this moment.

Everyone present was convinced.

Take it heartily.

Lu Yi, a "layman", directly solved the problem that they could not solve.

The key is.

The 22nm transistor directly carried out a major change in the architecture.

This is much more difficult than following the old path to find a way out.

"I dare to pat my chest and say that once our solution is revealed, it will definitely cause an earthquake in the entire industry!"

"Lao Wu, it doesn't matter what you say, I can think of it with my toes!"

"Hey, in the past, in the field of chips and semiconductors, our country was choked by Europe and the United States, who were crazy about cutting our leeks. Now the situation has changed, and it is coming to my home this year!"

"Speaking of which, this is all the credit of Director Lu. From the 45nm process, it became a blockbuster and caught up with the advanced level of the West. Later, 32nm, 28nm, and even the next generation of 22nm, Director Lu took the greatest credit!"

"Yes! The ideas and solutions proposed by Director Lu this time are absolutely epoch-making."

"It's so pitiful that our country, Dragon Country, finally has some confidence in the field of chip semiconductor 897 body, so we can feel proud."

"Yes! If there is another major breakthrough in the lithography machine, hey, then our country will not be afraid of the Western blockade at all!"

"Director Lu, you are a well-deserved hero of our country's chip and semiconductor industry!"

"It's very, very great, a great hero, an absolute great hero!"

Although the experts and scholars present sneered at such things as flattery.

But at this moment.

Each and every one of them really turned into a flattering king and flattered Lu Yi wildly.

And the most important thing is that every one of them is sincere and there is no falsehood at all.

Listening to everyone's compliments and flattery, Lu Yi's heart didn't waver at all.

He is just using doctrine, but no one knows it.

Although it is shameful to use ism.

But it is correct if it can benefit the country, make significant progress in the chip and semiconductor industry, and break the Western technological blockade. (agaf)

"Actually, the physical model of this tri-gate and ring-mounted transistor can be traced back to around 2000."

"Professor Hu Zhengming from Berkeley first proposed it, but so far, no one has implemented it, but this solution is indeed feasible."

Lu Yi said with a slight smile.

Yu Chengdong said excitedly: "No matter what else, the patent arrangements must be clearly arranged first, so that the West may not be able to take the lead."

"When we apply for the patent and announce it to the outside world, we will surely surprise the West!"

"At the same time, it can also boost the sentiment of the domestic chip semiconductor industry, which will definitely drive more companies to enter the chip semiconductor industry.

"not only that."

"We have made major technological breakthroughs here, and the country will definitely give us more support and invest more money in the construction of the chip semiconductor industry.

Yu Chengdong’s words gained great

Everyone present felt very sad about the domestic chip and semiconductor industry.

In particular, the outbreak of the "Hanxin Incident" has severely dampened the enthusiasm for independent research and development of chip semiconductors in China. Even many people from above have backed down [advocating the argument that it is better to buy than to make].

So much so.

In the few years after the outbreak of the "Hanxin Incident", the country's investment in chip semiconductors has been greatly reduced.

The biggest reason is the fear of a repeat of the ‘Hanxin Incident’.

The country cannot afford the successive Hanxin incidents. This is not only a waste of taxpayers’ money, but also a severe blow to the enthusiasm for independent research and development of chip semiconductors.

Once everyone's enthusiasm is dampened, they will die.

You can’t leave all such important things to Western technology companies, right?

In that case, who knows how many backdoors there are?

"Mr. Yu is right!"

"If we can really do it, it will definitely boost everyone's confidence in the localization of chip semiconductors."

"I get angry when I talk about this. If that bastard Chen Jin hadn't caused the 'Hanxin Incident', our country's chip semiconductor industry wouldn't have been so difficult in recent years. We were already lagging behind others, but after Chen Jin did this, More people fell into the temple."

"That's right! That bastard Chen Jin is simply a sinner of the nation and a worm of the country!"

"For selfish interests, regardless of national interests, such people will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

"Fortunately, there are still people like Director Lu in our country. This is the luck of our Dragon Kingdom, the White Jade Pillar that holds the sky."

"It's the best, it's the best."

The experts and scholars attending the meeting gritted their teeth and cursed at Chen Jin.

Then they praised Lu Yi one after another.

"Just do it!"

"You are all top experts and professors in this field, so we will verify according to the previous ideas.

"This may be one of the few solutions that Pangu Semiconductor can come up with to challenge the world's top semiconductor manufacturers."

"Whether Pangu Semiconductor can become the world's semiconductor manufacturer still requires the efforts of experts."

Yu Chengdong looked around and said sincerely.

Although he also has a technical background, in terms of professional skills, he is far different from these top experts.

Just like Lu Yi.

He can come up with solutions, but if he is asked to conduct physical experiments to verify them, he will be numb.


You have to rely on the technical experts who are present.

"Of course!"

"For the sake of Longguo's chip semiconductor business, I will risk my old life."

"Director Lu, Mr. Yu, don't worry, leave the rest to us."

"Not bad! We didn't expect a solution before. Now that we have a solution, leave the verification and optimization work to us, and we will not let you down."

All the experts and scholars patted their chests in assurance. .

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