For Microsoft and Gu Ge, they must face a fact.

Future Group itself is already very powerful.

If you bring a group of younger brothers.

For them, it is likely that they will bid farewell to the civilian field of cloud computing completely.

Because they are by no means an opponent of the Future Group and its open source alliance system.

As for the military field.

The size of this plate is far from comparable to that in the civilian field.

The plates were small and there were so many of them that it was not enough to feed one or two families.

It has really come to this.

Regardless of whether it is Microsoft or GuGe, it is miserable to think about relying on orders from Wujiao Tower.

In a situation where there are more people and less meat, they still have to beat the dog’s brains out!

Just because I thought of this.


Although everyone is a competitor, no one can dislike anyone else.

But today we sat together.

Internal fighting is internal fighting, but external factors that threaten you must be eradicated.

After there are no external factors, behind closed doors, you can eat as much as you want, depending on your ability.

have to say.

At this point, America's company is doing much better than domestic companies.

Many domestic enterprises are experts at fighting internally and outsiders fighting externally.

When they fight among themselves, they are as fierce as jackals.

But once they left the house and went outside, most of them were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they came back miserable.

Then they made a lot of nonsense in China, claiming that they were a large international company!

Jiaguwen CEO Larry Ellison, who was most displeased with Longguo Enterprises, immediately shouted: "I have said long ago that our government must give some color to the dog-raised Future Group."

"Future Group is a thief company that stole our engineers and our technology!"

"Those idiots on Wall Street have continued to invest in this thief enterprise and used the tax dollars of our people in America to raise a jackal. Those damn idiots should be fully responsible for this!"

Speaking of which.

Larry Ellison looked angrily at Samuel Palmino, the head of IBM across from him.

"Pamino, you must also bear a large part of the responsibility for this, because it was your IBM company that provided servers to the son of a bitch Future Group!"

Samuel Palmino rolled his eyes when he heard this.

What the hell.

Should I leave tens of billions of dollars in profits without making any profit and just drive Future Group out?


Of course.

Samuel Palmino knew very well that the reason why Ellison targeted him was not because he provided the Emperor's server to the Future Group.

But because of another thing!

Larry Ellison's almost cursing remarks also attracted the attention of others.

They all understand why Ellison hates Future Group so much.

Why target IBM?

The reason is that Ruidian's MySQL company fell into the hands of the Future Group, and IBM played a role in this process.


In Larry Ellison's scheme.

Sun Microsystems successfully acquired the MySQL company, and then took over Sun Microsystems on its own.


MySQL, the world's largest open source database, will become a part of Yongguwen.

And Jiaguwen will also have complete control over the global database.

But last year, after a series of entanglements and confrontations.

Taiyang Wei was indeed eaten by their Jiaguwen.

But MySQL company was taken over by Future Group.

The key is.

The Future Group, relying on MySQL database technology, can develop new databases on its own.

And the Future Group is doing this and is working on the "Go to O" plan.

The so-called "remove O" means to remove the Jiaguwen database and reduce the dependence on the Jiaguwen database...

Jia Guwen now wants to control the future group on the database, which is basically a fantasy.


Future Group is becoming a competitor of Jiaguwen.

More and more companies are turning to MySQL database!

Larry Ellison doesn't seem to have enough fun.

“We, Guwen Company, have entered the Longguo market since 1989 and have watched the development and changes of Longguo over the past twenty years.

"In the past 20 years, the economy of Dragon Kingdom has surpassed every country ahead of it, and now ranks third in the world, and it still maintains nearly double-digit growth every year.

"If we let Longguo's economy surpass ours, let Longguo train more engineers than us, and let Longguo's technology companies defeat our technology companies, then we will not be far from the day when our military technology will also fall behind."

"All of this has nothing to do with you, Samuel Palmino!"

With the big hat pulled down, Samuel Palmino couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately said tit for tat: "Ellison, you are slandering. Do you understand slander?"

"You also said that your Jiaguwen entered the Dragon Kingdom market in 1989. 5.7."

"Think about it, how many companies in Long Kingdom were developed using your Jiaguwen database.

"When it comes to responsibility, you Jiaguwen should be ranked number one!"

"As well as Microsoft and Intel, you all have unshirkable responsibilities."

"Because you provided operating systems, various software services, and a large number of chips to Longguo's companies..."

Samuel Palmino's words were heard all over the place.

Everyone who was originally interested in watching a show suddenly looked at each other in shock when they saw Ellison and Palmino quarreling.

Ah this.........

What Palmino said makes sense, and they can't refute it!

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