Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 692: Trying To Survive? Learn From The Barbarians And Learn Skills To Control The Barbarians


Not willing to give in!

Zhang Zhidong, Xu Chengye and others, and even Xiao Ma, all felt very complicated about this.

Our goose factory has been fucked by your Future Group to the point where we are now in such a miserable state.


Your Future Group won’t let me go, and will force me to be your little brother!

If I serve as your little brother in the Future Group, won’t I have to be manipulated by you for the rest of my life?!!

If you don't join, there will be no chance of turning around.

Such a difficult choice, are you, Future Group, trying to make things difficult for me, Fat Tiger? No, it’s Penguin.

But what can be done?

What else can be done?

Even if there are thoughts in my heart that poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, majesty cannot be subdued.

But after all, the arm couldn't twist the thigh.


They can't even count their arms in front of the behemoth of the Future Group.

"Everyone, there is only one way before us."

"That's...from the Future Group!"

Brother Xiao Ma looked around and said.

The tone, 060 is full of pathos!

Just as if.

A young girl was bullied by a bully, and she could only scream, unable to resist.

"Have no idea!"

"This bully from Future Group is so arrogant!"

"If we don't obey, we won't be able to get to the poker table."

"Think about it, everyone."

"Those new players who join the Future Group's open source alliance all have trump cards issued by the Future Group, but we don't. How can we compete with these people?"

"By the time we have the cards in our hands, I'm afraid the table will be filled with cards played by others.

"How will we deal with ourselves at that time?"


"It's not that I want to surrender, but I have to surrender!"

Xiao Ma's words made everyone present clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

Zhang Zhidong gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: "pony, if we give in this time, then we may not be able to escape from the Wuzhishan of the Future Group for the rest of our lives! How can we realize our previous goal of becoming the largest cloud service provider in China? The goal?"

Brother Xiao Ma glanced at Zhang Zhidong and said calmly: "Then what do you think we should do? Touch the stone with the egg?"

"Zhidong, you have to understand that being technologically backward is a terrible thing."

“Originally, when everyone entered the venue and waited for the card table, their eyes were blank and they didn’t understand anything.

"But now, Future Group has stepped forward to be everyone's guide."

"If we don't keep up, we will fall behind others at the starting line."

"One step behind, every step behind, and in the end you can't even catch up."

"Not to mention becoming the largest cloud service provider in China, it is still unknown whether it can continue to thrive in this field."

"You don't have to think that my words are raising others' ambitions and destroying your own prestige."

"It is very helpless that we must recognize the facts."

Brother Xiao Ma's words made Zhang Zhidong suddenly silent.

After a while.

He raised his head, still gritting his teeth, and said: "I just don't want to give up, I just can't swallow this breath! When I think about being a younger brother of the Future Group in the future, I feel..."

Brother Ma raised his hand and comforted him: "I understand how you feel! The pain in my heart is no less than yours, or even more!"

"(agdf) Do you think I am willing to be the younger brother of Future Group?"

"In no mood!"

"But the problem now is that if we don't act properly, we won't even be qualified to enter the market!"

"Cloud computing is the trend of the future. If we don't seize the opportunity and sit at the poker table, there will really be no chance of turning around."


Zhang Zhidong is still unwilling.

"Zhidong, calm down, be calm!"

"In ancient times, Gou Jian, the king of Yue, endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden. In the end, three thousand Yue armor swallowed Wu.

"Our Goose Factory can also stage a modern version of Gou Jian, the king of Yue, lying on his back to eat his courage."

Brother Ma said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Zhang Zhidong asked: "pony, what do you mean?"

"Everyone, the current situation is that we have to succumb to the Future Group, and we can only humble ourselves and become the grandchildren of the Future Group."

"Although it's humiliating, there are also benefits."

"That means we can avoid many detours and learn some technologies for future smart clouds, which will be very helpful in developing our own Penguin."

"In ancient times, there were people who lay down on firewood and tasted courage. In recent times, there are people who learned from the barbarians and developed skills to control them."

"Our Goose Factory will temporarily endure the humiliation and bear the burden of being the younger brother of Future Group, join the open source alliance of Future Group, and learn the technologies we need from it.

"When we gain strength, we will rebel against the Future Group!"

To the end.

Little Ma's eyes sparkled with brilliance and pride.

as if.

He saw that after three to five years of hard work, he became a serf and sang songs and trampled the future wisdom cloud under his feet. He asked if he was convinced or not, and then the Future Group held up the white flag and cried for father and mother. , I’m convinced, I’m convinced.


Thinking about it this way, I’m a little excited!

Everyone present was also affected by Brother Xiao Ma's emotions, and their eyes were filled with Tao Re's fire.


Gou Jian, the king of Yue, could lie down on the firewood and taste his courage.

Why can't their goose factory endure the humiliation and bear the burden and learn from the barbarians to learn their skills in order to control them?

Think about it this way.

Their whole bodies seemed to be electrified, and their whole bodies were agitated.

It's quite a cool drama about a stinky loser attacking a rich and handsome man!

And it’s so cool!

Just thinking about it is exciting!

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