Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 816 Because There Is A Strong Motherland Behind It!

"Let's talk about the second field, genetic engineering...


Lu Yi elaborated on the next four major areas one by one.

Genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, quantum technology, and controllable nuclear fusion.

From the shallower to the deeper, it is easy to understand.

"The last direction is controllable nuclear fusion. In my opinion, this is the most important of the five major directions of the fourth industrial revolution!"

"Looking at the history of human development, it is actually a history of the use of energy."

"N thousand years ago, humans invented fire. They could eat cooked food and drink boiled water, saying goodbye to the history of eating hair and drinking blood. Diseases have been reduced, life expectancy has been increased, the level of civilization has been greatly improved, and social development has accelerated."

"A thousand years ago, humans made wooden machines powered by water, wind, manpower, and animal power."

"The Watt steam engine in 1776, the reciprocating piston internal combustion engine fueled by gas in 1876, the gasoline engine in 1883, the diesel engine in 1897, and the electrical age after the 1860s, until now."

"Human beings have successively used thermal power, hydropower, wind power, nuclear power, and solar photovoltaic power generation. All of these have problems of one kind or another."

"Thermal power pollutes a lot; the construction of hydropower stations has ecological and environmental problems; wind power generation sometimes has wind and sometimes there is no wind; nuclear power is not a clean energy source; there is pollution in the manufacturing process of solar panels and after they are scrapped."

“The third industrial revolution is mainly marked by the invention and application of nuclear energy, computers, space technology and bioengineering.”

“An information control technology revolution involving many fields such as information technology, new energy technology, new material technology, biotechnology, space technology and ocean technology.

"Controllable nuclear fusion, also known as artificial sun, is a clean energy source with abundant raw material reserves. It will definitely be the main energy source in the next era~"

In the age of steam, the people of the Eagle Nation swept across the world and established an empire on which the sun never sets. "

"During the third industrial revolution, America became the new world overlord."

"To put it bluntly, controllable nuclear fusion may trigger the fourth industrial revolution."

"Whoever takes the lead in breaking through controllable nuclear fusion will become the master of the next era."

"I very much hope that our country will put controllable nuclear fusion into commercial use as soon as possible and create the fourth industrial revolution. In that case, no one can shake the status of Dragon Kingdom."

Regarding the controllable nuclear fusion that is “always 50 years away”, Lu Yi gave a very detailed explanation.

Because this is the most important area.

Once humans make a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion, it will fundamentally overturn the current structure of the human world.

To describe it in one sentence: Whoever can master controllable nuclear fusion will become the new world boss!

Even if the Dragon Kingdom does not have the ambition to dominate the world, it still must master this technology.

Once it is choked by other countries, it will really be at the mercy of others.

And just right.

The Dragon Kingdom is at the forefront of the world in terms of controllable nuclear fusion.

It is also the country most promising to achieve technological breakthroughs!

Time passes minute by minute.

Unknowingly, an hour and a half had passed in the conversation between Lu Yi and Liu Hongxin.

In this conversation, it can be said that Lu Yi confessed to the country without hesitation.

Things that should not be said blatantly to the outside world were said at this moment.

after all.

This is a private communication.

Moreover, the identity of the person communicating is not ordinary.


At this time, the pattern must also be opened.

If the situation still remains at the level of corporate interests, then the business will basically come to an end at its current level.

When the country becomes stronger, the backing of enterprises will be stronger and the backbone will be stronger.

for example!

If the Dragon Kingdom is the most powerful country in the world, America still dares to show off her power in front of the Dragon Kingdom?

Do you still dare to let your subordinates detain the flower factory princess?

Even though Lu Yi's business is booming now, with tentacles all over the world, he has a strong voice in the Internet technology industry.

If there was no national support behind this, America would have easily found an excuse to attack Lu Yi given her urinary behavior.

The reason why I haven’t taken action yet.

It’s not because behind Future Group or Lu Yi, there is a strong motherland!

You have to find a reason that is tenable enough.

The Dragon Kingdom did fall before, but thanks to the bloody battles and hard work of its ancestors, it has now stood up again!

Even if America is the well-deserved world overlord, she still has to consider the attitude of the Dragon Kingdom.

If we were a small African country, if a company like Future Group appeared.

I am afraid that America has long since eaten her to the point where no bones or dregs are left.

As for the reason?

My fist is big and hard, does that count as a reason?!

"Among these five directions, America's skills are relatively the best, so there is no problem for America to be ranked in the first echelon.

"What makes us Longguo people proud and happy is that we are not weak in any of the five areas. We are definitely ranked in the 1.5 echelon."

"Europe and the island countries are a little worse than us. They are ranked in the second echelon."

"Like Yiselai, Hanguo, Tianzhu, and Maozi, their individual skills are good, but their physical fitness is poor, so they can be ranked in the third echelon."

"Other countries are in the fourth tier."

"But in my opinion, in the near future, our chances of winning will be greater than America's, that's for sure.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it is very likely that investment in these five major areas will not return, that is, the first three are promising, and there will be no mature technology in the next ten or twenty years."

"Without mature technology, it is impossible to have products and market returns."

"What does this mean?"

"In the future, competition in these five major areas that will determine the destiny of mankind will still result in a net investment with no return."

"If we invest huge amounts of money in the five major areas without asking for returns, in terms of comprehensive national strength, only our country and America can do it."

Lu Yi said decisively. .

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