Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 833 The White Drifter Monster Is Looking For The Cracked Version Everywhere

"What the hell?!"

“It actually costs 60 yuan a month!”

"Why don't you go and grab it!!"

After Zhang Sen downloaded and installed the FF online translation software, he immediately discovered that the cost of activating the software was ridiculously expensive.

Monthly fee of 60 yuan.

The equivalent of 2 yuan a day.

Isn't this stealing money?

"Future Group is crazy about money!"

Zhang Sen was a little unbelievable.

Because in his understanding, basically most translation software is free.

Although Future Group's FF online translation function is very powerful, it beats all current translation software.

But the activation price is really difficult for consumers like him who don't have too much money to accept.

"Is this wool coming from a sheep?"

He knew that Future Group spent 2 billion meters of gold, equivalent to tens of billions of yuan, in the process of developing FF.

This development cost is definitely a huge sum of money.

It's no wonder that FF is so powerful.


If your development costs are high, then they will be passed directly on to the users. This is a bit too direct.

Even if you directly activate one-year usage rights, the annual fee is as high as 600.

Although it is 120 yuan less than the monthly subscription.

But the annual fee of 600 yuan is one week’s salary for most workers today.

Zhang Sen didn't worry too much about whether to buy or not.


For Zhang Sen, who is used to using free software and pirated software, the next step is to open Jisou search, enter keywords, and see if he can find pirated software.

This is his experience.

In the past, when he encountered a paid software that he liked, he would be like this immediately.


Indeed, I found a lot of related pirated software on the Internet.

Saved him a lot of money.

In fact.

Zhang Sen is not the only one doing this.

Almost at the same time, thousands of users across the country opened search engines, looking for or asking whether the cracked version was available online or in major forums.

They are used to having nothing, and there is no way to get them to spend money.

There are pirated versions available for free, why should I spend that wasted money?

This is the mentality of Zhang Sen and others at the moment.


This time Zhang Sen was disappointed.

It's different from before.

Although it has been more than a week since the FF online translation software was launched.

But so far, there has not been any piracy.

One reason is that the product just came out.

On the other hand, Future Group has taken measures to prevent theft and cracking.

The masters of various domestic cracking groups, including the big guys from Maozi, have no choice but to say that there is no cracked version of FF online translation software because it is too difficult to crack.

Of course.

The word "cannot be cracked" here does not mean that the software itself cannot be cracked.

Software can be hacked.

But here’s the kicker.

FF online translation relies on the future smart cloud. Even if the software is cracked, it cannot access the cloud, which is no different from a brick.

after all.

It is impossible for these private cracking groups to build a huge cloud platform by themselves and fill it with various contents.

To know.

The development cost of FF online translation software is as high as 2 billion yuan, of which more than 70% is spent on language collection.

The cracked version cannot access the cloud of Future Group, so the translated content will be incomprehensible or even garbled.

Unless the cracking team breaks through the security system of the Future Group.

But this is obviously impossible for the cracking team to do.


The security system of Future Group is known as the most powerful security system in the world.

In the past few years, it has been verified when Goose Factory teamed up with overseas hacker organizations to attack the Future Group.

As a result, the foreign hacker organization not only failed to break through the security system of the Future Group, but was instead tracked and sent to prison by the Future Group to use a sewing machine.


Future Group is suffering from network security attacks from all over the world every minute and every second.

Nothing else.

There is a positive element in it.

There are also some serious hackers who want to break through the security system of Future Group to prove their strength.

But the results are obvious.

Future Group’s network security is as stable as Mount Tai.

Zhang Sen searched online for several hours but could not find pirated copies.

The opposite of.

On major forums, he saw many like-minded people asking for a cracked version of the FF online translation software.

He's not the only one.

It's hundreds, thousands, thousands.

There are even many criminals who take advantage of these people's psychology and upload virus-laden software or links, claiming that they are cracked versions of FF Online Translator.

As a result, some people believed it.

After downloading and installing, the computer is directly infected.

Seeing the bloody and tearful accusations of these unlucky people, Zhang Sen couldn't help but feel excited. (Zhao Qian’s)

Because in the process of looking for a cracked version, he also saw several posts saying that there was a cracked version, and also posted links.

Fortunately, he had suffered such a loss before, so he did not click on it to download.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be fished and become one of the unlucky ones.

After looking around, Zhang Sen couldn't find the cracked version. He looked at the computer in front of him and fell into deep thought.

To pay or not to pay?

It’s really hard to choose.

60 yuan a month is pure!

I struggled for a long time.

Zhang Sen is still worried about money and doesn't have the courage to click to activate.

Too expensive!

For users who are accustomed to piracy and free use, let alone 60 yuan a month, even 10 yuan a month is unacceptable. .

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