No one present expressed any objection to Lu Yi's acquisition of the Fantasy Literature Society.

They have a blind trust in Lu Yi.

Because Lu Yi has never overturned and has been on the road to success.

Whether it’s the school network, Tieba, Fmail, or a parking space game.

Every product, no matter how big or small, can detonate the market and gain recognition and love from users.

Since Lu Yi is optimistic about the development of online literature.

So obviously, online literature has great potential for development.

And according to what Lu Yi just said, they have indeed discovered that the world of online literature is still very broad.

This way.

They admired Lu Yi even more.

If Lu Yi hadn't brought it up, the "297" people wouldn't have noticed this piece at all, thus missing a big piece of cake.

Liu Hong continued to report on the situation of Fmail mailboxes.

"Since the Foxmail mailbox was renamed to the campus mailbox Fmail, and the expansion and optimization were carried out, and the anti-spam function was launched. With the fermentation of word-of-mouth and the support of the school intranet traffic, the number of users today has exceeded 50 million, and the upward trend is still there. Very fast.”

The Fmail mailbox got off to a good start, as Lu Yi expected.

after all.

Just an anti-spam function can defeat all email boxes on the market.

But Lu Yi also got some gossip.

With the emergence of Fmail mailbox, it directly caused a panic in global email mailboxes, and everyone is working hard to develop anti-spam functions.

Before these email boxes had developed anti-spam functions, it was the time when Fmail email boxes were aggressively conquering the city and reaping the dividends brought by the first-mover advantage.

Lu Yi said: "While other email mailboxes have not yet launched anti-spam functions, our Fmail mailbox must seize the time to recruit users and strive to have more than 100 million users before our competitors develop anti-spam functions. You know, compared to For other software, email users can be said to be the most loyal users."

Liu Hong wrote it down in his notebook, nodded and said, "Put it away.

Lu Yi nodded, looked at Yu Jun, and asked: "Lao Yu, you are the chief technology officer of the company. Now tell me about several projects you have on hand."


Yu Jun nodded, and then said: "Currently, our Jisou search engine project has entered the internal testing stage, and has been tested for five days. The results are very good, and there are no bugs.

Regardless of search speed or accuracy, I can tell you with all my heart that our Jisou search engine is definitely number one, even better than the old search engine Guge Search!"

Then Yu Jun looked at Lu Yi and asked: "Director Lu, when do you think it would be better for our Jisou to go online?"

Lu Yi said: "It should be sooner rather than later. Since there is no problem with Jisou search engine, let's go online on the 5th.


Yu Jun nodded and continued: "Three small projects developed based on search engines [Jisou Know], [Jisou Library], and [Jisou Encyclopedia], [Jisou Know] has been developed and passed the test .

However, [Jisou Library] and [Jisou Encyclopedia] require a large amount of literature to be enriched, and it will take some time to complete.

Especially for [Jisou Encyclopedia], the company needs to communicate with 'Wikipedia' to see if they can sell us a copy of their database. "

Lu Yi said: "The company will handle the documentation issues. Your technical department only needs to solve the technical problems. Liu Hong, I'll leave the communication with Wikipedia to you."

Liu Hongdao: "No problem."

Yu Jun added: "As for the progress of the WeChat project, Manager Zhang is in charge."

Zhang Xiaolong said: "The progress of the WeChat project is relatively smooth, and it is expected that version 1.0 of WeChat will be launched next year.

Lu Yi reminded: "Lao Zhang, in addition to the computer version of WeChat, you also need to make a mobile version. Although the world's mobile phones are still in the era of feature phones, smartphones have already shown their advantages.

For example, the Symbian system launched by Symbian Company in 1996. In 2000, Ericsson launched the world's first smartphone using the Symbian system, as did mobile communication giants such as Nokia, Motorola, and Sony. Symbian system camp 0

It can be predicted that in the future, smart phones will gradually replace feature phones and become the mainstream, thus entering the mobile Internet era.

Your development team, while developing the computer version of WeChat, don't forget to develop the mobile version of WeChat based on the Symbian system. "

Zhang Xiaolong nodded: "Okay."

"By the way, how is the input method going?" Lu Nan asked.

Zhang Xiaolong said: "Yu Hanchao is in charge of this matter, and I am also paying attention. He is making good progress and it is expected to be completed before the end of the year.

After listening, Lu Yi nodded.


The heads of other departments also reported on some situations in their respective departments.

Before I knew it, three hours had passed.

"Okay, let's just stop here."

After the meeting, Liu Hong and others left one after another, all of them full of energy.

Working in a start-up company that is full of potential for the future, it is difficult to feel unmotivated.

Lan Lan stayed and gave Lu Yi a list of last month's financial expenditures for review.

After Lu Yi read it, there was no problem. He signed his name and said, "No problem. Let's send it to major investment institutions for audit."

And at the same time 4.8.

Here at the goose factory.

"Mr. Ma!"

"Director Ma!"

"pony you're here."

Brother Xiao Ma came to the technical department.

Because today is the day when QQ space and QQ group will be online.

Since the cancellation of the campus network project, Goose Factory has been very low-key in the past two months, and its limelight has been stolen by two companies, Wangyi and Sohu.


Goose Factory, which has been dormant for a month or two, will once again sound the clarion call to attack, telling everyone that Wei Cai is the boss in the social field!

The arrival of Xiao Ma also made the people in the technical department very excited.

They have been working hard for two months, and today they will show their swords to everyone.

Tell everyone, Goose Factory is back!

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