Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 690 The People Of The Dragon Kingdom Do Not Lie To The People Of The Dragon Kingdom


Ahri has mixed feelings about the future cloud service open source project to be released by Future Group.

They are clear.

Cloud computing is very technical.

Although Ali has a lot of technical talents.

But to say that just a few people can create a cloud platform that rivals the future smart cloud is undoubtedly a fantasy.

But they know.

In the area of ​​cloud computing.

Future Group has invested more than 20,000 human resources in this.

Not only that.

They also spent a lot of money to cooperate with well-known universities around the world to establish research centers to develop technology.

This shows that cloud computing is technically difficult.

Their Ahli Group does not have as strong capital as the Future Group.

As Teacher Ma finished speaking, everyone began to speak freely and express their opinions.

“Future Group’s mastery of 06 can be said to be an unexpected surprise for companies interested in developing cloud computing.

"There may have been only dozens of companies entering this field before, and only a few may survive in the end."

"But it's different now."

"Future Group's approach will directly lower the current threshold."

"The consequence may be that dozens, hundreds or even thousands of companies will flood into this field at once, and there may be dozens of companies that survive in the end."

"If we, Ahri, don't join, will we be able to survive the impact of dozens or hundreds of competitors in the end?"

"So I think that our current Ali Cloud project should temporarily press the pause button, wait for the launch of the open source platform from the Future Group, and then join it."

"In this way, some technical pain points can be well solved, allowing us to produce maximum results with minimum investment."

One executive put it bluntly.

"I also agree to join the Future Group's open source alliance."

"Unless everyone is not interested in Future Group's cloud computing open source project, they will ignore it and form a coalition to confront Future Group."

"But this is obviously unrealistic."

Even if you join this open source alliance, your destiny will be in the hands of the Future Group. "

"But it can ensure that I have the greatest chance of survival in the field of cloud computing."

“If we at Ahri don’t join, the result of a head-on confrontation with this open source alliance is likely to be shattered into pieces.

Another high-level official expressed his attitude.

"Everything in the world is turbulent for the benefit of others."

"Actually, this is a very easy decision to make. We just have to choose the one that is beneficial to us."

"I think the group must continue to advance Ali Cloud and cannot stop, and related financial resources cannot be saved."

"While we are advancing the development of Ali Cloud, if the Future Group really launches a reliable cloud service open source project, then follow it, because we have no choice."

"Technological backwardness is terrible and will directly cause us to lose opportunities."

"If we fail to seize the initial opportunity, we have already missed a good opportunity."

"If we don't catch it this time, the consequences may be unacceptable to us."

Cai Chongxin also spoke.

Compared with the speeches of the previous few people, his weight is heavier.

after all.

He is Teacher Ma's right-hand man, and Teacher Ma has great trust in him.

His remarks can affect some of Teacher Ma's decisions.

Of course.

Cai Chongxin's words are also very reasonable and not without purpose.


Many senior officials nodded in agreement.


It was Teacher Ma who had the final say.

"I know everything about technology, but I know nothing about it."

“But I know that no matter how wide the moat is, it cannot match technological innovation.

"And technological innovation has always been a pain point for large enterprises."

"Why can Future Group become the leader in the domestic Internet industry and compete with the giants in Silicon Valley internationally?"

“There’s no other reason than the Future Group’s technical excellence and innovation!”

"We cannot match Future Group in terms of technology or innovation. This is nothing to be ashamed of and must be admitted."

“Those people in Silicon Valley have to be convinced!”

"If our technology is lagging behind, we will be beaten and we will not be able to eat meat. Then we must learn to assess the situation and do not hesitate to use our own hands to promote the improvement of our own technology when necessary.

"Look at the flower factories today. They walk on three legs. Although they are usually very low-key, who dares to underestimate the flower factories nowadays?"

"Among the three legs of Huachang, except for the main wireless communication technology business, which has little to do with Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, Huachang's smartphones and Flower Petal Cloud can be said to be influenced by Future Group and Blue Star. Electrons cross the river.”

"Then everyone saw the result, and the flower factory made a fortune!"

“Huachang’s smartphone is second only to Blue Star Electronics’ pinnacle mobile phone, 1740, in the field of domestic smartphones.

"The petal cloud of the flower factory is also the second domestic cloud of the future wisdom cloud."

"I very much agree with Mr. Cai's suggestion just now. It is beneficial to our development, so don't think so much about it first and follow it later.

"Everyone is worried that our fate is in Lu Yi's hands, but in fact there is no need to worry."

"Lu Yi is from Longguo, Future Group is a Longguo company, and our Ali Group is also a Longguo company!"

"There is a saying that people from our country will not lie to people from the Dragon Country."

"If a foreign company were to do this, we would be worried that someone else would pinch our necks, and I would not join even if I were beaten to death."

"But if it's the Future Group, it's still somewhat reassuring."

Teacher Ma's words caused everyone to nod.

But this time.

Teacher Ma changed the subject again.

"But, it's important to be on guard against others."

"Let's do what Mr. Cai just said and make preparations for this matter."

"Ali Cloud's development cannot stop, and the capital resources that should be invested cannot be saved."

"At the same time, pay close attention to the trends on the Future Group side."

As the helmsman of an enterprise, only one who considers and consciously prepares for the first-hand awareness can be regarded as a qualified helmsman. .

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