Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 720 Tough Attitude, Seagull Camera

On the day Bob Dylan returned to the hotel, he truthfully reported the situation to the headquarters.

Three days later.

Let’s talk about the change of coach here at IBM.

This time it was Samuel Palmino, the head of IBM.

Just this time.

Samuel Pamino came in person, but was unable to meet Lu Yi. Lu Qi received and negotiated the entire process.

Samuel Pamino was naturally very unhappy with Lu Yi's neglect.

But so what?

In the end, I had to sit down honestly and talk to Lu Qi.

The focus of the negotiations between the two parties is still on the flower factory.

The reason why IBM is so persistent is because it knows very well how terrible the potential of the apprentice it has taught is.


The flower factory's server business must be nipped in the cradle in advance.


In this way, we can also pinch the throat of Future Group.

If there were no flower factories, there would be no such companies as Intel, Er, and Xia.

But after all, they are all North American companies.

Must accept the supervision of the North American government.

When the North American government issues an order, even if Intel is coveting orders worth tens of billions of dollars, it will have to reluctantly refuse.

Because this can effectively attack the future group's cloud computing business.

Everyone must serve the overall situation!

Without the flower factory to provide servers, all companies in North America would refuse.

Then in the future the group will face a situation where no server is available.

At that time.

Future Group is still not allowed to do whatever they want?



IBM will not allow Huachang's server business to become bigger and stronger.

It is necessary to cut off the channels through which Future Group can inject blood into Huachang’s server business.


Facing Samuel Palmino's aggressiveness, Lu Qi did not retreat at all.

Future Group likes to make friends and wants to make all kinds of friends. IBM has no right to interfere with Future Group's decisions.


Lu Qi bluntly said that if the Future Group asked IBM to withdraw from the OpenStack Alliance, would IBM do so?

This made Samuel Palmino fuming.

Faced with the tough attitude of the Future Group, Samuel Palmino also failed.

I had to say harsh words directly. Between Flower Factory and IBM, Future Group could only choose one of the two.

Lu Qi also slapped him back with his backhand.

Future Group will not choose whether IBM should be a friend or an enemy. The choice lies in IBM's hands.

If Future Group had to make a choice, it would be all of them.

This made Samuel Palmino furious.

That’s not how Tai Chi works!

The next week.

IBM and Future Group executives conducted three rounds of negotiations.

But the outcome was already determined.

It is impossible for Lu Yi to compromise, nor to be frightened by IBM's harsh words.


In these three rounds of negotiations, he didn't even show his face once, and went directly to the Shanghai stock market.

It's not that I'm hiding from IBM and others.

Instead, I went to Shanghai to acquire Haiou Digital Co., Ltd. and took a look at the progress of coastal semiconductor construction.

In January, Luo Tianyi held her first concert in Akihabara, east of the island country.

At that time, Lu Yi flew to Dongjing and contacted several island semiconductor raw material companies such as Qingtian Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and TK Chemical in Dongjing, and the acquisition was successful.

It's just that I couldn't find a suitable company for the light source lens.

So at that time, I set my sights on the domestic Shanghai Haiou Digital Camera Co., Ltd.

Although Seagull is far behind Zeiss, Leica, Schneider and other companies.

But among domestic optical companies, Haiou is considered the leader.

And in terms of light source lenses, it has its own technical accumulation, which is what Lu Yi values ​​​​the most.

There are several stuck problems in domestic lithography machines. The "steady-state micro-focusing technology" of the light source is undergoing experimental verification. Once the verification is successful, high-power light sources will no longer be a problem that restricts the development of domestic lithography machines.

But having a light source is not enough, you also need a high-precision lens.

Hope lies in Seagull Company.


Not only do domestic lithography machines need Seagull lenses, but the cameras of Blue Star Electronics’ pinnacle mobile phones also need them.

For this key technology, Lu Yi does not want to ask for Mud or Leica in the future.

Longguo must have an optical manufacturer with independent technical property rights!

Seagull is the best option.

Seagull is a well-known camera brand in Longguo in the 1960s and 1970s.

However, with the progress of reform and opening up, and the impact of overseas technology and costs.

The company's operating conditions are not very good and it continues to suffer losses.

Seagull Company Headquarters.

General Manager Qu Jiantao felt a headache as he read the debt collection letters one after another.

The losses throughout last year have made Haiou unsustainable. It can be said that it has lost all its pants.

Qu Jiantao misses the days when he first joined Haiou Works as a worker.

At that time, the Seagull 593 was an internationally renowned camera brand.

It is the favorite brand among photographers in Longguo.

In the 1980s, Haiou's factory often received visits from relevant national leaders.

It was launched as the most representative product of Longguo after the reform and opening up.

At that time.

"Seagull" is synonymous with cameras, as well as a symbol of identity and fashion.

People queued up all night to buy Seagull cameras.

A number of classic cameras such as Seagull 4 and Seagull DF emerged one after another, creating the "Seagull" heyday in the 1970s and 1980s.

Some models were once considered treasures by overseas collectors.

At its peak, Haiou had more than 6,000 employees and an annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan, cultivating a group of loyal fans including Zhang Yimou.

Peak period.

Haiou Camera Factory was once the largest camera factory in Asia

but now.

There is no market for traditional cameras.

The technology of digital cameras cannot keep up with the technology of Europe, North America and island countries, so they continue to suffer losses.

The loss is mainly due to two reasons.

On the one hand, it is because the products produced cannot be sold, and at the same time, the cost of land costs for manual machinery and equipment is very high.

Another aspect is investment mistakes. .

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