Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 845 Thousands Of People Sing Together, The Charm Of Luo Tianyi

18:00 sharp.

Ticket checking begins at the stadium.

The fans at the scene were very excited, lined up, took tickets, and entered the venue in an orderly manner.

This stadium was newly built in Sioux City and is very spacious inside.

The entire stadium can accommodate 20,000 people.

Those Europeans and Americans who have been brainwashed by the Roadside News, BBC and other media, coming to Sioux City these days can be said to have refreshed their understanding of Dragon Kingdom and Sioux City.

I thought Sioux City would be a dirty and messy city.

Can bear fruit.

It was completely beyond their expectations.

Sioux City is not at all like what Roadside News and BBC reported.

This is completely a very prosperous modern metropolis -.

Compared to those cities in their country, it looks more like a city.

To this.

These Europeans and Americans who have been deceived by unscrupulous media such as Roadside News and the BBC are very angry in their hearts.

Because mainstream Western media such as Roadside News and the BBC violated their own professional ethics.

Instead of reporting on Long Guo and Su City from a neutral standpoint, they just smeared them and brainwashed them.

It makes them feel like they've been cheated.


can be seen.

On the VideoSpace website, many bloggers have appeared in recent days, posting what they saw and heard in Sioux City.

in the video.

These people criticized the media organizations such as Roadside News and the BBC for being unscrupulous and smearing for the sake of smearing. They completely lacked the professional ethics that media organizations should abide by.

In the video, they showed foreign netizens the urban appearance of Sioux City and the friendliness of the people of Sioux City.

We call on our compatriots not to believe the smear reports about Long Guo by the Roadside News, BBC and other media organizations.

You should go out of the country and come to Sioux City to take a look and appreciate the charm of this ancient and mysterious oriental country.

These related videos, under the instruction of Lu Yi, were directly recommended by the VideoSpace website.

Dragon Kingdom is already very weak in the field of international fishing vessels.

Since Lu Yi has some say, he naturally doesn't mind using his power for personal gain.

Say it again.

This is not private.

To rectify the name of one's own country is a matter of great justice, and it is what every Dragon Nation person should do.


With the help of VideoSpace.

These videos were seen by thousands of Western netizens, triggering a heated discussion.

They never expected it.

Longguo, which was smeared by Roadside News and the BBC, turned out to be like this.

It's completely different from what they imagined.

An international airport with perfect functions where people’s shadows can be seen on the floor.

The wide streets were busy with traffic.

There are rows of high-rise buildings on both sides of the road...

These images are all impacting these Western netizens who have been brainwashed by Western media organizations.

"I'm sorry! Is this really the city of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Roadside news agencies and the BBC often report that the sky in Dragon Country is gray because the pollution in Dragon Country is too serious, but why is the sky in this video so blue and the clouds so white? And what about the towering chimneys? ?Why didn’t you see it?"

"Incredible! Roadside News and BBC's reports on Longguo City are very one-sided. We have all been deceived. Damn it! Compared to Sioux City, our city is more like a dirty and messy countryside."

"Omg! Is this really a subway? Why is the subway in Sioux City so clean and tidy? Moreover, it is so punctual, unlike the subway in our country, which has a messy environment

It’s really shameful that we’re often late!”

"We were all deceived by Roadside News and the BBC, these damn media organizations!"

"Once a media organization is tainted with politics, its meaning changes."

0……Please give me flowers…………

"After watching these videos, I fell in love with the city of Sioux City. I want to go here, so I have to work hard to make money."

"This is what a modern city should look like."

"Hey, look at this video. People from the Dragon Kingdom really know Kung Fu! Look, they are 60 or 70 years old, but they can still spin circles on the horizontal bar and do such difficult movements. "It's incredible."

Comments like this abound under these videos.

Said without politeness.

Within these few days.

Because of these videos, many Westerners who originally viewed Dragon Kingdom through colored glasses have changed their attitudes.


at the same time.

Sioux City is also in the limelight in the Western world these days.

7pm sharp.

Luo Tianyi's anniversary concert officially begins.

The opening song is "sunshine-girl", one of Luo Tianyi's masterpieces.

When the tune sounded, Luo Tianyi's figure appeared in the center of the stage.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly reached a climax.

Countless fans chanted Luo Tianyi's name.

Even during this process, there was a scene of tens of thousands of people singing in unison.

This scene.

The media reporters at the scene were also stunned.

Even many reporters who were originally sent by their superiors to interview and record today's concert were still a little dissatisfied.

Because they have some disdain for so-called virtual idols.

This is exactly what children chase, how can it be so popular?

Report for children to read?!!

But the atmosphere at the scene made them stunned.

This atmosphere is no worse than those held by superstars in concert.

can only say.

The power of the otaku is really terrifying. .

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