Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 694 The Future Group Can Be The Temporary Number One Player, But It Can Never Be The Permane

Across the ocean.

North America.

Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California.

Guge headquarters.

In the conference room.

CEO Sergey Brinton said with a slightly condensed expression: "The news coming from the other side of the ocean is making a lot of noise, making many technology companies in my great America secretly preparing to make moves.


In the Internet technology community, there is a saying that "North American pigeons are the future of dragon country".

Guge and Future Group are known as the twin stars of the East and West in the Internet world. The twin stars shine brightly and shine on the entire Blue Star.

This is indeed the case.

Guge was only established in 1998 and Future Group was only established in 2003.

In just a few years, it has gone through the path that other Internet technology companies have gone through in the past ten years.

From obscurity at the beginning to brilliance now.

No company dares to ignore Future Group and Gu Ge.

There is also a strong competitive relationship between Future Group and Gu Ge.


The core businesses of both parties are different.

One is social and the other is search engine.


Whether in social networking or search engines, both parties have a direct competitive relationship.

For example:

Guge's core business is search engine, but it also has social software Gtalk.


Gu Ge’s Gtalk does not pose much of a threat to the international version of social software owned by Future Group.

But they are still competitors, and Future Group will never take them lightly.

The opposite of.

Future Group also makes search engines.

Its subsidiary Jisou has now become the new leader of Longguo’s search engines.

at the same time.

A year ago, Jisou began to go overseas and compete directly with Guge Search internationally.


In this competition, Jisou is at an absolute disadvantage.

But Gu Ge also dared not take Jisou lightly.

these years.

The two companies have fought openly and secretly many times.

Either you light a fire in my backyard, or I light a fire in your backyard.

But overall.

Gu Ge lost more than he won in all the open and covert battles, big and small, and suffered a lot.

And currently.

In the area of ​​cloud computing, Guge is lagging behind Future Group in all aspects and is at an absolute disadvantage.


They are still thinking about how to surpass Future Group in the field of cloud computing.

A shocking thing happened in the big eastern country.

Future Group actually wants to launch an open source cloud service platform.

Ah... your head was caught in the door?

As soon as the news came here, whether it was Gu Ge, Microsoft, IBM, Amazon and other companies, they were all shocked. For a while, they couldn't figure out why the Future Group would do such a thing that was harmful to itself and others.


They are not stupid after all.

I was shocked at first, so I didn’t think about it.

But when I calmed down and thought about it carefully, my heart was suddenly shocked!

Only then did he react.

The Future Group played this trick, which seemed to harm itself and benefit others, but in fact it was aimed at the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance.


They also covet the position of the martial arts leader.

But I didn't expect that in the future, the group would come up with such a move to completely weld its dominance to an unshakable position.

Even if they are very good at playing with various means, they have to admire in their hearts, the skills of the Future Group are really good and beautiful!

In the conference room.

Seven or eight people gathered.

Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, etc. are all the core executives of Gu Ge.


The expressions on each of their faces were almost identical.

That is worry.

The news coming from the big Eastern country cannot be ignored by any player involved in the field of cloud computing.

not to mention.

They have also analyzed the purpose behind Future Group's actions.

Although they are currently in the field of cloud computing, compared with Future Group, there is a huge difference.

But they have the determination and confidence to catch up with the Future Group or even surpass it.

But if the open source alliance of Future Group succeeds.

If they want to catch up and surpass the Future Group, there is basically no chance.

We can only tremble in the shadow of the future wisdom cloud.

"If our analysis is correct, Future Group, which already dominates the global cloud computing market, will have a completely unshakable dominance after launching the open source cloud platform!" Eric Schmidt said.

They currently know very well what changes this strategic move of the Future Group will bring to the entire industry, what impact it will have, and what significance it will have.

If giants like them remain indifferent and let Future Group continue to develop like this.

In the global cloud computing market, the group's dominant position will be completely unshakable in the future, and it will have the power to command the world with one word.

And they will all live in fear under the shadow of the Future Group.

This is unacceptable and impossible for the giants who have always been arrogant and don't look down on the big Eastern countries.

There is no problem in creating an unshakable overlord in the field of cloud computing.

But this overlord can never be a Dragon Kingdom company.

It can only be their Ami 5.6 Lika company!

It has always been the neck of their North American giant Caron Enterprise.

Just like Lian Xiang, who has the glory of the nation in the Dragon Kingdom.

In the PC industry of Longguo, he is the boss of one thing.


Lian Xiang, who was domineering in the Dragon Kingdom, had to bow his head and bow to them in front of them.

Because Lian Xiang’s neck was pinched by America’s company.

Lian Xiang's life and death is determined by them, not Lenovo himself.

but now.

A dragon country enterprise actually jumped out and wanted to seize their fate by the throat.

How can this be done?

They can accept that Future Group will be the number one player in the field of cloud computing for the time being.

But I will never accept the Future Group as the permanent leader of the martial arts alliance!

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