Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 741 I Let You Say All The Good Things And Let You Take All The Benefits.

It's quiet now.

No one stood up to object.

The people who come here are all enterprise-level developers, and there are very few independent developers.

All are professionals.

This time’s press conference.

Future Group rarely invites ordinary melon-eating people to participate in order to boost the atmosphere at the scene.

after all.

This conference is aimed at enterprise-level users, not individual consumers.

Center stage.

Lu Qi said methodically.

"In terms of commercial value and historical development, the trend of open source in basic technology is becoming more and more obvious."

“Open source injects vitality into basic technologies and can be easily and widely promoted.

"Once an open source project is widely accepted and used, it can promote the upgrading of technology, making related technologies more and more mature, and the time for technological evolution will also be shortened."

“In the past, it might have taken three to five years to complete a major technology upgrade, but because of open source, this process time has been greatly shortened to one or two years or even a few months.

"This is also easy to explain. In the words of our Dragon Kingdom, there is strength in numbers, and three cobblers are equal to Zhuge Liang.

Lu Qi's words had to be echoed by many developers present.


If a basic technology is too conservative, it is closed source.

Reached very few people.

In this case, if the technology wants to develop rapidly and upgrade, it will become very slow and difficult.

But once the technology is open sourced, it can be quickly promoted.

With countless people contributing to it, technology iteration will become very rapid.

This is the power of numbers.

How can one person's wisdom compare to the collective wisdom and efforts of everyone?

Lu Qi continued: "At the same time, from another perspective, the growth of open source will in turn feed back commercial value."

"After all, many customers want support and value from them."

"For the majority of developers, the biggest difference between open source and non-open source is whether you work alone or have a large group of like-minded helpers."

“If you work on a closed-door project, there are only so many resources that you can access and communicate with, which will inevitably be limited by the application scenarios, and your vision will become very narrow.

"To use an idiom from our Dragon Country to describe it, it is working behind closed doors."

"That is to say, you build a car behind closed doors and think that the car you built is good and fast. When you finish the car and take it out to take a look, you find that the road is full of gasoline-burning cars, and you have built a car that It’s a horse-drawn carriage and an ox-cart.”

"But if you open the door and do open source projects."

"Whether you are the leader or a participant, in this process, you can play with technology with the best developers in the world and discuss and communicate in the community. This is helpful for your own growth."

"This is also some of the insights I gained from playing in the MySQL community."

"Now that MySQL is acquired by us, we will apply the secret of its success to WisdomStack."

Lu Qi's words made all the industry leaders sitting in the audience laugh and feel MMP in their hearts.

Lu Qi's words seemed right.

But this is just a scene.

You can only believe half of it at best.


If Future Group makes Wisdom-Cloud open source, everyone will believe it.

Although the Future Group has now developed the WisdomStack platform, which is open source, "everyone is welcome to join.

But everyone knows that WisdomStack is indeed born out of Wisdom-Cloud.

But it’s unclear how much of it is Wisdom-Cloud.

But one thing everyone knows is that it is absolutely impossible for Future Group to take out the core technology of Wisdom-Cloud.


Lu Qi's words were very colorful, but they were actually just words for the occasion.


The thing that made everyone couldn't help but complain.

The Future Group throws out its bones here and tells everyone that it wants to open source and bring everyone to play together.

In fact, it is to let the best developers in the world help Future Group discover the problems of WisdomStack and improve them.

You have said all the good things.

You get all the benefits.

You are dictating from the moral high ground.

This is... too much!

Lu Qi naturally didn't know what the people below were thinking, so he continued to speak with a smile on his face.

next moment.

He brought the topic back (Zhao Nuo's) to WisdomStack.

WisdomStack is both a community, a project and an open source software project.

"It provides an operating platform or toolset for deploying the cloud."

“The purpose is to help organizations run clouds for virtual computing or storage services, providing scalable and flexible cloud computing for public clouds, private clouds, and big clouds and small clouds.

"For the first version of our open source cloud platform WisdomStack, which is about to be released, we welcome all developers around the world to join this big family."

"I firmly believe that the emergence of WisdomStack will support the development of the entire big data and cloud computing around the world in the future.".

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