains of semiconductor products have been greatly impacted.

Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.'s business has shrunk extremely, even falling to freezing point.

As the island nation's economy declined, the real estate bubble burst.

Because a large amount of Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.'s funds were in the real estate industry, it disappeared overnight.

Not only was the cash and house gone.

I also owe a lot of debt to banks and various bondholders.


Founder Qingtian Gangmao could not bear the tremendous pressure and felt unable to explain to his family and investors.

So he hanged himself in the company's office.


Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. plummeted [Taishi’s assets were seized by the bank.

In the end, only the company headquarters and some production workshops of semiconductor raw materials were left.

Qingtian Dahui, the son of Qingtian Okamasa, was studying abroad in North America at the time, so he was lucky to escape this crisis.

After his father passed away, Qingtian Dahui returned to the island country from North America and took over the shaky Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. which was about to go bankrupt.

Although he is accustomed to the feasting and feasting in North America, he is still a rich second generation.

But Qingtian Dahui is more pragmatic.

Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. has once been brilliant, and it is also a top-ranking company in the Japanese semiconductor industry.


Under the leadership of Qingtian Dahui, as well as the technology accumulation and equipment accumulation of Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

Qingtian Dahui has regrouped and continued to develop the semiconductor raw materials industry, vowing to bring the family business back to glory.

at the same time.

Qingtian Dahui also used his connections while studying in North America to successfully allow Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.'s products to enter the supply chains of Texas Instruments, Intel and other companies.

With the efforts of Qingtian Dahui.

The crumbling Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. seems to have been pulled back from the edge of the cliff and is about to reach its peak again.

But it's a pity.

Not even a few years into this good life, Soros, a financial tycoon, once again stirred up trouble in the Asian financial market, causing a financial crisis in Asia.

So far.

Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd., which was already back on track, is once again in crisis.

On the one hand, the Asian financial crisis caused the collapse of a large number of semiconductor production companies.

On the other hand, companies such as Gaotong and Intel have transferred their industrial chains to countries and regions such as Hanguo, Tianzhu, Siam, Xinshi, and even Longguo Island where prices are cheaper.

This way.

Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd., which lost its price advantage, suddenly lost orders.

The company once again reached the edge of life and death.

Especially after 2000, the strong rise of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

In addition, behind the promotion of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is the entire Baodao semiconductor industry chain.


Intel no longer obtains goods from Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd., but directly obtains goods from Baodao.

Or outsource the production of chips to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and let Semiconductor Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. handle the supply of semiconductor materials.

This way.

Even if Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. has technology and production workshops, it cannot get the market, and its life is getting worse day by day. .

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