Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 781 Big Fish Eat Small Fish, Small Fish Eat Shrimps

Huaxing Optoelectronics’ announcement has a wide-ranging impact.

Especially for the LCD panel industry, this is tantamount to a sign that the entire industry is about to be reshuffled.


Longguo's LCD panel industry is very backward.

Relevant companies from the Cold Country, the Island Country and even the Treasure Island region have joined forces to cut the leeks from the mainland market of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although Long Guo knew that this was the case, he had no choice but to let himself be slaughtered.


The local LCD panel factories in Longguo lag far behind related companies in Hanguo, island countries and Baodao areas.

Everyone is on the 7th, 89th and 9th generation lines, but the most advanced line in Longguo is only on the 6th generation line, and it has not even been able to achieve mass production.

Most of them are on the fourth generation line.

The technology is backward and cannot hold the market. With a piece of fat in front of everyone, it is no wonder that it will be coveted by foreign enemies.

You can't say that in order to support domestic production, domestic consumers should spend a lot of money to buy very backward products, right?

Doing so can certainly play a role in supporting national enterprises.

But correspondingly, the health of the entire market has been destroyed.

but now.

The structure of Longguo LCD panel market has undergone new changes.

Since the birth of Huaxing Optoelectronics, companies in Hanguo, island countries and Baodao areas suddenly found that the sickles in their hands were no longer sharp.


It's not that it's not sharp anymore.

But the shield of Longguo LCD panel market has become thicker.

It has become extremely difficult for them to harvest the market as before.

This is a big step forward for Huaxing Optoelectronics to take Longguo's entire LCD panel forward.

The impact is far-reaching.

Gone are the days when they couldn't harvest the Dragon Kingdom market as they pleased, and thus had their mouths full of food.

at the same time.

Huaxing Optoelectronics has revealed its ambitious ambitions, posing a huge threat to them.

The Longguo market has changed because of Huaxing Optoelectronics.

Will this change spread to the global market?

Will do!

This is for sure!

Huaxing Optoelectronics is coming fiercely and its technology is developing rapidly.

Then downstream consumer terminal companies, in order to please consumers, will naturally move closer to Huaxing Optoelectronics.

after all.

Businessmen are all driven by profit, but there is no loyalty at all.

And consumers spend money to pursue enjoyment.

This includes many aspects.

Hardware, software, and even after-sales service.

Whose product is better, consumers will naturally vote with their feet.

Consumer preferences will naturally affect the choice of software and hardware for consumer terminal companies.

They were once the kings of the LCD panel industry.

The screens of Sanxing Display represent the pinnacle of the global LCD panel market. Party A's father will be like a grandson, waving banknotes to get goods from it. Whether to sell or not depends on the closeness of the relationship.

The days of making money just by lying down are likely to be gone forever in the future.

Because they have an opponent in the field of technology and are no longer invincible.

Party A's father, who once looked like a grandson in front of Sanxing Show, now has more choices, and can strengthen his waist and become a real Party A's father.

It's not just Sanxing Group that's so nervous.

The same is true for LCD panel manufacturers such as LG, Sharp, Yoda Optoelectronics, Qimei Electronics, and Philips.

Their market share is already small and they cannot compare with Sanxing.

Now another evil dragon has appeared - Huaxing Optoelectronics, which wants to compete with them for market share. It has even led a number of Longguo LCD panel manufacturers such as Beijing Dongfang and Shentianma to compete with them for market share.

For companies in the consumer terminal sector, the order of their choice will change from Sanxing Optoelectronics, LG, Yoda Optoelectronics, Qimei Electronics, Xiapu, etc. to Huaxing Optoelectronics, Sanxing Optoelectronics, Sanxing, LG... Jingdongfang , Shen Tianma.

There are so many more competitors.

Moreover, because Sanxing was usurped by Huaxing Optoelectronics, its position moved back.


In the past, if you couldn't get Sanxing's products and had to resort to LG and Yoda Optoelectronics, you can now turn to Sanxing for your products.

after all.

Sanxing's market share has shrunk, and while its production capacity remains unchanged, there will be more inventory.

For the sake of money, Party A's father, whom he once looked down on, now has to be welcomed into the house respectfully and coaxed by Sanxing for money.

If Huaxing Optoelectronics seizes Sanxing's high-end market share, then Sanxing can only make up for it by seizing the market share of sub-tier companies such as LG and Yoda Optoelectronics.

This is just like the big fish eating the small fish, and the small fish eating the shrimp.

Will this make companies like LG and Yoda Optoelectronics happy?



Huaxing Optoelectronics' R-IPS screen was released last year, which already made them frown.

Now there is a Super-Moled super-dazzling screen, will this allow them to survive?



Which of them has not been deeply involved in the LCD panel industry for more than ten or twenty years before achieving today's results.

We have never been stingy in our investment in research and development.

but why.

They have a deep foundation and have invested heavily in research and development, but they have failed to achieve major breakthroughs in technology.

On the contrary, Huaxing Optoelectronics, a newcomer established just over two years ago, has made major breakthroughs in technology one after another.

The thought of this.

Not to mention companies like LG and Yoda Optoelectronics, even Sanxing is going to have a heart attack from anger. .

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