Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 688: Be The Leader In The Entire Field Of Cloud Computing

When the news first came out.

Zhang Xiaoyao did not focus on whether the news was true or false.

after all.

No wind, no wave.


He focused on trying to figure out what the Future Group’s purpose was for doing this?

after all.

Anyone with eyesight can see it.

Future Group has launched such an open source project to tell everyone that if you want to play cloud computing, just wait for my news and I will take you to play together.

Bringing people together to play cloud computing, Future Group obviously has this capability.

But if you do this, you won’t benefit yourself or others!

How many saints do Future Group have to be able to do this kind of thing of sacrificing themselves for everyone!

Only a fool would do this!

But will Lu Yi be a fool?

I'm afraid there is no smarter person than Lu Yi in this world!

Then it's obvious.

If Future Group dares to do this, it will definitely be detrimental to itself and benefit others as everyone thinks!


There must be a purpose that everyone cannot understand.


Zhang Xiaoyao thought.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

If you were Lu Yi, what benefits would this bring to you?

I thought about it for a long time.

He didn't understand it either.

Because really, no matter how you look at it, it’s not beneficial.

All they do is cultivate competitors for themselves.

But just yesterday.

Zhang Xiaoyao had a flash of inspiration and caught a clue.

Combined with the current cloud computing environment, let’s think about the meaning behind the future group’s actions.


You can see some signs.

Zhang Xiaoyao said: “To know why Future Group would do something that seems to be detrimental to ourselves and others, we must think from another perspective and consider it in light of the current general environment in the field of cloud computing.

"Since the financial report disclosed by Fortune 500 in January, cloud computing has been pushed to the forefront, allowing everyone in the industry to see the broad prospects of cloud computing, and a golden mountain has been placed in front of everyone."


"We can see that."

"With the outbreak of cloud computing, new cloud computing players from various countries around the world are actively entering the market to occupy a place in the field of cloud computing."

"As Dr. Wang said, just as electricity is the underlying facility of industrial society, cloud computing will replace traditional IT equipment and become the underlying facility of the Internet world."

"What cloud computing does is a general technology platform for the Internet. The lowest operating system is the most difficult core to build in the technical field."

"If you want to play with cloud computing, it's not enough just to have money. You must also have professional talents and technology."

“And the large number of new players who are coming in only have a little money, but no talent or technology.

"The result of this is that these new players have a blind eye as soon as they enter the game, and they are spinning around in the box."


"Can we say that these new players who are spinning around cannot develop their own cloud computing technology?"

"No one dares to pat their chest to guarantee it!"

"Understanding this, then there seems to be a valid enough reason for the group to develop an open source platform for cloud services in the future!"

"New players are really confused when they first enter, but it doesn't matter. You can cross the river by feeling the stones."

"Future Group, Amazon, IBM, Huachang, Microsoft, Gu Ge, etc., the pioneers in this field can all be imitated by latecomers."

"In this way, in three to five years, these new players will become competitors of pioneers such as Future Group and Amazon."

"Even if there is a gap in strength between Future Group and Amazon, if there are too many ants, even if they bite the elephant to death, it can still make the elephant like Future Group feel uncomfortable, right?"

"Currently, Future Group's global share in the cloud computing market is as high as over 60%. But in three to five years, everyone will have developed cloud service platforms. Will Future Group still have such a high market share?"

"Will not!"

"In the future, the group's market share will inevitably be cannibalized by new cloud service providers emerging from various places."

"This must have been thought of by the senior management of the Future Group."


"So, based on this, it is easy to understand why Future Group does this."

"Instead of having my future group's market share eroded by ants in three to five years, it would be better to turn these ants into my own little brothers and become a martial arts leader myself!"

"Think about it, everyone."

"Future Group has launched an open source cloud service project. Anyone who is interested in developing cloud computing technology can join. Will new players without technology refuse?"

“It’s hard to say no!”

"Because they know very well that when they first enter the market, they don't understand anything, and they are completely blind, which is a waste of time and money."

"If they don't join, others will. With the help of this platform, they can build their own cloud computing platform in a short time to seize the market."


"And when they don't join and have to immerse themselves in their own work and build their own cloud platform, then the market will probably be saturated long ago, and they may not even be able to drink the soup.


"Future Group has launched an open source cloud service platform, which is very attractive to new players!"

"As for Future Group's move, the reason why I say Taimiao is too ambitious is because."

"Once this project is completed, within three to five years, various clouds will be everywhere around the world."

“Among them, Future Group’s Smart Cloud will probably become a star among all the stars in the future and will be the leader in the entire field of cloud computing.

“The beauty of Future Group’s skill is that I know there will be many competitors in the future who will eat away at my market share, so I will turn my competitors into younger brothers in advance.

"It seems that he is actively cultivating competitors, but in fact he is cultivating his own younger brothers."

"When the world is covered with clouds, everyone will take a closer look. Oh, my goodness, aren't these clouds like clones of the future wisdom clouds?"

"after all!"

"These clouds are derived from the open source cloud service platform of Future Group!"

"And at that time, the Future Group will deal with the disobedient younger brother. Isn't it something that can be easily caught?"

After Zhang Xiaoyao finished speaking, the entire conference room fell silent. .

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