Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 800: Internet Cleanup Operation, Publicly Known Big V Leads The Way, Party Members Are Tremb

At this moment.

Jia Qingyang is like a gambler who loses his money. Even if the odds are against him, he will never admit defeat.

after all.

Once you give in.

Doesn’t it mean that you admit that the choice you made was wrong?

He firmly believed that his choice was not wrong!

Lin Fan and others said sadly: "Why? Why does God treat us like this? If I had known today, we would not have gone abroad!"

Lin Fan thought.

If he were still working in the Future Group, he would never be kicked out like he is now.

In this foreign country, they abandoned everything and came to America. What supported them was Gu Ge's promise to them.

But now.

Everything is like a flower in a mirror, shattered.

Dragon Kingdom, Dragon Kingdom cannot go back.

America, America can't stay.

this moment.

Lin Fan felt deep despair.

He couldn't help but think.

During the Spring Festival this year, I took my wife and children back to my hometown to visit my parents, and the family had a great time.

Neighbors also praised him highly and said that his future was limitless.

Even when he participated in the class reunion, he was envied by everyone and was the central figure in the class 06 society.

But look at it now?

He looked around and saw that the future was bleak.


I can't help but feel sad and find it hard to control myself.

It's not just Lin Fan.

Others, such as Yang Shuping, also had a strong desire for Houhai in their hearts.


At first, they did not listen to Jia Qingyang's advice and worked peacefully in the Future Group.

Although the annual salary is not as high as Gu Ge’s.

But with an annual salary of nearly one million, they are also the top group in the Dragon Kingdom.

I only blame myself for being too greedy and listening to Jia Qingyang's slander.

it's good now.

Work, work is gone.

An annual salary of one million dollars and the qualification to immigrate to America are nothing but joy.

This scene of being kicked out.

It’s not just happening at Guge headquarters.

Similar scenes are also playing out at the headquarters of giant companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Salesforce.

Ma came to the Microsoft headquarters excitedly, ready to report to his boss the good news that he had been wronged and that he could continue to work for Microsoft.


He was immediately stopped outside the company gate by Microsoft headquarters security. An employee from the human resources department came out and threw him a termination contract. Even his daily necessities had been packed and thrown to him.

This scene.

Ma immediately stayed in Bengbu.

This huge drama of being swept away was also captured by the paparazzi who have been squatting in Silicon Valley all year round.


Related posts appeared on the Reddit website.

The comments in these posts show no sympathy for people like Jia Qingyang and Ma.

It was all a mockery.

even if.

Ferbole checked here for more than a week, but couldn't find even a hair.

after all.

America is a country with serious discrimination.

Jia Qingyang returned to the villa where he lived.

Gu Ge asked them to move out before six o'clock tonight, and they had no choice but to do so.

Return to the villa.

Jia Qingyang was still thinking about how to explain to Xue Bailu that he was fired by Gu Ge.


When he returned to the villa, there was no warm welcome.


Jia Qingyang found that there was a layer of dust on the tables, chairs and benches in the room.

this means.

These days, Xue Bailu doesn't live here at all.

Jia Qingyang was a little panicked.

He quickly came to the bedroom and opened the closet.

I found that Xue Bailu's clothes were missing except for his own clothes.


Jia Qingyang quickly took out his cell phone and called Xue Bailu.

But the call was always on.

Jia Qingyang sat on the ground dejectedly.

He knew that his phone number had been blocked by Xue Bailu.

His goddess abandoned him!

this moment.

Jia Qingyang felt a chill that he couldn't drive away.


His heart was shaken.

Is the choice you made really the right one?

The news that Jia Qingyang, Ma and others were kicked out naturally spread to the country.

It also caused a lot of discussion among domestic netizens.

Fo Bole was unable to find any evidence, which means that people like Jia Qingyang and Ma are really not commercial spies. They are indeed traitors and traitors.

Domestic netizens have no doubts about Fobole's working ability.


The attitude of domestic netizens has changed again.

No longer saying that they endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden, they started to curse again.

Many people even applauded the fate of Jia Qingyang and Ma.

"Haha, people like Jia Qingyang and Ma must have never thought that the life they longed for as a master in America would turn out like this."

"I can only say that they deserve it. This is the fate that traitors and traitors deserve, bah!"

"To be honest, I feel sad for them! They obviously have a great future in China, with an annual salary of millions, but they are still not satisfied, abandoning everything in China, deviating from the professional ethics and laws and regulations that should be followed, and the result is 110 I can only say that I deserve this fate!"

"To put it bluntly, the culprits of everything are the well-known Vs on the Internet who are beautiful and beautiful. If it weren't for them, people like Jia Qingyang and Ma, I'm afraid they wouldn't have much expectations for America."

"That's right! These public figures who advocate the West are the pests that the enemy has invaded into our country. We should do a general cleaning to clean up these pests, so as not to harm the future flowers of the motherland!"


The topic of discussion online began to focus on cleaning up harmful pests.

Many netizens even flocked to the government website, asking the government departments to conduct a general clean-up, and to remove those well-known big Vs from leading the party and conduct a thorough purge!

Don't say it.

Because there were so many people petitioning, the government naturally had to respond.

A few days later.

The government issued a document requiring all major software registrations to use real-name identification and to display IP addresses.

Regarding the vast number of netizens’ suggestions to clean up harmful pests, the government also attaches great importance to it and stated that it has begun to set up relevant working groups to prepare for a large-scale network cleanup operation.

As soon as this news came out.

The public celebrities who were hiding in the dark and receiving salaries from overseas NGO organizations immediately became trembling with fear.

Domestic netizens warmly welcomed this. .

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