Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 683 Blue Star Electronics’ New Project: Red Star

Seven days of Spring Festival holiday.

I passed by in a flash while walking around and eating.

Time has entered February.

Workers from all over the country have returned to the company one after another to start their brick-moving careers in the new year~.


Under the influence of holiday syndrome.

In the first two or three days of work, everyone was obviously not in working mode yet.

Such as Future Group.

Although it has been two days since the construction started.

But everyone has not yet entered into work mode immediately.

While at work, many people fished secretly and told each other interesting things that happened during the Chinese New Year.

As someone who has experienced this, Lu Yi understands everyone’s holiday syndrome.


Everyone was given three days to adjust their status, which was quite humane.

Of course.

The lower-level employees below can be given three days to slowly come out of the holiday syndrome, but senior executives like them cannot.


On January 31, the group's senior executives were basically all present.


Starting from February 1st, meetings were held for three consecutive days.

The heads of various overseas branches, including George Edward and other regional film directors, all gathered in Sioux City.

Summarize last year’s work results.

Arrange work indicators for this year.


Now the entire Future Group.

The business in each sector has basically taken shape and is on the right track.

In the past two years, Lu Yi did not open up new business sectors.

Instead, let the person in charge of each section consolidate and expand the current market.

There is a big difference between the group's work goals this year and last year, that is, the focus is shifting towards the domestic market.

Shifting the group's focus from the European and American markets to the domestic market cannot be completed in a short while. It must be done slowly.

Of course.

Although the focus has shifted domestically, overseas markets are still important.

North American Film Director George Edwards and European Film Director Tiny Fatela have a very heavy task this year.

The subprime mortgage crisis is coming to an end, and the global economy that has been hit hard is slowly recovering.

The two will boost overseas markets this year.

To this.

George Edward and Tiny Fatla both nodded heavily.

Last year, even Future Group, a large company with a large business, had a very difficult time.

Advertising revenue fell sharply, and group profits shrank significantly.

If it weren't for the explosion of cloud computing, last year's annual revenue data would definitely be ugly.

Now that the subprime mortgage crisis has come to an end, they have to find ways to increase advertising revenue.

after all.

Advertising revenue accounts for more than 60% of the group's total revenue.

At the meeting.

Lu Yi mentioned a North American game company to George Edward--Fist.

Let George Edward come back and have some contact with people from Riot Games.

It would be best if Riot Games could be acquired directly.

If not, just invest in Riot directly as an investor.

after all.

"League of Legends" developed by Riot Games is the most popular MOBA competitive game.

Lu Yi remembers a previous life where he saw a news item in 2014.

From January to September of that year, the global online game market revenue reached 7.974 billion yuan.

The most profitable online game is Riot Games' "League of Legends", with revenue reaching 946 million yuan, accounting for 11.9% of the market.

Followed by "CrossFire CFOnilne", the revenue reached 897 million yuan, accounting for 11.2%.

The third place is "DNF" with 891 million rice gold.

The fourth place is "World of Warcraft" with a monthly fee system of 728 million yuan.

The fifth place is "World of Tanks" with 369 million gold.

Among the top five, "Cross Fire" is a game developed by MiHoYo.

"DNF" is due to MiHoYo's sole agent operation in China.

"World of Warcraft" is also a game developed by Explosive Snow, a subsidiary of Future Group.

It can be said.

Among the top five, three are closely related to Future Group.

0……Please give me flowers…………


Riot Games is developing and producing League of Legends.

A game that makes money like this naturally requires income.

after all.

In the previous life, Goose Factory first invested in Riot Games in 2008 and obtained 22.34% of the equity.

In 2011, it acquired 70.44% of Riot Games' equity in cash for 231 million yuan.

After the transaction is completed.

Goose Factory holds 92.78% of the shares of Riot Games, making it undoubtedly the tenth largest shareholder.

In 2015, the remaining equity of Riot Games was acquired.

This makes Riot completely become a 100% subsidiary of Goose Factory.

Goose Factory also made a lot of money from "League of Legends".

This life.

Goose Factory has been beaten to the ground a long time ago, so it naturally did not invest in Riot last year.

Maybe it's this change.

Lu Yi also didn’t hear about the news that Riot Games raised 8 million yuan in 2008.

After receiving Lu Yi's instructions, George Edward nodded quickly to take note of it.

As soon as I returned to North America, I went directly to this company called Riot to conduct a survey.


Riot Games will be very happy when they know that they are favored by Future Group, and they will be happy to embrace Future Group as their financial backer.

Blue Star Electronics on the other side.

After the work started, there was also a meeting in the company.

no doubt.

The core focus of Blue Star Electronics is pinnacle mobile phones.

In particular, the fourth-generation Pinnacle mobile phone to be released this year will redefine what a Pinnacle mobile phone is.

at present.

The research on the fourth generation of peak mobile phones is proceeding in an orderly manner, solving one problem after another.

In addition to the fourth generation of pinnacle mobile phones, other research projects are also progressing steadily.


According to Lu Yi's instructions.

This year Blue Star Electronics will set up a PC department to build notebook computers belonging to Blue Star Electronics. The project code is "Red Star". .

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