Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 727 Two Cokes Flooded The Seventh Army

For many older generation photography enthusiasts, Phoenix can be said to be a well-known brand.

In the era of scarcity of supplies in the last century, Phoenix cameras have been favored by many early domestic users due to their high performance and strong optical quality.

Until the 1990s.

Due to the popularity of electronics and automation of foreign cameras and the entry of these cameras into the Longguo market.

This led to the shrinkage of the domestic camera manufacturing industry, and currently there are only two camera brands left in Shanghai: Haiou and Jianggan's Phoenix.

In terms of development history.

Phoenix Camera is definitely of the younger generation.

Compared with the century-old Leica camera abroad, Phoenix's history is only about one-third of its history.

Even another domestic camera brand, Seagull, has a production history of almost 50 years.

Similar to the current situation of seagulls, the situation of Phoenix is ​​not optimistic either.

Qu Jiantao of Seagull is trying to find a way to make Seagull regain its glory.

On the Phoenix side, 670 is also thinking of ways to achieve nirvana and rebirth.

Lu Yi's words made Qu Jiantao's heart tighten.

He knew that Lu Yi was definitely not joking.

If Haiou cannot give a satisfactory answer within three days, then Lu Yi will definitely go to Jianggan Province to find Phoenix for cooperation without hesitation.

Qu Jiantao knew it very well.

This is Seagull Company's only chance to survive.

If you don't seize this opportunity.

Then it is very likely that there will not be this opportunity next time.


Is there a next time?

Seaou Company's current liabilities are no longer enough to support the company's continued operations.

I'm afraid there won't be a next time.

Before that.

What Qu Jiantao was thinking about was how to keep the seagull alive.

The solution proposed by the city government is to sell the factory and the land.

Although it is difficult for Qu Jiantao to accept it emotionally.

But intellectually, he has actually made a decision in his heart.

Even if he was scolded in the back by Haiou's employees afterwards, it didn't matter to him.

Because if you do this, the seagull will really be completely destroyed.

If we agree with the solution proposed by the city government, Haiou still has a chance to survive and keep the Haiou brand.

but now.

After meeting Lu Yi, his mind has changed.

What started out as thinking about how to keep Seagull alive has turned into not only wanting to survive, but also wanting to defeat big Japanese brands such as Soni and Canon in the camera market.

When Qu Jiantao took over the position of general manager from the previous general manager of the company.

The words of the former general manager made him deeply moved and remembered in his heart.

"Why can the magnificent scenery of the Dragon Kingdom be captured only by the invaders' cameras, but not by our domestic cameras?"

It is this sentence that supports Qu Jiantao's belief.

In the old days, the Dragon Kingdom was invaded by island countries. In the hearts of the older generation, the sense of desolation of the country being destroyed and the nation being destroyed has always been shrouded in their hearts and lingering.

Why make a seagull camera?

I just hope that the beautiful and splendid rivers and mountains of the Dragon Kingdom can be recorded in the photography equipment of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Instead of using the equipment of the islanders, you can record the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers.

This love for the country and the nation.

In this era, the national pride of the younger generation has become somewhat indifferent.

There are reasons for the impact of overseas cultural invasion in the development of the times.

There are also reasons for Haiou Company’s own dissatisfaction.

after all.

Why should consumers spend the same money to buy a product with lagging performance?

It is not enough to just play the national brand and the emotional card.

This card can inspire temporary support from the Chinese people, but it cannot last forever.

Products, after all, still need to speak for themselves with quality and performance.

Qu Jiantao was influenced by patriotism, and he has also seen many national brands being impacted by overseas brands. In the end, they were either acquired overseas and stashed away, or went bankrupt and became history.

The most famous one is the story of "Seven Armies Flooded".

In the Dragon Country in the 1980s, as the people became increasingly wealthy, sodas with novel flavors, exciting textures, and affordable prices quickly conquered many consumers.

at the same time.

Soda fountains bloomed all over the country [eventually forming the famous Longguo Soda "Little Big Zhongdu Beibinyang", Shanghai Zhengguanghe, Jinmen Shanhaiguan, Yangcheng Asian Soda, Fengtian Bawang Temple, Qindao Laoshan, Jiangcheng Bridge Mountain City Tianfu Coke.

As overseas Liangcola aggressively entered the domestic market, in the late 1980s, the domestic beverage industry began to struggle.

Finally in the early nineties.

Among the eight major factories, except Shanghai Securities and Broadcasting Co., Ltd., which escaped the "joint venture" outcome due to equity issues, Jiangcheng Bridge was sold to other foreign brands.

Fengtian Bawang Temple, Jinmen Shanhaiguan, Qindao Laoshan Hualuo Coca-Cola, Shancheng Tianfu Cola, Yangcheng Asia Soda, and Zhongdu Beibanyang are all under Pepsi-Cola.


Instead of continuing to expand operations under the wave of joint ventures, these domestic beverage brands were quickly marginalized and even discontinued.

year 2004.

When Qu Jiantao took over the position of general manager.

At that time, he patted his chest and promised the former general manager that he would lead the factory employees to reverse the company's predicament and let the seagulls fly high again.


It took three to five years.

His original ambition was about to be flattened by the cruel reality.

Not only did he fail to do so, he drove the island brand out of the domestic market.


Under his leadership, Seagull Company was only one step away from bankruptcy. .

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