Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 766: Jia Qingyang Arrives In The United States Amid Verbal And Written Criticism At Home

Following Lu Qi's side, he responded positively to the fishing boat on the Internet.

The heat of the matter is also rushing towards another peak.

After the print media and online media published relevant reports, not to mention the netizens of Longguo, even the ordinary people who did not go online in Longguo became extremely angry after seeing the reports.

The Dragon Kingdom is a country prone to many disasters.

Especially in modern times, more than sixty years ago.

The backward Dragon Kingdom was invaded by imperialism and almost perished.

It is precisely after experiencing such a humiliating history that the people of the Dragon Kingdom hate the traitors who betrayed the people of the country.

In the eyes of the people of Long Kingdom, the behavior of Jia Qingyang and others is no different from the behavior of traitors.


Whether online or offline.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom were all scolding.

"That person named Jia Qingyang is so disgusting! I looked at his resume. He studied in China from elementary school to doctorate. The country worked hard to train him, and Future Group gave him a platform to display his talents and ambitions. As a result, after finishing his meal, he wiped his mouth and started cursing his mother. Even if he resigned, he also took a group of relevant technical talents to defect to Gu Ge! This kind of person really deserves to be cut to pieces! He is a big traitor of our time!"

"I agree with what was said above. This kind of person is really disgusting! How dark must his parents be to give birth to such a bastard!"

"He is just a shameless bitch who wants money! An invertebrate without bones! There is nothing wrong with you pursuing money, but you cannot exchange Future Group's technology for money! What is the difference between this kind of behavior and betrayal of the country?"

“The big traitor in the technology world!”

"In modern times, there are big traitors like Chen Gongbo and Wang Jingwei, and now there are traitors like Jia Qingyang. Some people have been kneeling for so long that they really can't stand up."

"Originally, I wanted to apply for Tianfu University this year, but when I saw that Jia Qingyang came from Tianfu University, I thought about it and decided that I should go to Shancheng University next door to Tianfu University. I'm afraid that I will be groomed to be a traitor!"

"I just checked the official website of Tianfu University, and I have to say that Tianfu University acted very quickly and has removed the information about Jia Qingyang, an outstanding graduate."

The fishing boats of Longguo vigorously criticized Jia Qingyang and others.

And America at this moment.

Eric Schmidt, CEO of Gu Ge, personally met with Jia Qingyang, the five people who came all the way from Longguo.

As reported by some domestic media.

Jia Qingyang just patted his butt and ran away, and even encouraged his colleagues in the laboratory to run together.

Don't say it.

There were really four people who, under the temptation of money, chose to come to America and Yinguwan with Jia Qingyang.

"Dr. Jia, welcome, welcome, welcome to America, to Guge, to the paradise of science and technology!"

"From now on, this is your home!"

"You will be able to breathe the sweetest and freest air and get the best living conditions in America, the greatest country in the world."

"In the future, you will definitely feel that today's decision is extremely wise."

Eric Schmidt extended a warm welcome.

A meal of lavish praise.

Although Jia Qingyang has worked for so many years, he is engaged in technology after all. He still has a bookish air about him and is not very good at socializing.

Faced with Eric Schmidt's enthusiasm, he was a little scared.

Of course.

The main reason is still.

After getting off the plane, he heard that the Future Group was very angry with them for leaving without saying goodbye.

And Lu Qi said in public that he would sue five of them in accordance with the confidentiality agreement and non-compete agreement signed with them.

This made Jia Qingyang and the other five a little scared.

According to the confidentiality agreement and competition restrictions originally signed, they will not be allowed to work in related industries within 5 years after leaving Future Group.

but now.

They came to Guge, and they wanted to work on cloud computing.

Their behavior undoubtedly violated the confidentiality agreement and non-compete agreement.

If the Future Group sues them, it will definitely be accurate.

Jia Qingyang couldn't hide the matter in his heart and said: "Just now, I got the news that Future Group will not allow us to engage in cloud computing related work. Lu Qi even said in public in front of the media that he would sue us. "

The other four people are also keeping an eye on Eric Schmidt.

They were so moved that they followed Jia Qingyang all the way to America.

In addition to being unable to resist the temptation of money and yearning for the country of America.

One more thing is.

Jia Qingyang told them (Nuo Zhao) that Gu Ge would solve all subsequent troubles.

If Gu Ge can't solve it.

Then they will be finished!

Hearing Jia Qingyang's words, Eric Schmidt laughed.

It was like hearing the funniest joke in the world.

He said confidently and domineeringly: "Dr. Jia, and you guys, please keep your heart in your stomach."

“There are still many talents like you in America’s Silicon Valley, but they have not been affected at all.

"Please rest assured, we will solve all problems."

"This is America. Future Group's hand cannot be stretched that far."

“Please work at Google with peace of mind and be at ease!”.

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