
Luo Tianyi fans abroad couldn't help it.

One after another, they climbed over the wall and went to Firefly Company’s official website to leave messages and petitions.

It is required that Luo Tianyi's third concert must be held in a Western country.

if not.

They are going to be angry!

It really pissed them off, and they were about to overturn the table.

The person in charge of operating the Firefly Company's official website looked confused at the sudden influx of large numbers of overseas IP addresses.

what's the situation?

Is this a hacker group attacking their website?


The operations staff hurriedly went to find their superiors.

"Boss, no, something big has happened!"

"Just now, a large number of overseas IP addresses suddenly poured into our official website. I suspect that a hacker organization launched an attack on us."

The operations staff burst into laughter.

His superiors were also shocked when they heard this.

No way.

No way.

Is there really a blind hacker organization coming to mess with them?

Don’t you know that Firefly Company is a subsidiary of Future Group?

Who was the last overseas organization to attack Future Group?

Can not remember.

But he remembered that the hacker organization seemed to have been sent directly to prison through the air to use a sewing machine.

Are overseas hacker groups so brave now?


The little head of the public relations department came to the backstage.

Looking at the message board, there is a stream of English letters.

His face read again.

What the heck...

There really aren't any blind hackers out there to mess with them, right?


After he saw clearly what these English words meant.

He turned to look at the operations staff beside him and asked: "Xiao Zhang, I remember that when you came to the company to apply for a job, you brought a CET-4 or CET-6 certificate, right?"

The operator named Xiao Zhang immediately said proudly: "Of course. Boss, my scores for level 4 and level 6 are both 425. Of course, it looks like I just passed by, but in fact it's because I controlled my points. ."

The superior yelled with black lines on his head: "Control points? Did you buy your CET-4 or CET-6 certificate?"

"Boss, you can doubt my character, but you can't doubt my level 4 or 6 scores!" Xiao Zhang shouted dissatisfied.

"Do I need to doubt it?"

The superior's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he pointed at the computer screen and said: "Take a closer look, what do these messages mean? At your level, you still have the nerve to say that you have passed level 4 or 6, what the hell... .”

Hear the words.

Arrogant head moved closer to the screen and read these messages carefully.


His expression was quite wonderful.

"Ah, this...that..."

Xiao Zhang stammered and was speechless.

The superior looked at Xiao Zhang with a dark face and said: "Be careful next time and don't make a fuss if nothing happens.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Xiao Zhang nodded quickly.

I really made a big mistake today.

At first glance, I thought it was foreign hackers attacking them.

After a closer look, it turned out that it was all Luo Tianyi's fans who came to petition.

“Okay, pay more attention to the movements of fishing boats online, and report to me anytime if you have any problems.

After the superior finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

Xiao Zhang quickly asked: "Boss, what should I do with these messages?"

The superior said: "How to deal with it? How do you want to deal with it? You don't have to worry about it. I will report this matter to the company's superiors.

After leaving the operations department, the superior went directly to his superior's office and reported the matter.


The news reached Li Han's ears.

Li Han was also stunned when he heard the situation reported by the people below.

Overseas fans went over the wall to petition the official website?

What the hell!


This matter cannot be ignored.

Must respond promptly.


Maybe this group of people will actually find hacker organizations to attack their official websites.

It didn't take long.

Li Han convened a meeting with senior executives of the company to discuss the location and time of the third concert.

the other side.

Lu Yi and Lin Qingya are doing exercises at home.

After finishing, while taking a rest, the phone rang.

It was the top brass from Su City who called.

On the phone, the top leader in Suzhou City told Lu Yi that Mr. Fu would come to Suzhou City for research on May 15th, and would also go to Future Group and Blue Star Electronics to conduct research, so that Lu Yi could prepare well in advance.

Lu Yi was stunned when he heard the news.

Mr. Fu actually named him to go to Future Group and Blue Star Electronics for investigation and inspection. This...

Lin Qingya saw that Lu Yi looked strange after hanging up the phone and asked: "What's wrong? Who called? It couldn't be the little lover you raised outside. You two caused someone's death, right?

Lu Yi's face suddenly darkened when he heard this, he glared at Lin Qingya and said, "What are you doing? It was Su Cheng's leader who came here.

"Oh?" Lin Qingya raised her eyebrows, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Lu Yi said: "Just now, the top leader in Su City told me that Mr. Fu will come back to Su City for inspection on the 15th, and he named Future Group and Blue Star Electronics for investigation.

After hearing this, Lin Qingya smiled and said: "That's a good thing. Mr. Fu named you to go to your company. Doesn't this mean that you, Lu Yi, have already entered the sight of the top leaders?"

"But I want to keep a low profile!" Lu Yi said helplessly.

Lin Qingya said: "When you are in your position, it is impossible to keep a low profile."


Lu Yi nodded and didn't think much about it.

Mr. Fu wants to come to the company for research. This is indeed a big deal, but there is no need to overreact or do anything.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

"While it's still early, come on and have another horse riding game!"

Lu Yi looked at Lin Qingya, licked his lips, and said with a smirk.

"Come as soon as you come, tigers are afraid of tigers!"

Lin Qingya said without showing any signs of weakness. .

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