Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 669 Winning 20 Million Meters Of Gold

"Haha, Mr. Lu, I have admired your name for a long time, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Outside the VIP room.

Qingtian Dahui pulled his tie, took a deep breath, pushed the door open and walked in. With a bright smile on his face, he said to Lu Yi enthusiastically.

no way.

He has to be enthusiastic.

after all.

They are here to be the receivers.

What if Lu Yi is too cold and refuses to take over?

This mess will be in your own hands!

If we put it in the past, someone from the Dragon Kingdom would come to talk to me about cooperation.

Qingtian Dahui must be very disdainful.

Because those who do business with Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. are all large companies in North America and Europe.

No matter how bad it is, it is still a local semiconductor company in the island country.

What kind of business do you, a Dragon State enterprise, come to discuss with "300" yourself?

In the early years.

The Dragon Kingdom represents ignorance and backwardness, and there are no powerful technology companies at all.

The most famous one is Lian Xiang.

But in the eyes of Qingtian Dahui and others, Lianxiang, a so-called technology company, can deceive the people of the Dragon Kingdom, but it will never deceive the eyes of the people of the island country.

But things are different now.

Since Longguo joined the WTO family, it has integrated with the international community and its economy has developed rapidly.

In the area of ​​Internet and technology, Longguo is no longer the only one who wants to take action.

On the Internet side, Future Group now has a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, and can compete with and be on an equal footing with those Internet giants in Silicon Valley in North America.

On the other hand, in their island country, there are no well-known companies that are good at the Internet.

In addition to Future Group, the absolute leading Internet company in Dragon Kingdom, there are also a number of Internet companies with considerable global popularity such as Ali, Qiandu, Wangyi, Sohu, etc.

In terms of technology, Longguo owns Blue Star Electronics, which has redefined smartphones, led the global smartphone trend, and opened the door to the mobile Internet era.


and Flower Factory, a leading global provider of information and communications technology solutions.

Today's Dragon Kingdom.

It’s hard to overstate the three-day farewell with one sentence: “I was so impressed.”

They are island countries.

Because of the Plaza Accord, North American fathers severely harvested wealth, causing economic development to fall into a trough.

And the Dragon Kingdom.

From a poor country, we seize opportunities and develop rapidly.

Every day is different.

The gap with island countries is narrowing every day.

Their second position in global GDP is already in jeopardy as Dragon Kingdom catches up.

To this.

Qingtian Dahui knew it very well.


Except for Longguo's companies, I am afraid that no investor or company in the world will be interested in the current Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

Because the aging Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. is simply shabby compared to the wafer supply companies in the vibrant Baodao area or the semiconductor companies in Hanguo.

No history of competition.

However, Longguo Continent is deeply stuck in North America and Europe in the semiconductor industry.

Although the Baodao area is the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, semiconductor companies such as Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are Dragon Kingdom companies.

But Qingtian Dahui knows it very well.

That's what it says.

But semiconductor companies such as Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the Treasure Island region listen to the orders of North America, not Longguo.

in this regard.

Although Long Guo was unhappy, he had no choice but to stare.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom never like to be choked by others.

Semiconductor companies in the Baodao area cannot count on them, so they can only support local companies in the mainland.

However, the technical content of semiconductors is very high, and Longguo Mainland’s foundation in this area is too poor.

I don’t know how long it will take to catch up with North America and Europe.

Although the semiconductor industry of the island country has now been reduced to a third-rate level.

But after all, it was once glorious.

This is still very attractive to the Dragon Kingdom.

Not to mention borrowing some technology and experience from island countries, we can surpass Europe and the United States.

But at least it can save research time and narrow some gaps.

Dragon Kingdom was able to develop rapidly because it followed the path of learning, absorbing, and innovating.


When he was in a state of despair, Lu Yi came to his door!

"President Qingtian......"

Lu Yi stood up and shook hands with Qingtian Dahui.

The two of them didn't exchange too many pleasantries and quickly got down to business.

"President Qingtian, as far as I know, your company is currently in operational difficulties."

"And President Qingtian, you are also looking for people or companies that can take over Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd."

"We at Blue Star Electronics are very interested in this.

"One price, 20 million meters gold!"

"We Blue Star Electronics are willing to acquire Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. for 20 million meters!"

Lu Yi said directly.

Before coming, the following people had already investigated the details of Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. clearly.

The current net assets of Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. are only about 15 million meters.

Qingtian Dahui's eyes narrowed when he heard the price offered by Lu Yi.

This price directly touched his heart.

He is very clear about the current value of Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

20 million meters of gold is already a premium of 5 million meters of gold.

have to say.

Lu Yi's price is still very conscientious.


Since Lu Yi is so generous, why can't he ask for more?

After making up his mind, Qingtian Dahui rolled his eyes and said: "Mr. Lu, you know, Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 5.3 is the hard work of my Qingtian family. My father Qingtian Gangmao once led Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. to achieve glory. The success…”

Before Qingtian Dahui finished speaking, Lu Yi stood up without any trouble, dropped his head and left.

Qingtian Dahui was stunned when he saw this scene.

Ah, this...I haven't even finished my words yet. I was just going to talk about the glorious achievements of Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. in order to enhance the value of Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

It turns out that you, Lu Yi, didn’t play according to the routine at all.

Seeing Lu Yi, he stood up and left without saying a word.

Qingtian Dahui immediately became anxious and said quickly: "Mr. Lu, please stay, 20 million, I'll sell it for 20 million!"

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